Saturday, December 28, 2019
Industrial Revolution DBQ Essay - 747 Words
The Industrial Revolution began in England during the 18th Century. This revolution started out in England, and spread throughout Europe and North America. Many technologic and agricultural advances were made during this time. Factories became the main source of production, rather than in home workers. This resulted in many people living in rural areas to move into industrialized cities, which was called rural to urban migration. The Industrial Revolution started in England due to its supply of natural resources, advanced technology and inventions, and political freedom. To start off, England had all the natural resources needed to industrialize. England had a natural supply of wool, cotton, coal, iron, lead, and tin (doc 1). These are all resources that are needed and helpful when industrializing. Wool and cotton are especially good for the textile industry, whereas iron was great for making tools and machinery. Along with these resources, England’s location enabled trading d ue to it’s many waterways. You can not be more than 70 miles from the sea in England (doc 4). Even the animals in the country were an advantage. For example, the sheep in England gave off the best wool (doc 4). Having natural resources helped England industrialize because it saved the country from having to trade, and/or travel to other countries in order to get what they needed. So many of the natural resources needed to industrialize were found in England. England had everything from coal to powerShow MoreRelatedAp Exam Essays1660 Words  | 7 PagesAP Exam Essays 2001-2010 2010 AP Exam Essays 1. In what ways did ideas and values held by Puritans influence the political, economic, and social development of the New England colonies from 1630 through the 1660s? 2. Analyze the political, diplomatic, and military reasons for the United States victory in the Revolutionary War. Confine your answer to the period 1775–1783. 3. Analyze the ways in which controversy over the extension of slavery into western territories contributed to the comingRead MoreManchester DBQ1490 Words  | 6 Pagesgrowth of Manchester during the Industrial Revolution. According to the Encarta World English Dictionary, Industrial Revolution was the period when U.K. went through social and economic changes that involved widespread adoption of industrial methods of production. The specialization of tasks, the concentration of capital, and the centralization of work forces were important aspects of these changes. The major factor in the growth of Manchester was the Industrial Revolution. As a result, many issues wereRead MoreGermany Before 1848 Essay1027 Words  | 5 PagesBefore 1848 Germany DBQ The political, economical, and social order of the Germanic states in the nineteenth century was in a state of chaos and disarray. Politically, the states had the desire of becoming unified and had the possibility to do so if it had not been for fear and neglect to follow through. Economically, the states were in a time of hardships with poor growth development in the fields and were also going through the time of the Industrial Revolution with changes to their everydayRead MoreWorld War I Essay862 Words  | 4 Pages DBQ Essay nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;World War I was the result of leaders aggression towards other countries which was supported by the rising nationalism of the European nations. Economic and imperial competition and fear of war prompted military alliances and an arms race, which further escalated the tension contributing to the outbreak of war. One cause of the World War was militarism, which is a policy in which military preparedness is of primary significance to a situation. Another causeRead MoreFrench Literacy Dbq Essay6211 Words  | 25 PagesSource: ( Essay Writing Document-based question (DBQ) â€Å"Levels of Literacy†(60 minutes, 1,000 words minimum) Task: Describe the variations in the levels of literacy in Old Regime France and trace these variations over time. Analyze the factors that promoted or discouraged the spread of literacy. Analysis of fourteen documents for the DBQ â€Å"Literacy in France†essay question: Document # 1: Document # 1 was a comparison of the degree of literacy
Friday, December 20, 2019
Race Is It Biology or Social Behavior - 633 Words
Race can be viewed as both biological and social behavioral of science assertions. What is Race? According to the encyclopedia, â€Å"Race is a classification system used to categorized humans into large and distinct .affiliation.