
Sunday, March 31, 2019

Harmful Effects Of The Concentration Of Media Ownership Media Essay

Harmful Effects Of The Concentration Of Media Ownership Media Essay on that spotlight has been a tendency in the media world that companies merger into larger media giant stars in order to reach a better, more secure financial stead and to constitute stronger firms. Hunt and Ruben highlighted another aspect to media company mergers. They say, the world had father one large marketplace and, as the investment jargon suggests, a few players dominate the distribution and the production of services and the goods in the world.(140) This is in handle manner avowedly to the media business.As the push-down stack media offers huge and fruitful monetary opportunities, few of the most influential businessmen and investors dove into the media industry, forming huge media branches with change state self-possession, like the Australian Rupert Murdoch, who became the strongest and richest media mogul of our time. By crackling such large percentages of the vision media, Murdoch has gre at originator in his hands, which might mean certain(prenominal) dangers towards the public. In our modern society, the media enjoys enormous importance, since the overwhelming majority of the plenty familiarize themselves with legitimate af clean-livings, the happenings of their surroundings and the happenings around the world through the mass media. I powerfully believe, that such concentration of media ownership, overall, is harmful to the public.According to Dominick, the media system currently work in the fall in States of the States and many European countries, (by now, most likely in most European countries), is a model with decentralized control and private ownership.(62) This model of course whitethorn seem better than a system of media supervised and controlled by a central power, probably by a government, as common, westward looking, sense dictates. This system gives the opportunity of exercising freedom of speech, and the accessibility to all materials and schoo ling, excluding of course cultivation concerning homeland security. This seems fair and nice, but in reality, I believe, the system works a round differently.Since the moguls of media industry are virtually the owners of the mass media, they enjoy complete laterality over their property, and authority over what their companies publish or broadcast. This is a power that post very easily be abused. Since for the owners of giant media branches, the mass media is ripe another field of financial opportunities, they usually customize their material in order to attract the largest audience, giving the opportunity of advertising on a huge scale. The money oriented nature of this kind of media ownership puts the prize of information published to the people under dispute. As Wilson pointed it out, a token workout of this phenomenon is Rupert Murdoch and his actions in the United States, where he purchased a number of papers, including the novel York Post, and managed to turn them i nto papers publishing sensationalist articles in order to boost the selling. Wilson goes on saying that this demonstrates that Murdoch was not particularly interested in providing character reference information and journalism to the public, but was more into making profit.(410) Consequently, the quality of the information declined in these papers, not informing the public properly.Apart from the ethical oppugn of the example above, it also raises looses concerning the response of the public to the sensationalist information. It is also feasible that these articles may contain information that green goddessnot be proven, or worse, not true at all. This may result in the misdirection of public opinion, and can lead to serious consequences.Another important issue concerning the concentrated ownership of media chains is the question of objectivity on the side of the journalists. Since the resident Gods of the media chains have expectations of profit and ,in some cases, forming th e overall opinion of the medium in crucial topics like politics or economy, there may be a multi-layered system of pressure in the hierarchy of the owners and workers of these firms, all concentrated on the journalist. The simple worker crumbles between the principles of objective journalism and the thoughts of the editor in chief not letting their work to be published, or worse, losing their job. In the giant media chains owned by powerful media moguls, journalistic objectivity may be under pressure, so in this way the quality of information presented to the public may be prepossessed, or faulty.Conflict of interest can also be a major factor in the mass media, and within the media giants with centralised ownership, the phenomenon may exist on a appreciable scale. Wilson brought up an example for this issue as well. He writes slightly a case in 1987 when a congressman from Kansas called for an order by the sex act to require General Electric, the second largest producer of def ense weaponry of the United States, to sell its company owned video cyberspace, NBC. The congressman disputed how the goggle box network could give an objective report about the Strategic defense team Initiative without having conflict of interest.(405) This example of Wilson highlights a very important issue concerning media chains, journalistic objectivity and the quality and amount of information presented to the public. It is most probable, that a news agency such as a chain of newspaper or a television network cannot report objectively about the affairs of those businesses, in which they own corporate holdings, because such a function would include heavy biasing, filtering information, and of course withholding information.The very last point is the issue of the possibility of political bias of media giants. Reliable Sources, a architectural plan on CNN gave a short coverage on Rupert Murdoch and his appearance in an interview with Marwin Kalb, at George Washington Univ ersity, in which Murdoch openly criticised his rival television networks, MSNBC and CNN. Murdoch said his rivals tend to be Democrats while his own network, Fox word are not Republicans. Later on at the question and reply round of the interview, Murdoch said they have people at Fox intelligence service who are affiliated with the Democratic party, but when he was asked to name people, he struggled to name even one worker. Consequently the information output of Murdochs network may be politically biased. When it comes to the effects of this sort of bias on the public, I believe it may be the most harmful. Political bias may result in dividing the public, may induce reactions from people who tone of voice exposed or vulnerable, and may as well make people paranoid. I believe, that in some cases, this can be the aim of such enterprises motored by corporate power and driven by profit. For example in election time, the media support or attack of a certain political party has enormous force, and helps to bias and persuade the electorate.In concluison, I strongly believe that the concentration of media ownership is harmful to the public, concerning the following points made. Firstly, the profit-oriented nature of media chains with concentrated ownership can affect the quality and quantity of information published to the people. Secondly, conflict of interest may be a major factor in information publishing by such media powers. Lastly, biasing, and namely politically biased information dissemination has large thousand in these chains.(1162 words)SourcesBrendt, D. Ruben. and Hunt, T. flowerpot Communication Producers and Consumers.Harper Collins College Publishers, 1993. Print.Dominick, J. R. The Dynamics of Mass Communication. McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1990. Print.Wilson, S. L. Mass Media / Mass Culture An Introduction McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1993. Print.Reliable Sources Highlights Murdochs softness to Name a Democrat Employed by Fox News. Media Matters for Am erica 11. April 2010. Web. 13. April 2010.

Arguments For and Against Open Borders

Arguments For and Against Open BordersTo what goal do expresss beget the office to switch off foreigners from settling within their peals?This question is concerned with the relationship amidst states and their members. In debates on in-migration, there be usually two positions. one and only(a) app bent horizon is the cash in ones chipsment of masses between states should be completely dispatch therefrom borders should be open. The former(a) view is that states ready a unspoilt to drop foreigners from settling within their borders. On the face of it, the castigate to squirt looks deterrent examplely contestable as it involves substantial state force. For instance, criminalising separates for unauthorised border crossings and it involves forcibly preventing batch from getting things that they might desperately need comparable a better intent for them and their family. As these factors are usually considered to be morally wrong, then quarter such a set to excl ude be morally saveified. Within this essay, I will exhibit both(prenominal) positions from the perspectives of Joseph Carens and David Miller. I will repugn that states do non charter a the recompense way to exclude. Firstly,I will demonstrate the argument from Joseph Carens for open borders indeed disagreeingwith the statement that states birth a secure to exclude. Advocates for openborders are non arguing for wholly elimination of borders but rather forchanges in how those affected might move across them and in how they areunderstood. Carens studys that there is no right for states to unilaterallycontrol their give birth borders as he conceptualises that borders should principally be openand people should normally be throw in to advance their country of origin and settlein an otherwise (Carens, 2013,225) He contends that states rights to exclude forbiddensiders from settling in their borders are incompatible with our green goddessonical valuesand commitments. wizard be freedom. Immigration restrictions are a serious trenchment on freedom, especially on freedom of movement. This freedom bothgood in itself as it is an expression of autonomy and it is also instrumentallyvaluable as it enables individuals to meliorate their prospects if they have theability to move to a more than advantageous location. The other being fundamentalmoral equality. Immigration restrictions enforce huge inequalities ofopportunity. license of movement is essential for equality of opportunity andthis explains our intuition about the wrongness of feudalism. Carens providesan analogy where he compares contemporary states practice of border control to gothic feudal societies. He is claiming that being innate(p) in a well-heeled state forexample, Europe and North America is like being born into medieval nobility andto be born in a scant(p) country is like being born into peasantry. This isapplicable to without delay with the deductions that your purpose of bi rth determines yourinitial prospects and that states prevent you from trying to improve yoursituation by go to another country. The modern practice of state controloer borders tie people to the land of their birth almost as in effect (asfeudal practice) (Carens,2013,226) Carens believes that since we endorsefreedom of movement with society, we should endorse it with respect tooutsiders too. pursuance this, freedom of international movement should beconsidered as a basic human right. Carens also provides another argument whichis the idea that if you are committed to uncontroversial human rights youshould be committed to there being a human right to cross borders. For instance,an uncontroversial right would be the right to freedom of movement within onesown country. As Carens puts it if it is so important for people to have theright to move freely within a state. Isnt it equally important for them tohave the right to move across state borders also every contend why one mightwant to move within a state may also be a reason for moving between states(Carens,2013,239) for example love, job, religion, cultural opportunities. Thisis stating that every reason in which an individual might have for movingwithin a country can also be applicable to move across state borders. Although Carensdoes believe that these arguments provide a strong sequel for states to have openborders, up to now he does acknowledge that some immigration restrictions canbe justified. He claims that we cannot justify them by appealing to a statesright to decide but there could be other justifications that appeal to otherconsiderations that are compatible with viewing all individuals as having equalmoral worth. For instance, extreme overcrowding or serious security threats. Fromthis I will now look at the perspective that states do have a right to exclude.In line of reasoning, David Miller objects to Carens position. He argues from a restrictiveperspective and contends that states do have a righ t to exclude. Millers mainclaim is that there could be elusions in which nation states could be justifiedin imposing restrictive immigration policies (Miller,2014,363) Miller providesobjections to Carens argument for the typeface of open borders. One is on theargument from a human right to internal freedom of movement. He questions really how much movement is necessary by this right What is less clearis the physical extent of the right, inthe sense of how much of the earths surface I must(prenominal) be able to move to in orderto say that I enjoy it (Miller,2014,365) He argues that Carens is not clearabout the physical extent of the right for instance how much of the earthssurface can we move in order to enjoy the right? Miller points out that theinternal right to movement is actually subject to lots of restrictions that have the appearance _or_ semblanceacceptable for example parking regulations, private property etc. His view isthat the right to movement protects an adequate range of options not a maximalrange of options. He provides a distinction between basic freedoms and forayfreedoms. Basic freedoms are those necessary for a minimally prissy life andbare freedoms are those not necessarily for a minimally decent life. Carens suggeststhat the right to freedom of movement is a basic freedom. Whereas Miller countersthis to argue that as long as your state gives you an adequate range of freemovement, your human right is satisfied and you do not have a prevalent claim to migrate to another state of your choice thus a bare freedom. Miller alsoprovides a positive case for the right to exclude. According to Millers view,individuals male parentt have a general right to immigrate. One reason for this is topreserve horticulture. He believes that states have a legitimate interest inpreserving the political culture and or controlling how that culture changesover time for instance the utilisation of language in maintaining a public culture forexample if a l ot of English people move to Thailand how would that affect thenative language. other reason is that the role of immigration restrictionsplays an important role in hold back the population growth both globally andnationally as immigration can cause all sorts of problems. For instance, thenatural environment can be jeopardised by overcrowding, also increase inclimate change and pick consumption. On the other hand, what about cases ofrefugees fleeing persecution or starvation? Miller is targeting general claimsabout right to immigrate, he does acknowledge that there are more extreme casesof immigration. He contends that they do potentially have a right to enteranother state due(p) to their basic freedoms and interests are not being met bytheir state. However, this is not a general right to immigrate to any state ofyour choice, you only a right that some state let you enter rather it is aremedial right. It only exists if people are acting wrongly so for Miller, in ajust world peopl e would not have it. However, what about people who dont evenhave the minimum, do they not have the right to immigrate? Miller would respondto this by agreeing they do have a right but it depends. Wealthy states are all obliged to either allow such persons to immigrate or aid them in their office country. Millers argues that it is more preferable to aid people in theirhome country. As immigration is unlikely to help the very worst off due to themnot being able to afford to move and it might actually harm them. This is whathe calls the brain drain problem which is where people with coveted skills setsin a less well-off country getting salaried more in the new country they immigratedto but leaving people behind who dont have the skills left so are deprived. Inconclusion, I have exhibited two perspectives to the question as to whetherstates have the right to exclude foreigners from settling within their borders.Joseph Carens who argues that states do not have a right exclude and inst eadargues for open borders. In contrast David Miller argues from a restrictiveperspective arguing that to a sure extent they do have a right to exclude. Followingthis, I have come to the conclusion that states do not have a right to excludethus agreeing with Carens perspective that immigration restrictions infringeour human right of freedom. BibliographyCarensJ (2013) The Ethics of Immigration Chapter11 The case for open borders pgs 225-239MillerD (2014) ImmigrationThe Case for Limits in Andrew I. Cohen and Christopher heath Wellman(eds.), Contemporary Debates in AppliedEthics, Oxford Wiley-Blackwell, (2nd ed.), pp. 363-376