†Biological we are the same species who socialized but treat each other differently. Therefore sociological classification led to a social disease called â€Å"racism†. In the circular case of Plessy vs. Ferguson in 1896, race was deemed to be both biological and social. Plessy viewed himself as a white man due to his genetical DNA attributes of his 7/8 Caucasian and 1/8 African. Unfornately to the white society he was viewed as black because he wasn’t a pure breed. He was arrested for sitting in the white area on the Railroad in the State of Louisiana. Plessy felt that his 13th and 14th amendments were violated. At the time of the Plessy decision the Supreme Court set the precedent that â€Å"separate†facilities for blacks and whites were constitutional as long as they were â€Å"equal†, and he was fined for $25.00. This decision became known as the separate but equal doctrine, which led to the Jim Crow’s Law which was then stroked down by the Brown vs. Board of Education. Race is not biological Constructed it is socially and politically real via law public policy and social practices, based on a large superficial appearances. In a classic experiment in 1946, Kenneth and Mami Phipps Clark conducted a research called the â€Å"Clark Doll Test†. The psychological studyShow MoreRelatedAnalyzing The Six Major Patterns Of Minority And Dominant Group Relations942 Words  | 4 Pagesdifferent ethnic backgrounds. Each will have different traditions and most likely speak different languages as a result of their different ethnic backgrounds. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Innovation and Sustainable Business Development for Commonwealth Bank
Question: Discuss about theInnovation and Sustainable Business Development for Commonwealth Bank. Answer: Business Model of Commonwealth Bank Business model of an organization is the most significant framework that describes the resources of a company and its business environment are connected together to deliver a customer value and to produce the significant profits and revenues. In todays competitive environment, organizations create a sustainable business model that provides them an optimal mode of operations in their sector. The purpose of this essay is to provide the points of different authors regarding the business model and disruption. Additionally, the paper discusses the opportunities and threats which the Commonwealth Bank is confronting by the use of smart-connected products. Furthermore, it includes the business model canvas of the chosen organization and explains two of its aspects i.e. key resources and value proposition. Business Model is a conceptual framework that translates companys business strategy to implementation. This statement was given by Osterwalder Pigneur (2010). In this context, they further stated that the primary area of business model supports to understand and share the business idea of a firm. Secondly, it can enhance the observing, measuring and contrasting the business idea of firm. Thirdly, it assists in enhancing the implementation of business model in action (Osterwalder Pigneur, 2010). The authors stated that organizations can respond faster to the change in business environment with business model framework. It fulfills the gap between business process and its strategy. According to Eckhardt (2013) the concept of business model has huge value as a framework for strategists to generate and compare the theories about how a business provides value to its customers. It is seen as an abstract which allows a description of what the business is doing for its survival. The busine ss model includes three components such as value creation, value delivery and value capture (Eckhardt, 2013). The author describes the business model as an internal view and assists companys strategy by defining the value proposition and process system of firm to develop and deliver the value to customers. To enhance the efficiency of business model, various businesses are adopting disruptive innovation. Disruption and innovation are similar in that they are both builders and makers. Disruption is the technique that takes a left turn by changing and uprooting how people think, operate the business and learn. In his book, Paetz (2014) outlined that disruption develops new dimensions of the value which the old business model or product category is not able to address by fulfilling the unfulfilled needs of customers. According to the author, these new dimensions are some benefits like accessibility, simplicity, convenience, lower prices, ease of use etc. This nature of disruption brings more deepness and shows the endless nature of digital technologies (Paetz, 2014). The organizations will disruption attack the existing markets not just from the bottom, top and sides, but from all the three sides. Disruptive innovation and technology enables the organization to gain more competitive advan tage over its competitors. Thus, it can be stated that technological disruption includes different elements like technology, process, tool, behavior and business model which change the customers to develop new behavior and different needs with new values (Applegate, 2007). In todays business environment, disruptive innovation has enabled the organizations to use the smart-connected products in its business operations. Smart connected devices are the innovations in technology that helps the company to grab more opportunities for production development, capacity development and greater reliability from customers (Drucker, 2014). These products change the nature of competition and industry structure, showing the organizations to new competitive threats and opportunities. Smart-connected products are created with the processors, software, sensors that assist the organization to manage information exchange in its system. Commonwealth Bank of Australia is an international bank with its services across Asia, New Zealand, United States and United Kingdom. It offers several financial services such as business and institutional banking, retail