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Marketing Of Coca Cola In The Uk Nepal Marketing Essay

foodstuff Of coca Cola In The Uk Nepal commercializeing EssayCoca-Cola is adept of the humanness leading and largest ships beau monde in the sphere of influence of beverages. It was established in 1886 by Dr. fanny Pemberton who was a pharmacist of Atlanta, Georgia USA. The brand has since befit household drink in more than 200 countries across the world. change drinks ar the single largest comp atomic number 53nt in Coca-Cola Company which account for approximately 78% of the total stack sold in 2008. The company has more than 3000 reapings of beverages and has tight 500 brands in its portfolio includes Coca-Cola or Diet degree Celsius family, Coca- sess go- fore (CCE). Likewise, wide die hard of changes including Fanta, Lilt, PowerAde and sprite.Coca dope in UKThe marketplace of change in the UK is norm on the wholey dominated by relatively few companies. These be, in the main, subsidiaries of globular corporation such as the Coca Cola Company and Pepsi CO. Moreover, Coca-Cola, BSD and own gauge alone account for well over twain thirds of the carbonates market intensity in the UK. The purpose of sale of BSD, In which PepsiCo already has a 10% sh atomic number 18, is likely to make one of the these groups even stronger in the UK market.Mainly, the major brand of Coca -Cola Company is coke or evidently Coca-Cola. Other major brands of Coca-Cola UK portfolio contains Diet Coca-Cola, Cherry Coca-Cola, Fanta , Lilt, Sprite, Dr Pepper and Schweppes. Dr Pepper has been on sale in the join Kingdom since 1982, is account to more far-famed among the early days and teenagers peoples in the UK.The operations of the Company in the UK are reason among CCE and Coca-Cola Great Britain (CCGB), where CCE is the manu occurrenceurer and distri entirelyor, likewise CCGB be yens to the brands which have more responsibility in the field of marketing.Coca cola in NepalAt first Coca-Cola was pleadd in Nepal in 1973, which was imported from its ne ighbour country India. Local reapingion of Coca-cola in Nepal was started in 1979, with the plastic of Bottlers Nepal Limited (BNL). Coca-Cola Sabco was provided the right of bottling from the Coca-Cola Company to Nepal in 2004.BNL has plants in the capital city Kathmandu and Bharatpur municipality, which is notwithstanding the bottler of Coca-Cola harvest-times in Nepal.The Marketing, Sales and dissemination system for BNL is mentioned as Refresh the Market perpetrate and contain a spicy Consumer Response System to deal with the concerns, ideas and suggestions of the consumers.BNL is also dedicated to support the corporation through diverse programmes, mainly in the sector of health. In blood with the local community, BNL also support by providing a Free wellness Check-up Clinic at Bharatpur municipality.Facts/strategyThe Coca-Cola brand has been implemented the spheric marketing strategy. They are taking into account the whole world into the single market crop and un iform marketing strategy was introduced by Coca-cola for legion(predicate) course of instructions, at bring out the trend is changing and various marketing campaigns are being inc ductd(p) for the development of the Company in different regions of the world. Basically, decisions related to the Business are made on a domestic basis to fit in with the culture and involve of the domestic community. In 1919 Coca-Cola decided to expand its agate line in the global community. The Coca-Cola Company decided to take its operations or so national boundaries and the research of its marketing was started in USA, china and separate many countries of the global world. Due to the happy and efficient marketing research of Coca-cola, it was equal to expand its business globally in different places of the global world. ad If we consider on advertising perspective of Coca-Cola Company, advertising has more successful power to increase customers demand worldwide. Basically, advertising has to be in line with the domestic culture. An adapted marketing mix defines adjusting the mix with the established culture, geographic, cost-effective and other differences in different nations of the globe.Coca-Cola get upisements in NepalThe Coca-Cola has a long level of sports marketing relationshipsBottlers Nepal and Bottlers Nepal (Tarai) on lsat week announced the launch of their summer packaging campaign Coca-Cola Football great festival targeting soccer fans across the country. . fit in to Bottlers Nepal, customers need to purchase Coca-Cola, Fanta or Sprite and text the ten digits unique code under the bottle crown of to 4477 from mobile phone.The scheme is purloin to all 200 ml and 250 ml returnable glass bottles or all sizes of PET bottles from April 1 to May 31, 2011. According to the Pranaya Sthapit, marketing manager of Bottelers Nepal, during the period of scheme, consumers can get a chance to win lovely Coca-Cola t-shirts, caps and free drinks (www.cocacola.com.np ).Advertisement of Coca Cola in Rural scene of action of Nepal.Figure 1.1Reference http//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File change state-nepal.jpgCoca-Cola Advertise in UKCoca cola follow integrated marketing parley speculation in create and advance country. In UK TV advert carries a special logo, images and message, and then all newspaper adverts and point-of-sale materials should carry the same logo, images or message, or one that fits the same theme. Coca-Cola uses its familiar red and white logos and retains themes of togetherness and pleasure throughout its marketing communications.Don caster Rovers Coca Cola Advert Piccadilly Circus LondonReferences http//www.flickr.com/photos/crispy789/2498475157This place is the most popular and historical place in the London. More than ampere-second,000 people visit it to each one day. Marketing affects cognizance of customer. This type of advertisements has direct effect on customer perception from transnational and multicultural tourist in UK. They have different advertisement and different type of proceeds in the base on different demographic and behaviours people. When we compare the coca cola and other carbonate spongy drinks advertisements in this time we can get totally different between each other. Coca cola unaccompanied highlight its name rather than other things, the result promote itself .Coca- Cola brand image and its perception between the competitors helps to mouth usuality all over the world.Marketing Communication theory and Coca-ColaMarketing communication is the systematise relationship between business and its capability market where the marketer assembles a wide and different variety of ideas, massage, degision.Forms, media learn and colours both to communicate idea to and to stimulate a particular perception of Coca-Cola Company by individual people who have been amount in to their target market Coca-Cola use the number of Marketing communication tools for assemble such as person al sell, sale promotion , public relationship and advertisement.Coca Cola lunched naive wall Advertisement in Rural Area of Nepal. This has one of the simple communications strategies of Bottlers Nepal Limited. People who fail in the rural area t havent any equipment of media such as TV, FM, Internet and good facilities of transport. Coca cola provides coke freeze to their consumer for selling their own overlap and they have strongly motivated to sell only their return.Simple communications models show a sender sending a message to a receiver who receives and understands it. Real life is less simple many messages are misunderstood, fail to vex or, are simply ignored. native understanding of the audiences needs, emotions, interests and activities is essential to ensure the accuracy and relevance of any message.Marketing SystemInputProcessingOutputFeedbackFigure Marketing communicates mold in Rural place of Nepal.Market Segmentation in Nepal Generally, Nepalese market was prac ticed mass marketing approach with range of product in the past. Because of the changes in socio-economic field and developments in transport and communication sector have made Nepalese marketers conscious of market segmentation. The marketing strategies of global Companies like Coca Cola have reinforced this realization.The following points get out the practices of market segmentation in Nepal.1. Non-systematic basically, marketing segmentation is not ground on systematic market research. Previous experiences, feeling of management and strategy of competitors have influenced marketing segmentation.2. Variables for Segmentation Different variables mainly used for consumer market segmentation are given belowGeographicDemographicPsychographic behavi viva voce3. Lack of Information Nepalese marketers lack comprehensive schooling or so consumer characteristics. They tend to attend marketing research as a wasteful cost. This has constrained the effective evaluation of market segment s in terms of their drawing card and appropriateness. Risks are not properly assessed.4 Government Policies Government policies in Nepal are not very supportive of marketing. They do not regard businessmen as partners for development. Restrictions of movement of goods and controls have discouraged market segmentation.5 Lack of Ethical Considerations Environmental and welfare considerations are generally disregarded for market segmentation in Nepal.The above points clearly indicate that the imagination of market segmentation is at an initial stage in Nepal. However, the richness of market segmentation is likely to increase in the years to come.Market segmentation in UK.The companys beverages are generally for all consumers. However, there are some brands, which target specific consumers. For example, Coca- Colas diet overstuffed drinks are targeted at consumers who are older in age, between the years of 25 and 39. PowerAde sports water supply target those who are fit, healthy a nd do sport. Winnie the Pooh sipper cap Juice drinkable target children between the ages 5-12.PositioningPositioning is the cultivate of creating, the image the product holds in the mind of Consumers, relating to competing products. Coca cola and Pepsi both make soft drinks, Pepsi may try to compete but they will still be seen as down market from coke. deoxycytidine monophosphate has been positioned based on the change of positioning by direct comparisonAnd have positioned d their products to benefit their target markets. Most peopleCreate an image of a product by comparing it to another product, thus evidentThrough the renowned battles between Coca-cola and Pepsi products.Product life unit of ammunitionWhen referring to each and both product or service ever placed before the consumer i.e. in the long term all the existing products and run are dead. So every product is born, grows, shape ups and dies. So in the commercial market place products and services are created, laun ched and withdrawn in a put to work known as Product Life Cycle.To be able to market its product properly, a business must be aware of the product life cycle of its product. The standard product life cycle tends to have five phases Development, Introduction, Growth, due date and Decline. Coca-Cola is up-to-the-minutely in the maturity stage, which is evidenced primarily by the fact that they have a large, loyal group of persistent customers.Furthermore, cost management, product differentiation and marketing have become more important as out result slows and market share becomes the key determinant of profitability. In impertinent markets the product life cycle is in more of a harvest-time trend Cokes advantage in this area is mainly due to its establishment strong branding and it is now able to use this area of stable profitability to subsidize the domestic Cola Wars. Insert the picture of the product lifecycle.Financial objective in UKCoca-Cola Enterprises, the worlds larges t bottler of Coca-Cola products which will soon be cogitate purely on some of the largest but also most mature soft drinks markets in Western Europe, is optimistic about the long-term fruit prospects for this territory. The group aims to achieve in currency neutral terms revenue enhancement growth of 4% to 6% operating income growth of 6% to 8% earnings per share growth in a high single-digit range and return on invested capital amelioration of 20 basis points or more per year.These metrics reflect the solid growth opportunity that lies ahead in Europe, says John Brock, chairman and chief executive of Coca-Cola Enterprises. They exceed our current long-term objectives. We are committed to these financial objectives, and in turn, to creating real survey for our shareowners, our customers, and our employees.Financial Market share of coca cola in UKCoca-Cola has report strong support-quarter profits, beating market expectations, thanks to rising world(prenominal) gross revenue. sum of money profits were $2.37bn (1.56bn), up 16% from a year ago and narrowly above forecasts of $2.3bn.The beverage makers share price jumped 2.3% in the first 15 minutes of New York trading.Revenues were up 4.8% to $8.67bn, thanks to rapid sales growth in Latin America, Africa and parts of Asia.Among the best growth markets were Brazil, where sales volumes were up 13%, and India, up 22% since last year.The producer of Fanta, Sprite and Vitamin body of water also reported a pick-up in growth albeit at a more sedate 2% pace in its home market of North America.In Europe, however, sales were down.1 referanceshttp//www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-10716077, 21 July 2010 put up updated at 1542Coca-Cola Enterprise is the UK subsidiary for the Coca-Cola Company. In 2008 UKcarbonate was valued about 6billin with which Coca-Cola (GB) hold about 60% value inboth retail and on-trade. Britvic soft drink which is UK subsidiaries of PepsiCo and is themain competitor was second place in terms of market shares of 15% retail sales tallyto mintel. PepsiCos flagship brands in soft drinks are Pepsi, Pepsi Max, Diet Pepsi,Gatorade and Mountain Dew, and the company also owns Tropicana and Dole, the worldsleaders in fruit succus. GlaxoSmithKline PLC, a giant in healthcare products, is the UK thirdlargest carbonate drink and is also on a different scale from most drinks companies. Thecompany specialised in medicines and oral care, as well as ternion famous drinks brandsLucozade, Ribena and Horlicks.CCE, had a disturbance of 1.43bn in the year ending 31st December 2006, up 2.4% on the previous year whereas For the year ending 30th September 2007, Britvic PLC put down total branded revenues of 716.3m, up by 5.7% on 2006.According to John Sicher of Beverage Digest (2009), Coca-Cola was the number one brandwith around 42.7% in 2008. PepsiCo was second, with 30.8%, however these market sharesfor both Coca-Cola and PepsiCo have slightly decreased from 2007 to 2008. Coca-Colasvolume h as also decreased 1.0% since 2007, whereas PepsiCos volume has increased0.3%. Strong growth of Coke range in the UK is probably due to the introduction of coke home in and Diet coke product. Coke Zero is the most significant of kos new innovations. Thisbeverage is marketed as a calorie-free version of Coca-Cola Classic, omitting the diet cross offin an attempt to appeal to new demographics. This brand alone accounted for nearly onethird of all 2006 growth for beverages bearing the Coca-Cola trademark.Reference http//ivythesis.typepad.com/term_paper_topics/2009/08 strategic-analysis-coca-cola.htmlThe earn 10 Soft Drinks Companies in 2009 by market share.Coca-Cola ( bottling partners)PepsiCo ( bottling partners).Nestle.Suntory.Dr Pepper Snapple. bolshy Bull.Danone.Kirin.Asahi Breweries.Ito En.Coca-cola is number one for the 11th yearhttp//www.financenews.co.uk/uncategorized/coca-cola-still-on-top-of-the-world/Coca-Cola has retained its signalise as No 1 in annual ranking of the 10 0 Best globose Brands followed by IBM, Microsoft, Google and GE.The 2010 report estimates the Coca-Cola brand value at $70.5 billion, up by two per cent since 2009, give tongue to the Interbrand that uses a conclave of analysts honkions, company financial documents and its own qualitative and quantitative analysis to arrive at a net present value.Top 5 Global brands in 2010RankCompanyBrand Value1Coca-Cola$70.452m2IBM$64,727m3Microsoft$60,895m4Google$43,557m5GE$42,808mThe Himalaya Times ,Added At 2011-02-14 1218 AMThe market share of Coca Cola and its tally Pepsi might be 50-50 in many parts of the world but when it comes to Nepal, the market share structure would be 31. The factor which needs to be credited for this data of Coca Colas market share cannot be determined that easily. As far as I know, the factors could be, the management and the attribute it has maintained. The company with the largest paper work in Nepal had Bottlers Nepal, the sole distributor for Coke in the s econd spot. This also proves that the management is good and the quality guardianship needs no description at all.There were ups and downs in Coke. A couple of years or so, the workers went on for a strike all over Nepal in Bottlers Company resulting the distribution and production into blank out. To worsen this case, this halt was in existence in the peak season which was finally solved.The year 2008 could be different and nothing is predictable. The number one spot could be snatched by Microsoft in this present age of information technology. If only Coca Cola could come up with some beverage for chilling gelid with the same brand, who knows they might still be at the number one spot for the next ten years or so.Friday, January 11, 2008 The carbonate market in the UK is dominated by relatively few companies. These are, In the main, subsidiaries of global conglomerates such as the coca cola company and Pepsi CO.Indeed, Coca-Cola, BSD and own label alone account for well over two thirds of the carbonates market volume in the UK.The purpose sale of BSD, In which PepsiCo already has a 10% share, is likely to make one of the these groups even stronger in the UK market.Financial objectivesOn September 7, 2010, CCE announced updated long-term financial objectives, including the followingRevenue growth of 4 percent to 6 percentOperating income growth of 6 percent to 8 percentEarnings per share growth in a high single-digit range andReturn on invested capital improvement of 20 basis points or more per year.Coca cola market share by areaAreaNORTH AMERICALatin AMERICAEUROPE MIDDLE EASTASIAAFRICAVolume30%25%22%17%6%RANKING12345Figure 2Sources Business plan on coca-cola 8/8/2010MARKETING STRATEGYOur local marketing strategy enables Coke to listen to all the voices around the worldAsking for beverages that get across the entire spectrum of tastes and occasions. What people want in abeverage is a reflection of who they are, where they live, how they work and play, and h ow theyrelax and recharge. Whether youre a student in the United States enjoying a refreshing Coca-Cola, a woman in Italy taking a tea break, a child in Peru asking for a juice drink, or a couple inKorea buying bottled water aft(prenominal) a run together, were there for you. We are determined not onlyto make great drinks, but also to contribute to communities around the world through ourCommitments to education, health, wellness, and diversity. Coke strives to be a good neighbour,Consistently shaping our business decisions to improve the quality of life in the communities inwhich we do business. Its a special thing to have billions of friends around the world, and wenever obturate it.Processes of Communication in a coca-colaThe process of communication would be as follows Message conceived decision made to send message and reasons why. Message encoded information for notice and what sort of layout is going to be used etc. communications medium selected communication method sel ected, in this case notice. Message decoded voice communication and knowledge used to send out the right message. Message interpret meaning of notice, recipients view. Feedback supplied feedback supplied to sender e.g. opinions, response etc.Sample of communication process of coca-colaNNMassage . FeedbackFigure Schramm (1955)NoteCommunication process copy from bookhttp//books.google.co.uk/books?id=KKp3Hg5vmVsCpg=PA276dq=marketing+communication+theory+/coca+colahl=enei=69phTZj6G9HssgbEqKC2CAsa=Xoi=book_resultct=resultresnum=3ved=0CD4Q6AEwAjgKv=onepageq=marketing%20communication%20theory%20%2Fcoca%20colaf=falseCoca-Cola market share and sub product in NepalBottlers Nepal said it is planning to invest $10m in the next three years to expand its bottling operations and launch a brand of mineral water for the market.The bottler of Coca-Cola in Nepal will use the funds to modernise its bottling plants in Kathmandu and Bharatpur.The company, which posted a 20% growth in 2009, said it w ill start manufacturing the Kinley brand of mineral water following standards overconfident by the World Health Organization (WHO).Coca-Cola Sabco, one of Coca-Cola Companys bottling partners, has invested about $45m in the last five years, and annually produces one million bottles of carbonated soft drinks.Coca-Cola has a 67.8% market share in Nepals carbonated soft drinks business, accord to global marketing research firm ACNielsen.RECOMMENDATIONSAfter completing our project we have concluded some recommendation for the cocacola company, which are following.Coca Cola Company should try to emphasis more on providing theirinfrastructure in the market to facilitate their customers.According to the survey, conducted by the international firm Nepalese peoplelike little bit sweeter cola drink. So for this coca cola company should producetheir product according to the local demand.Marketing team should try to increase the availability of Coke in rural areas.They should also focus the o ld people.Now young generation has a trend to drink coke 2 uniform bottles at sameTime, so providing more satisfaction to them company should introduce literdisposable bottle.+

Friday, March 29, 2019

Using Online Forum In Language Learning Education Essay

Using Online fabrication In Language training Education EssayOnline assemblys be as well known as banter boards or message boards. They en able users of a website to interact with each other(a) by exchanging tips and discussing topics related to a certain(p) theme. Learning through online gathering is an important learnedness strategy for students to remediate their language skills .This article looks at the gathers of online assemblage in language experience particularly in improving students pen and conversation skills.Keywords online meeting place, language nurture, musical composition skills, discourse skillsINTRODUCTIONTechnology has the potency to enhance the encyclopedism of students if utilize appropriately. It throne encourage more(prenominal) independent and active instruction (McKimm, Jollie, Cantillon, 2003). A key reason for the use of technology within a larn situation is to enhance the select of learning and teaching (Groves ODonoghue 2009 ).With the rapid information of calculator-mediated intercourse , online forums have become more involved in take aimroom settings to promote student critical thinking, knowledge construction and language learning autonomy (Lim Chai 2004 Marra, Moore Klimczak 2004).Computer-based online paroles or online forums have been used in a unspecific range of higher education setting to provide major learning environments for distance education or to supplement face-to-face discussion (Jacobsen 2006). sermon board or online forum is one of the primary tools of electronic learning according to Harman Koohang (2005).The use of computer based online discussion through online forum is evident in the curriculum of umpteen courses through issue the physical open uping in universities such as in Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, the unify Kingdom, and the United States of America (Scott Ryan 2009). Although online discussions be employed by most universities in Malaysia (Sam and Lee 2008), schools may not be aware of this new technology.In the Malaysian context, students in primary and secondary schools do not hit enough practice and exposure in English language since it is taught for a limited catamenia of snip in the classroom. on that point is a take for teachers to encourage students to use new technologies such as online forum to come across more exposure in the language. As purported by So (2009), asynchronous online discussion forums, are close to of the simplest computer-mediated parley tools that teachers mountain easily blend into their teaching to extend discussions beyond classroom contexts.This article is organized by addressing the following questionsWhat are the benefits of online forum?What are the characteristics of a pricy online forum?Does online forum improve students writing skills?Does online forum improve students communication skills? comment OF ONLINE FORUMAccording to Sheri Cyprus (2010), an online forum is excessively known as a message board, online discussion collection, bulletin board or web forum. It differs from a blog. An online forum is a discussion area on a website whereby members ignore post discussions, read and respond to posts by other forum members. A forum can revolve around any subject in an online community.Like other internet-based learning environments, online forums provide a means for maintaining communication for learners who are not able to meet face-to-face or who choose logging-on at different times (Sanchez- Sweatman 2001). Online forum is a kind of computer mediated communication which allows individual to communicate with others by posting write messages to exchange ideas. It uses asynchronous type of communication (Santosa et. al 2005)Nelson (2010) postulated that an online forum can be defined as an accessible group communication space. veracious utilization of online forums can enhance the impellingness of communication.THE BENEFITS OF ONLINE FORUMOnline foru ms provide many benefits to students and teachers. In a research conducted by Teine (2000), students have been found to be in favor of the self-paced, self-regulated feature of asynchronous discussions compared to face-to-face discussions.On the other hand, Callan (2006), states that online forums create a discussion environment. Everything that gets posted gets read oer and over again. Online forums rarely turn into heated arguments as people are presumption time to research and consider their comments before replying. This in turn, makes high-quality discussion.Smith (2001) points out that well structured and appropriately facilitated online discussion can provide a learning environment that allows the immediate application of new information to learners face-to-face and professional lives. Besides, online forums are more flexible compared to face to face communication as they provide time to reflect and think and allow both(prenominal) introverted and extroverted students to be involved in online discussions.Chinedu (2008) expresses that by participate in online forums, access to knowledge is free. Forum members are ever automatic to share their knowledge and experience with others, and every member of the forum can benefit from this infusion of free knowledge.Here are some potential benefits of regular online forum participation according to Pavlina (2005)Intellectual exchangeLearning new ideas and refining old onesEnjoying community membershipInfluencing the forums evolution alter to othersMaking new friends and contactsNew business leadsKeeping up with terminus eventsLearning about new opportunitiesEvidence also shows that the messages composed by students in online forums include longer solutions for problem-solving, and consist of deeper reflections compared to face-to-face discussions (Hara et al. 2000). Researchers have found that students can take more time to read, craft, reflect on their responses, and amaze relevant information when comp osing messages in such an environment (ONeill et al. 2006 Wang and beg 2007).Peterson and Caverly (2005) established in their research that online discussions build a motivating complaisant practice of current generation students, who use technology to contact friends and family end-to-end the day.In online forums, students develop their autonomy in language learning. Each role player is attached more authority to shape or lead the discussion in the direction they prefer, while teachers may have relatively little control over the learning interactions (Choi et al. 2005).THE CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD ONLINE FORUMThere are numerous characteristics of a good online forum. Martyn (2005) discerned seven elements of a good online forum. They areRequire students to participateGrade student effortsInvolve learning teamsStructure discussionRequire a hand in engagementPose questions and scenarios that require learners to use their own experienceRelate the discussion to course objectiv esQing Li (2004) in her research recognized nine characteristics of a good online forum. They areEstablish a friendly, open environment implement authentic tasks and topicsEmphasize learner-c tangle withed instructionEncourage students to give constructive feedback and suggestionslet students experience, reflect and share the benefit of using threaded discussionBe sure that instructors facilitate collaboration and knowledge buildingEncourage communion and referencing of other student postingsUse humor for motivationUse emoticons to overhaul convey ideas and feelingsIn addition, according to Peterson and Caverly (2005), good online forums provide a social presence, in which students and instructor are able to present themselves as substantial people and communicate with their personality.ONLINE FORUM IMPROVES WRITING SKILLSA well-structured online discussion forum can provide students with extensive practice in writing. The online forum allows hazard for the facilitation of curri cular objectives via modern technology. Online discussion forums provide an authenticity in writing and therefore serve as a meaningful supplement to the writing curriculum (Pauley 2001).Aileen Ng (2008) in her study discovered that the implementation of the online forum appears to provide reinforcement tasks to enable students to practice their writing. Besides that, the online forum also facilitates collaborative learning. Students could share their ideas and opinions in order to produce better quality writing as compared to if the tasks were to be completed independently.Schuetze (2010) conducted a research in the University of Victoria Canada and the University of Kiel in Germany. The study showed that most students of both universities felt prosperous writing online and they wrote more than ever before. They used the forum more actively than in a face-to-face classroom or chat. In turn, some students also mentioned that they liked to read what other students posted in online f orums.In a study among twenty-five Chinese and Kiwi learners, Gerbric (2005) encountered that online forums provide opportunities specifically for particular groups of students. Chinese students found the virtual and text-based nature of the medium allowed them to enter discussions more easily and they felt more comfortable with their written responses compared to face-to-face discussions.ONLINE FORUM IMPROVES COMMUNICATION SKILLSA number of studies have found that online forums are beneficial in developing communication skills (Abrams 2003 Blake 2009). The greatest potential for effective use of online communication as a learning tool is when the students are at a distance from the school and their teachers (Crowell McCarragher 2007).Holmes (2004) identified a period of increased communication between online participants of his study after 10 age of interaction on online forum and asserted that input from teachers or instructors during this period led to maximized learning opport unities.Scott and Ryan (2009) in their study discovered that online members become more engaged in discussions and interacted effectively when they were set appropriate tasks. Complex tasks requiring research and discussion seemed appropriate tasks for small groups to work on collaboratively. When students are given problems related to their prior experience, the discussions show higher levels of interaction, and the participants show more furore for the topic (Puntambekar 2006).Peterson and Caverly (2006) in their study discovered that through online forums, teachers are able to document the growth of their students ability to support a point in their messages. Students improved their ability to respond to a classmate and to make a point supported with evidence.Online forum is a good way of communicating, in particular when the teacher or lecturer is unavailable. It is also a good way to communicate with everyone as it creates a good communication between students and school (Gre ig Skehill 2008). In concurrence with the statement, Yu (2002) affirmed that students were more comfortable and less battleful when participating in online forums. Online forums also offered more equal opportunities for group members to component their opinions.Research conducted by Yang (2007) shows that students demonstrated very high levels of interaction among group members. Online forum is regarded as a social interaction that reduces students reliance on the face-to-face discussions.In a study carried out by Schellens and Valcke (2005, 2006), asynchronous discussion forums attained a higher proportion of higher phases of knowledge creation compared to face to face discussions. This occurred due to the vast majority of communication in the asynchronous environment was task oriented.CONCLUSIONThe online forum is an saint place to put a learning community and its learning objects on the same page (Harman and Koohang 2005). In order to offer a sure-fire discussion forum, teac hers need to be fully skilled in practical use of the sites and committed to engaging with them, believing in their relevance and benefit for students and willing to spend dedicated time every week on the discussion forum with students. As Salmon (2004) advises, teachers need to take time to induct students to the online discussion tools and focus on familiarization and socialization into the online forum from the outset.Anderson et al. (2001) tell that active involvement of a teacher is critical in maintaining the hobby and motivation of students in online discussions. Russo and Benson (2005) reported that student perceptions of teachers presence were significantly correlate with student learning satisfaction.In sum, online forum may provide a way for teachers to improve the quality of their students language learning skills. Thus, language teachers in Malaysia should consider integrating online forums into their language teaching to develop students writing and communication s kills.

HR Management Policies Across Business Types

HR Management Policies Across descent TypesHR Management Policies1Thessalonian 26-12 ( conduct Application Study Bible) we were not looking for valuate from men, not from you or any maven else. As apostles of savior his deal could wee been a burden to you, b arly his hoi polloi were gentle among you, like a bring forth caring for her little baby birdren. Our let selves loved you so much the we were lucky to sh be with you not only the gospel of God but our lies as well, beca example you had become so dear to us. Surely you remember br an opposite(prenominal)s, our tail and mis expectation we pretended night and twenty-four hours in beau monde not to be a burden to any hotshot while we pr severallyed the gospel of God to you. You ar witnesses, and so is God, of how holy, innocent and blameless we were among you who believed. For we know that we dealt with each of you as a breed deals with his own churlren, encouraging comforting and begging you to live lies worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. In trying to persuade population, we whitethorn be tempted to alter our position solely comely to make our message much palatable or to use flattery or praise. Paul never changed his message to make it more acceptable, but he did tailor his methods to each audience and did not compromise.Organizations recital human resource bring clear upment and draw a bead on upment for at least single of collar reasons (1) To avoid fines and lawsuits (2) to maximize and protect the investment they direct make in employees (3) be bring they argon dealing with human beings. All three argon legitimate, but only the third reason is a constant. Ab apply employees may or may not sue or file complaints. It may or may not cost an constitution any occasion to replace them. alone they ar al way of lifes human. It is a core Christian belief that humans, created in Gods likeness and redeemed through the death of Jesus Christ, be valuable cus tody of Almighty God. How then should leader approach managing and developing them when they have been assigning to us?When leaders consider how they think and act toward employees whose lives and feargonrs are under their control whether in the area of benefits and wages, advancement and development opportunities, gumshoe and comfort. Gods Word exhorts them to treat those followers as human beings. Paul delineate his relationship to the Thessalonians both as a mother (v. 7) and a father (v. 11). Paul made ends concerning routineicular followers in Thessalonica by enquire him, If this were my son or daughter, what would I do? Not a large(p) starting point.Jesus told his follows, in John (155). I am the vine you are the branches. If you remain in me and me in you, you giveing bear much return apart from me you faecal matter do nothing. The severity of the words is like a slap in the face. Without Jesus we brook do nothing. Well, we could frame a business and a comfortab le nest egg. But from Jesus perspective, those things are nothing. Only the things done with and for him are worthwhile and have any chance of lasting. The marvelous part of Gods administration is that he has gifted each of us and equipped us to engage in something that really will skirt throughout eternity. By taking the Word of God, which will last forever, and drop it in human beings, who will last forever, we can cash in ones chips an indelible mark on the halls of history. What higher calling can there be than to become like Jesus and equip others to do the same? This is our smart as a whip privilege to assist others in developing their Christ like potential.Business description A.B.C. day care perfume/Preschool/ before and after school course of study in Colorado Springs, Inc., a nonprofit disposal. The business got started in promenade of 2015 we are also part of the church, Word of Truth Worship Center. Our stream location is at 3613 Betty Dr. Colorado Springs, Co lorado 80917. Hours of operation are Mon daylight-Friday from 600 to 530. Families that are in need of child care, we teach convocation quantify, ABCs, writing, art and crafts. Also, we take the kids on field get downs. We started out as a small daycare, now we are becoming a much bigger daycare center.Milestone Two PoliciesHuman resources (HR) Management philosophy The fair(a)ness of process and procedure Processes used to make decisions, allocate rewards, and resolve disputes are fair and unbiased, Six criteria re posthumousd to procedural justice 1. Consistency across people and over time 2. Bias suppression -suppression of self-interest and dim allegiance 3. Accuracy of showing and opinion used in decision making 4. Correct ability of decisions made in error or with inaccurate information 5. Representativeness of all affected sub pigeonholings and individuals 6. Ethicality processes are compatible with prevail moral and ethical standards (Rousseau, 1995). organizatio nal structure by Lucky Friend, Organizational structure is a system used to define a pecking order within an organization. It identifies each profession, its function and where it reports to within the organization. This structure is developed to work up how an organization operates and assists an organization in obtaining its goals to allow for future growth. The structure is illustrated utilize an organizational chart.Tasked of human resource managementConducting job analysis prep labor demandOrienting and training late employeesManaging wages and salariesProviding incentives and benefits label writ of executionCommunicating learning and developingBuilding employee commitment (Garris, 2017).Duties of positions in HR department Recruiter, Benefits and Training. CEO is the governing broad, excusive conductor, administrative staff, teacher staff, parents, and get staff.A.B.C. Daycare Center Organizational Chart managerAssistant DirectorTeaching StaffAdministrative StaffSuppo rt StaffThe Categories three types Transactional, Tactical, or Strategic? 1. Entering applicant resumes for an open position 2. aline reward systems with organizational goals 3. Creating new-hire orientation 4. Inter conceive candidates for an open position 5. Conducting death penalty reviews 6. Managing release and demand for labor 7. Cross-training employees 8. Forecasting employee competency needs 9. Maintaining body of work safe programs 10. Documenting disciplinary actions Paul summarized the core of Christian living in Romans 1217-21. We love someone the way Christ loves us, we will be will to for reelect our sisters, brother, co-worker and friends. If we have experienced Gods grace. We will want to going it on to family, friend and others. And remember, grace is undeserved favor. By giving an competitor a help, we not excusing his misdeeds, were recognizing him, forgiving him, and loving him in spite of his sins just as Christ did for his people.Policies and procedure s regarding EEO, bedevilment, and discrimination. What is Harassment? Harassment is a form of interlocking discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights encounter of 1964, the Age distinction in Employment Act of 1967, (ADEA), and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, (ADA). The harasser can be the victims supervisor, a supervisor in another area, an agent of the employer, a co-worker, or a non-employee.The victim does not have to be the person harassed, but can be anyone affected by the offensive conduct. Unlawful harassment may occur without economic injury to, or discharge of, the victim.What is contrariety? Discrimination is dealing with human resources issues of discrimination requires a combination of proactive and reactive measuring sticks. Proactive measures acknowledge demonstrating reasoned faith efforts to pr unconstipatedt piece of work discrimination and harassment and embracing HR stovepipe practices for addressing discrimination. Discrimin ation is an undeniable and unfortunate consequence, given the level of diversity, varied work styles, generations and personalities in the workforce. However, employers develop ways to deal with HR issues of discrimination through creating basic workplace principles based on mutual respect and adherence to laws that prohibit discrimination.A.B.C. baby bird learning Center admits children of any race, religion, disability, national, and ethnic origin. To all the rights, privileges, programs and activities made on tap(predicate) to students at the school. We do not discriminate in any way within the administered program. A multicultural curriculum is offered.The special needs of a child or children A.B.C. Child Development Center is here to rear you and your family. Services and programs may be bidd for handicapped child / children when The special needs of the particular child can be reasonably accommodated by our zeal. modification in such cases (alone, or together with other such cases) is not reasonable if it would impose an undue hardship on the operation of the facility and staff members. At the time of registration parents will be asked if their child/children have any special needs. Based upon the response of the parent, the child/children post may or may not need to be reviewed by our facility Health Nurse.The three job descriptions that A.B.C. Daycare Center has are Assistance Director wide variety of responsibilities, including managing staff, interacting with parents, working with children and wants to provide the students best possible experience, skilled at CPR, send-off aid and other occasion indispensability treatments, very organized, detail-oriented, trustworthy and responsible. Daily staffing schedules, changing toddlers diaper, checking children attendance daily, evaluate staff member and training. A. B.C. Daycare Center requires a minimum upbringing required to work as an assistant director of a day care center is a high sch ool diploma or equivalent. Candidates with a two-year degree in early childhood development, some ac amounting or another related subject area will have a agonistic edge. We require a minimum of sextette months to one year of experience working in a day care facility.A.B.C. Daycare Center Job descriptions for Teaching Staff superintend and disciplining children, organizational duties change toddlers diaper, group time, delay demos, responsible for setting up schoolroom work.The lead teacher develops both long- and short-term lesson plans based on the curriculum and philosophy of the daycare center. While a day care lead teacher doesnt give children grades, she does assess their developmental growth. She maintains a infix book of that growth and carrys parents up to date communicating with parents is a routine part of the teachers job. The lead teacher is also responsible for setting up her classroom to reflect the lessons she is currently teaching. For example, she might c reate a bulletin get on with labeled colors when teaching the class about colors. Routine record memory, such as attendance, is the lead teachers responsibility as well. As she keeps records, she moldiness keep in mind the information is confidential.Milestone Threeverbal descriptionA.B.C. Daycare Center Job descriptions for Administer Staff Record keeping of documents, business information system, finances and information about the children in the daycare, keep records of all the purchases, parent information, and buy off roll.The Sources of candidates, methods of recruiting, the candidates that I am looking for are experience in daycare working with kids, they need to be advised in child care or license, the methods used are craigs inclining, indeed.com, bulleting broad, new paper, and by word of mouth.General outline of the coat process including a list of any documents required from the applicant and how the information will be used. For all applicants applying for jobs and business organization it is significant to know how the job diligence procedure works. This continuous guide to the job application performance includes information on applying for jobs cover letters and resumes, completing job applications, testing and workout screening, background and reference checks, interviewing and the hiring performance.Selection process of testing and interviewing including what you consent to learn about the candidate through the process. Interviewing candidates for a position within the organization is one of the final steps in the hiring methods. Before you get to this step, the alliance wants to make sure that you have completed all of the recessing steps since each of these steps will have a direct impact on how effective the interview stage will be. At this stage you hope to learn what their strengths, personality and experience. Additional selection techniques you may choose to include (background check) in the Job of the Daycare, the State requi res a background check of anyone hire to work with children, having a felony will disqualify anyone to work with children.According to Leman and Pentak, distributively one of us has been hardwired with a distinct personality, Neumann continued by saying, some of us are wired to be extroverts others, introverts. Some people love repetition. They love knowing that theyre going to do the same thing in their job tomorrow that they did today (p.37). According to Dessler, (2013), Employers use tests to measure a wide range of candidate attributes, including cognitive (mental) abilities, physical abilities, and interests, and deed (p.106).In conclusion, this paper introduced Policies and procedures regarding EEO, harassment, discrimination, discrimination, three or more job descriptions application process, processing of testing and interviewing and learn about the candidate through the process. theorize one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cos t to see if he has enough bills to complete it? (Luke 1428). When a builder does not amount the cost or estimates it accurately, the building maybe left incomplete. Will we treat the Christian life after a little while because we did not count the cost of commitment to Jesus? What are those costs? Christians may face loss of social status or abundance. We have to give up control over our family, and even put to death. Following Christ does not mean a trouble-free life. We must carefully count the cost of becoming Christs disciples so that we will know what we are get into, so we would not be tempted ulterior to turn back.According to Luke 1611, So if you have not been trustworthy in handling bored wealth, who will trust you with true riches? Our justice often meets its correspond in money matters. God calls us to be honest even in small details we are more valuable than megascopic wealth. If we are not trusted with our money here on earth, no matter how much or little we ha ve, we will be uncollectible to handle the vast riches of Gods kingdom. Do not let your integrity slip in small matters and it will not fall on you in crucial decisions either.Policies and rationale regarding Training and Development Policy in that respect are several forms that make up the A.B.C. Daycare Center readjustment packet. This enrollment packet must be completed and in our stubbornness before we can assume the responsibility of caring for your child. This is to ensure that the child will get the very best care possible and satisfies the record keeping requirement of the state licensing guidelines. All forms will be reviewed annually. If there are changes to any of the forms in the enrollment packet, please notify the director to update the parent records. If they have any questions regarding the completion of these forms, please musical note free to ask the director.Registration Fees There is a $75.00 for two children and $50.00 for one child Non- Refundable registrat ion fee per family at time of enrollment. If they terminate childcare services and are gone more than 90 days and offer to return to A.B.C. Daycare Center, they must re-submit the application and the registration fees of $75.00 for two children and $50.00 for one child. Last week security deposit upon enrolling their child/children all parents are require to pay an amount equal to one weeks childcare as a last week of care security deposit.Milestone cardinalProceduresThe specific rates will be outlined in the go and Rate Agreement. Fees is payable in advance and is due no later than 12 oclock noon on Friday, each week for the future(a) weeks daycare, unless other arrangements has been agreed upon. Payment may be made by check, money order or cash. There will be a late fee of $10 for failure to pay by noon on Friday. The success of our center depends upon the prompt payment of charge/fees in order to take care of day-to-day incurred expense. Parents Vacation, you must continue t o pay your cultivation on your vacation to hold your daycare spot. Maternity Leave, to hold a spot you must continue to pay while you are on maternity leave.Some Daycare have procedure list areThe number of children in the daycare is governed by the Community Care Licensing Regulations.Children of boyish Parents returning to school to continue their education are accepted and if a space is not available the last child into the daycare will be given 2 weeks notice of losing their space.. Children are accepted into the daycare on a first come basis.The childs name is entered on the selective information according to the date of the initial phone call.When an opening for the daycare occurs, the group Leader will contact the parents or guardians of the first child on the waiting list by telephone.Children will be retravel from the waitlist upon the following reasons Parents or guardians request Child is over 36 months of age Family has moved away or phone number is out of order (th e knob is then unreachable).Compensation and Benefits Child-care workers who are employed at preschools organization or daycare organization are sometimes likely to receive benefits such as medical insurance, 401k retirement piece of lands, depending on the type of school, collage grand, or two week vacation. Nannies and au pairs tend not to receive such asset, but are often qualified to buy their own assistance, such as insurance plans and retirement packages before taxes, as they can be paid as independent contractors.According to Gary (2013), Employee compensation refers to all forms of pay or rewards going to employees and arising from their workplace (p.188). Title VII of the Civil Rights Act makes it unlawful for an employer to discriminate against any individual with respect to hiring, compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin (p.189).Performance management Define the determination of the job, du ties. Define performance goals with measurable outcomes. Define the priority of each job responsibility and target. Define production standards for key components of the job. Hold interim discussions and provide assessment about employee performance, preferably daily, summarized and discussed, at least, quarterly. Provide cocksure and structural reaction. Maintain a record of performance through critical sequent reports. Provide the opportunity for broader response. use of goods and services a 360-degree performance reaction organization that incorporates reaction from the employees peers, people, and customers who may report to him. Develop and administer a coaching and improvement plan if the employee is not meeting expectations. According to Gray (2013), performance management means different things to different people. Some use performance management as synonymous with performance judgment. Others say performance appraisal represents just the appraisal step-by-step goal-s etting/appraisal/feedback performance management motorcycle (p.159).Each of the functions of Human Resource Management (HRM) really shrink froms a zippy role in the effectiveness of any organization. Work system that can bring many advantages to Organization they mainly include Policies and rationale regarding Training and Development, Compensation and Benefits, Performance management.Jeremiah (2911) for I know the plans I have for you, declares the victor, plans to attain you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. God people are encouraged by leaders. Who stirs us to move ahead? Everyone who believes can do the task he has given and who will be with us unto the end. God is that kind of leader. He knows the future and plans for his people are good and full of hope. As long as God, who knows the future, provides our agenda and goes with us as we fulfill his mission here on earth. We can have limitless hope. This does not mean that his people will be spared pl an, suffering or hardship, but that God will see his people through to a glorious conclusion. I Chronicles (2820) David also said to Solomon his son, the one whom God has chosen, is unripe and inexperienced. The task is great, because this palatial structure is not for man but for the Lord God. David encouraged Solomon his son not to be frightened about the coat of his job as king and builder of the temple. Fear can stop dead leader. The size of a task, its risks, or the pressure of the situation can cause leader to freeze and do nothing. Dont focus on the fear instead, get to work. Getting stared is often the more or less challenging and frightening part of a job.Hiring employees is just a start to creating a strong work force. Next, you have to keep them. High employee turnover costs business owners in time and productivity. Try these tactics to retain your employees.Offer a competitive benefits package that fits your employees needs. Providing health insurance, life insurance and a retirement-savings plan is essential in retaining employees. But other perks, such as flextime and the option of telecommuting, go a long way to show employees you are willing to accommodate their away(p) lives.Provide some small perks. Free bagels on Fridays and dry-cleaning pickup and rescue may seem insignificant to you, but if they help employees better manage their lives, theyll appreciate it and may be more likely to stick around.Use contests and incentives to help keep workers motivated and feeling rewarded. Done right, these kinds of programs can keep employees focused and excited about their jobs.How to Improve Employee Retention Attracting the Right Candidates everywhere the years, Engage has implemented a number of policies that serve the dual nominate of attracting potential employees and keeping current ones passionate and committed. Here are a handful of examples Engage gives hiring priority to people who live near the emplacement because they believe that l ong commutes are detrimental to work-life balance.Instead of a tralatitious vacation policy, the company lets employees take time off from a leave bank, in which they can accumulate as many as 60 days off to use as they see fit. This policy has helped with employee retention, peculiarly by making it easier for female employees starting families to take time off and ultimately return to work.During the hiring process, Engage administers the DISC Personality test, which charts the four characteristics, drive, influence, steadiness, and compliance, to build personality profiles for new hires. All employees test results are public knowledge, which Hoffman feels helps people understand one another and get along.By setting quarterly goals with rewards attached, such as iPods for the whole team or a trip to a nice restaurant, Engage can encourage employees beyond the competitive and potentially divisive realm of salary bonuses. The group nature of these rewards is important, says Hoffman , because psyche who is not motivated by getting an iPod knows that other people in his or her group are and doesnt want to let them down.Why appointment is ImportantAccording to Gary, (2013). Employee engagement is important because countless employee behaviors, including turnover and withdrawal, replication the degree to which employees are engaged.(p.239).Discipline in the Workplace Discipline in the workplace is the means by which supervisory personnel rectify behavioural deficiencies and ensure adherence to established company rules. The purpose of discipline is correct behavior. It is not designed to punish or embarrass an employee. Often, a positive approach may solve the problem without having to discipline. However, if unacceptable behavior is a persistent problem or if the employee is involved in a act that cannot be tolerated, management may use discipline to correct the behavior. In general, discipline should be restricted to the issuing of letters of warning, lette rs of suspensions, or actual termination. Employers should refrain from disciplining employees by such methods as altering work schedules, assigning an employee to do unpleasant work, or denying vacation requests.Examples of Misconduct Examples of botch up which could result in discipline1. Excessive tardiness2. Failure to notify of an absence seizure3. Insubordination4. Rude or abusive language in the workplace5. Failure to follow Departmental Rules or Policies , i.e., not wearing safety equipment, not following correct cash handling procedures6. Dishonesty7. larcenyOf course, discipline may be required for a number of other misconducts. The question that needs to be asked is if the Employer has just cause to impose a form of discipline.As a Director at Daycare Center wait I work we have safety check list Child-to-staff ratio of 4 to1 for 2-year-olds, 7 to1 for 3-year-olds and 15 to 1Children should be supervise at all times.Center thats licensed and regularly inspected for heal th and cleanliness caoutchouc sleep and take over environmentsLimited or no TV viewingClean toys in good condition with no sharp edges indite policy on caring for ill childrenDiapering area separate from childrens play areasCleaning supplies and other toxic materials in locked cabinetElectrical outlets cover with protective capsSecurity gates at top and bottom of stepsEasily accessible first-aid kit and posted emergency numberswindowpane guards on all windows except designated fire exitsAll outside play areas enclosed soft surfaces under all equipmentSmoke alarms and fire extinguishersAn emergency evacuation planPerishable food refrigeratedConclusionIn conclusion, Human Resource Management is the calculated and reasoned method of managing for an organizations most valued assets. Human resources management makes certain that human talent is used successfully and resourcefully to accomplish organizational goals. As stated throughout this paper human resources can be classified into some categories we examine during this class, for example HR management philosophy, organizational policies, and Regulatory Compliance. Other categories were Recruitment, Training, Development Compensation, Benefits Performance Management, Employee Retention, Engagement, Discipline, and Safety.ReferenceBrown, Denise, (2017). What Are the Lead Teachers Responsibilities in a Daycare Center? http//work.chron.com/lead-teachers-responsibilities-daycare-center-14609.htmlDessler, Gary, (2013). A Framework for Human Resource Management Florida internationalist University Doyle, Alison, (2016).https//www.thebalance.com/job-application-process-2061600Employee Retention How to Retain Employees, 2016. http//guides.wsj.com/small-business/hiring-and-managing-employees/how-to-retain-employees/Equal Employment Opportunity Commission US https// www.eeoc.gov see Law. The Interview Process Selecting the Right Person, (2017). http//smallbusiness.findlaw.com/employment-law-and-human-resources/the-int erview-process-selecting-the-right-person.htm1Friend, Lucy, (2017). http//smallbusiness.chron.com/meaning-organizational-structure-3803. Htm1Josh Spiro, (2010).How to Improve Employee Retention http//www.inc.com/guides/2010/04/employee-retention.htmlleaders Qualities, (2017). https//bible.org/seriespage/27-human-resourcesLeman, Kevin Dr. and Pentak, Bill, (2004). The Way of the Shepherd 7 Ancient Secrets to Managing Productive PeopleLife Application Study Bible, (NIV) (1988). Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Carol Stream,Illinois and Zondervan Grand Rapids, Michigan.Rousseau, D. M. (1995). Psychological contracts in organizations Understanding written andUnwritten agreements. Thousand Oaks, CA Sage publications.short Angles Daycare and Preschool, (2017). www.ladc.us/policies.aspHeathfield M. Susan, (2016). Performance Management Process Checklist, Step-by-step to aThe University of British Columbia, (2015). Performance Management System, https//www.thebalance.com/performance-managemen t-process-checklist-1918852Samuel Hamilton, (2017). Child Care Worker Responsibilities, Hours, Salary, Benefits, Etc., http//work.chron.com/child-care-worker-responsibilities-hours-salary-benefits-etc-25603.htmlRuth Mayhew, How to hire with HR Issues of Discrimination, (1985) http//yourbusiness.azcentral.com/deal-hr-issues-discrimination-1394.html

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Battle of Breitenfeld Essay -- essays research papers fc

It is said that the Romans owed the conquest of the world to no other convey than continual array training, exact observance of discipline in their camps and untired cultivation of the arts of war. The historical references of their battles will prove time and once again that this statement has validity. How could such an Army rise to the power that was capital of Italy in all its glory while being outnumbered on almost every battlefield? In an attempt to explore this question, one must flip into the foundation of the early Roman army and follow it through the fiver hundred year reign of power as the city-state rose to an conglomerate (Preston.pg.29) The process by which capital of Italy developed from a small military outpost on a river-crossing to become the dominant power of the Italian Peninsula was by no means swift or continuous. It took the better representative of five centuries and during that time Rome itself was twice occupied by unkn stimulate powers (Warry. Pg .108). As the strength of Etrurua diminished, Rome asserted its authority over twain the Etruscans and the Latins, but at the beginning of the fourth century B.C. the city was overwhelmed, later the disastrous battle of the Allia, by a vast horde of Gallic raiders (Contamine. pg.9). The Romans retreated into their citadel on the Capitoline Mount where they eventually fought off the Gauls, whose fast interest was in pillaging for anything of worth and not in the defeat (Dersin.pg.8). Roman history records that the commodious Camillus, Romes exiled war leader, was recalled to expedite the parting Gauls with military action, but this tries to hide the fact that the Gauls departed of their own accord, having obtained what they wanted. Roman military history is checkered by catastrophes that few great empires could have sustained during the period of their growth. Nobody would deny that the Romans were a dangerous military nation yet the genius which enabled them eventually to dom inate the antediluvian patriarch world was as much governmental as military.Their great semipolitical instrument of choice was the concept of citizenship. Citizenship was not simply a precondition which one did or did not possess. It was and aggregate of right, duties, and honors, which could be acquired separately and conferred by installments (Boatwright.pg.25). Such were the rights of making legal contracts and marriages. From both of these the right to a political vote was not separable no... ...rise to power, no single people reign all or even most of that world. Military force and maneuver that adapted over time and between enemies were large factors in Romes eventual dominance over the entire region, and credit must be given to the resiliency of the Romans in the face of victories and defeats along the way. whole kit and caboodle CitedPreston, Richard Roland, Alex Wise Sydney. Men In Arms. (Ohio Thompson Wadsworth, 2005)Warry, John. Warfare in the Classical World. (Lon don okeh University and Salamander Books Ltd, 1995)Boatwright, Mary Gargola, Daniel Talbert, Richard. The Romans From Village to Empire. (New York Oxford University Press, 2004)Grant, Michael. The Fall Of The Roman Empire. (New York Macmillan Publishing Company, 1990)Nardo, Don. The hop on Of the Roman Empire. (California Greenhaven Press, 2002)Contamine, Phillip. War in the Middle Ages. (Massachusetts Blackwell Publishing, 1999)Dersin, Denise. What Life Was Like When Rome Ruled the World. (Virginia Time Life Books, 1997)Harris, Nathaniel. History of antique Rome. (London Octopus Publishing, 2000)Roberts, Timothy. Ancient Rome. (New York Friedman/Fairfax

Always Wanting More: Imperialism and Expansionism Essay -- American H

Going to the local grocery entrepot while hungry is always on the list of things non to do. wherefore? Because while walking up and down the aisles, hunger decides to strike and more(prenominal) than grocery items are added to the shopping cart. Another not to do radical for grocery shopping is taking little kids along for the trip. Why not for this unmatched? Because the little kids will want even more in the cart than the hunger attack would. The 19th and 20th century get together States of the States was the little kids and the hunger attack in the scenario given above. the States wanted more. They wanted more land, more power, more international influence, and more control.After being under the hands of Britain for majority of the 18th century, America was ready to explode and make a name for their self, and by their self. With this, no one was going to get in the way until America had make a name for itself. The blueprint may not have at rest(p) as smoothly as the poli tical figures would have liked, but their plan must have worked. Since America is known for having the most resources and being one of the greatest problem solvers in the world , the game plan of make a name worked successfully.Expansion begins within oneself. America was not whole foolish and began trying to exhort their authority in matters where they did not die when it was still just an eastern coast country. No, instead Americans and their political politics had the brilliant idea of bear witness Destiny. The United States did not try to blow a fuse in any international way instead they followed the baby locomote method. Manifest Destiny was the beginning to expansion that will probably never end. With this, America expanded physically as well as mentally. The Manifest Destiny idea gave Americans the moti... ...hens, GA, September 26, 2011.Farber, David. Taken Hostage The Iran Hostage Crisis and Americas original Encounter With Radical Islam. Princeton, NJ Princeton Un iversity Press, 2005.Logli, Michael. Greencastle criterion-Graphic Local News Lee Hamilton dialogue about American influence in the world (3/16/11). Banner Graphic. March 16, 2011. http//www.bannergraphic.com/story/1710813.html (accessed November 22, 2011).Platt Amendment. CourseReader. Detroit Gale, 2010.President Dwight D. Eisenhower Explains the Domino Theory. Public Papers of the Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1954. uppercase U.S. Government Printing Office, 1958. 381-90. CourseReader. Detroit Gale, 2010.University of Houston. Westward Expansion Manifest Destiny. Digital History. 2006. http//www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/database/article_display.cfm?HHID=311 (accessed November 22, 2011).

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Whitmans O Captain! My Captain! And Dickinsons Hope is a Thing with F

Whitmans O skipper My passkey And Dickinsons expect is a occasion with Feathers America experienced profound changes during the mid 1800s. unseasoned technologies and ideas helped the nation grow, bit the Civil War ripped the nation apart. During this tumultuous period, devil great American writers captured their ideas in poetry. Their songs give us insight into the metre period, as come up as universal insight about life. Although glacial opposites in personality, Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman created analogous poetry. Dickinsons go for is a occasion with Feathers and Whitmans O overlord My Captain share many qualities.Hope is a Thing with Feathers and O Captain My Captain contain a identical scansion. Both realise a predominantly iambic meter. The un bracing make followed by the accented beat creates a rising meter. Each poesy also contains noted exceptions to the iambic meter. In Hope is a Thing with Feathers, the first margin Hope is the thing contains a tr ochee followed by an iamb. O Captain My Captain contains even more exceptions to the iambic meter. gillyflower 5, just O cheek heart heart consists of an imperfect root followed by two spondees, or feet with two equally accented syllables. Both Line 6 O the bleeding drops of red and line 8 go cold and cold have trochaic meters with an imperfect root at the end. The remainder of the poem has an iambic meter until the last two lines whirl the deck my Captain lies, /Fallen cold and dead. The iambic meter... Whitmans O Captain My Captain And Dickinsons Hope is a Thing with FWhitmans O Captain My Captain And Dickinsons Hope is a Thing with Feathers America experienced profound changes during the mid 1800s. New technologies and ideas helped the nation grow, while the Civil War ripped the nation apart. During this tumultuous period, two great American writers captured their ideas in poetry. Their poems give us insight into the time period, as well as universal insight about life. Although polar opposites in personality, Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman created similar poetry. Dickinsons Hope is a Thing with Feathers and Whitmans O Captain My Captain share many qualities.Hope is a Thing with Feathers and O Captain My Captain contain a similar scansion. Both have a predominantly iambic meter. The unaccented beat followed by the accented beat creates a rising meter. Each poem also contains notable exceptions to the iambic meter. In Hope is a Thing with Feathers, the first line Hope is the thing contains a trochee followed by an iamb. O Captain My Captain contains even more exceptions to the iambic meter. Line 5, But O heart heart heart consists of an imperfect root followed by two spondees, or feet with two equally accented syllables. Both Line 6 O the bleeding drops of red and line 8 Fallen cold and dead have trochaic meters with an imperfect root at the end. The remainder of the poem has an iambic meter until the last two lines Walk the deck my Ca ptain lies, /Fallen cold and dead. The iambic meter...

Jane Eyre :: essays research papers

Jane EyreBy Charlotte Bronte2.End of Chapter TenMy favorite part at this time in the legend, is Jane Eyre. A new chapter in her bread and butter was or so to begin when she was accepted for the position as a governess, for a pocketable child at Thornfield Hall. She has come a long way from her days abandoned by her cruel aunt and treated poorly by her cousins. After her school days at Lowood, she wanted a brighter and oftentimes independent bread and butter for herself. She has had the strength to be strong and confident through it all. The characters that I disliked were her Aunt Reed and her cousins. Her aunt abandoned her, did non treat her as the other children and locked her up the majority of the time. Her cousin behind would constantly cause her physical and emotional harm, while cousins Georgiana and Eliza preferred to cut off her. Jane had spent eight years at Lowood Institution and suffered many hardships. Her life is saddened when her best and only friend, He len Burns, dies at Lowood from sickness. Fortunately Jane wants a better life for herself, and ventures out into the world. I do like this work so out-of-the-way(prenominal) because it is interesting to see what will happen to Jane and where her life will lead. Charlotte Brontes dah does tend to be a little dull in rough parts of the novel, from too much emphasis on minor events to much detail in some areas of the novel that is not relevant. I do think that Jane will enjoy the new life she has made for herself, this beingness a different experience.End of Chapter Twenty-EightJane is still my favorite character in the novel. She makes you want to reach your heart out to her with all that she experiences. The novel centers around her and her life, she has to be the favored character. I disliked Mr. Rochester when he was first-class honours degree introduced, always being cold, stiff, and difficult towards Jane. As the days pass, Jane does feel the bulk of love build between her and Mr. Rochester. They eventually make their way to the perform to be married, when the dark and terrible secret is revealed. Lurking in the attic of Thornfield Hall, is Mr. Rochesters insane, hothead wife Bertha. She is a character to despise throwing tantrums, setting Rochesters bedroom on fire, tearing Janes veil to shreds, and stabbing and biting her own brother Richard.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Directing Juliets Long Soliloquy Essay -- Drama

How would you direct Juliets long soliloquy in Act 4 Scene 3 on a Shakespearean stage, conveying Juliets nightmarish terror andindecisiveness?My staging of Act 4 Scene 3 go away emphasise the major themes which arecontinue in the play as a whole love, fate and violence. two Romeoand Juliet are sometimes portrayed as pawns of fate unable to escapetheir destiny, besides in this scene as I wish to stage it, I necessitate to showthat Juliet, following the Friars plan, takes a step towards changingthat destiny. She does this verboten of love for Romeo and to escape thedespair brought on by what she thinks will be a loveless marriage toParis. Juliet is in the grip of very difficult emotions and in this sceneher morbid fantasies ab bring out tombs and spectres take a savage turn,showing the violence of her feelings and severalise of mind.It seems strange that most modern productions look out on this scene, givingonly the first and last lines. The last line similarly is given in va riousversions. Do the directors think that this death furrow soliloquy - forthat is what it turns out to be - from the heroine, is too wordy andthat modern consultations cannot get a line the violent images she talksabout without the images themselves before their eyes? Or do theythink that such violent emotions are uncharacteristic of Juliet andare out of place?In my production I int abolish to combine the effective terminology of thedistraught Juliet with the inclusion of ocular images to producemaximum impact. In order to help the Shakespearean audience visualiseJuliets words, I will place actors as ghosts and spectres acting outher fantasies in the gallery as she speaks the lines.On a Shakespearean stage the scenery was minimal, as were the props,so the contemporary audience relied on the words, c stage sething and theactor a lot more than we would normally do now. As the director, Iwould ask the younker actor playing Juliet to be wearing a colour dark night gown of the era. This would indicate to theaudience that in the play it is presently night time and that Julietis in her chambers (because a respectable little girl would not be outside inher night clothes). The Shakespearean audience was very superstitious,so Juliet wearing a night gown that is yellow would also portray tothem ideas of optimism. Also, along the ideas of superstition, I wouldwant the vial to be red, ... ...loor of the gallery, where he has been waiting. Tybalt should lookextremely menacing and threatening towards the crowd. As before long asJuliet says O look I want the actor playing Romeo to appear on thegallery, next to Tybalt. While Juliet is speaking the next lines theyshould beseech with rapiers. At the precise moment that Juliet says thesecond stay, I want Tybalt to stab Romeo, and then for all theactors on the upper stage to recess to floor so they are not seen.I believe that in the staging of this scene, with actors acting outJuliets fantasies as she says them, I have utilize the fullpotential of the Elizabethan stage. Since their access to props andlighting was limited, words had to convey the idea of action, but bycombining verbal and visual I wanted to maximise the impact of thewords. Juliets highly emotional state is shown by her restlessmovements over the stage and her imaginings are portrayed in thegallery above. The violence shown throughout the play is mirrored herein Juliets words. Her love for Romeo is the cause of the scene butthe audience knows that in the end it is all futile since Juliet andRomeo are star-crossed lovers.

Essay --

Walter Cronkite One of the Statess most beloved and well-kn profess television personalities left a lasting impact on the presentation of newsworthiness on television. (wrong substance ab aim of a colon.. did you mean to have this sentence as a gentle?) As Cronkite grew with his network, so did his power and influence over the minds of the American public. (awkward mutation between your intro, whichi is too brief to begin with, and the next part) Cronkite was born in Saint Joseph, Missouri, and later during his high school years, shared his first gustatory modality of journalism by working on the local high school newspaper. (Barron) Later accepted into the University of Texas at Austin, Cronkite participated in more newspaper organizations and fraternities until he decided to drop out of school late in his subaltern year. After being offered several(prenominal) reporting jobs covering news and sports, Cronkite began his transmit career as a radio announcer for WKY in okey C ity, Oklahoma before switching over to a sports announcer for KCMO in Kansas City, Missouri. (Barnhart) World fight II soon broke out and Cronkite was chosen as nonpareil of eight journalists to cover the stories sledding on in the rampaging Europe. Gaining a study as a big-time journalist, Cronkite continued to expand on his credibility by covering the Nuremberg Trials, a series of cases that prosecuted the leaders of Nazi Germany. As several years passes, the tides of war finally grew to a close and Cronkite returned home where he soon himself a job at CBS News in 1950. (No accredited focus here. What are you trying to accomplish here? Are you going with a chronological coverage of his life? If so, prep the reader for it. I thought this was still the introductory paragraph at first)Television became a powerful medi... ...rrow who encouraged voicing ones opinion, Cronkite refused to share his own beliefs in his broadcasts. But even if he was objective, Cronkite was not afrai d to grin or show enthusiasm and emotions during the show. He gave off this warm and fogged personality that brought in many viewers and his signature sign-off, Thats the look it is, became popular for its folksy charm. Before long, viewers were calling him Uncle Walter. (Ritchie) The actual use of Waters name was a new change brought as well. Before this time, radio stations at the time did not requisite people to use their real names for fear of taking their listeners with them if they left. For example, the news stations did not want the audience to become too connect to a certain newsman or host, such as Cronkite, since of that reporter left, then many fans would follow suit and drop the stations ratings.