services, fund management, insurance, superannuation, broking and investment services (Commonwealth Bank, 2018). The company has adopted various smart-connected products in its business operations. Currently, the team of Commonwealth Bank is focused on different smart-connected products like cyber, big data, smart machines, identity, Internet of Things, Ag-Tech, Block-chain, next generation compute and it also includes the atomic computing and commonwealth bank debit MasterCard. However the MasterCard assists the customers in online shopping and to access on mobile app but it has some security issues (Rajasingham, 2008). These technologies offer various opportunities to the company like it enables the bank to follow fast with disruptive play and develop new market opportunities to stay competitive among its competing brands. Smart machines assists the organization in controlling and operating the business activities from anywhere in the world (Chesbrough, 2010). The machines with sensors allow the bank to collect and manage the customer information among its all the branches. By the use of smart-connected products, the company is able to provide financial services smoothly. The people are able to open their account in bank online. In this way, Commonwealth Bank has the opportunities to increase its customer base in Australia and other countries. Apart from this, Commonwealth Bank is facing various threats due to smart-connected devices like older people in bank are not able to understand innovative and updated technology implementation. This causes higher cost of training to the organization (de Jong , van Dijk, 2015). There are so many customers of Commonwealth Bank who are not able to access its updated services like ATMs, debit cards etc. The customers may feel uneasy and unfamiliar with the services. There may be some issues related to security of confidential information of customers of bank. The data of clients can be stolen by the hackers by unauthorized access to smart-connected devices. It is the biggest threat for this financial service provider as it has confidential information about the customers. The business model framework of Commonwealth Bank is created below: Key Partners Subsidiaries Investors Agreements with 2 Chinese banks (Hangzhou City Commercial Bank and Jinan City Commercial Bank) Credit card firms Financial community ATM service desk Regulatory Agencies Key Activities Financial services Credit card facilities and loans Investment services Customer acquisition Transaction and saving account Risk assessment Value Proposition Retail banking and financial services Risk taking Sustainable development Financial services to small business and personal customers It is one of the four biggest banks in Australia. Premium services Wealth management. Customer Relationships Security Automation Convenience Direct contact with regular customers Non-personal channels Trust and reputation. Customer Segments Corporate and massive retail customers Credit card holders Account holders Merchants Governments All the group of customers (Male and Female) Key Resources 100 plus branches of bank Largest bank ATM networks Information technology capabilities Bank staff Customer base Brand presence all over the world. Physical resources at bank branch Channels Online Banking Mobile Banking Official website of Bank Social networks Newsroom Cost Structure Administrative expenses at international branches Financial costs IT infrastructure development and maintenance Security costs Rewards and interest paid Compensation Salaries and wages Revenue Streams Premium on policies Return on investment portfolio Service fees Financial revenues From the above business model canvas, two major aspects are selected for the discussion i.e. value proposition and key resources. Value proposition of an organization is the most important component of its business model that assists the organization to deal with different threats and gain more competitive advantage against its competitors. It assists the customers to make their perception towards companys products and services. The value proposition of Commonwealth Bank includes that it is offering different financial and banking services to Australian customers (Meltzer, 2017). Moreover, the company has positioned itself as one of the four biggest banks in Australia. By attracting more personal and small business customers, Commonwealth Banks is able to maintain a sustainable growth in banking sector. The firm is offering premium services and wealth management services to the customers in Australia and other nearby nations. This value proposition has assisted the organization in in creasing its customer base. In this way, Commonwealth Bank is able to gain sustainable competitive edge in banking industry (Zott, Amit Massa, 2011). Furthermore, resources and capabilities is also an important component of business model canvas of Commonwealth Bank. This organization owns various resources that help the company in providing satisfactory services to its targeted audiences. Human resources are the major asset of this bank that serves the demands and expectations of customers. Till now, the company has opened its 100 plus branches and various ATMs. It is the largest bank in Australia and has information technology capabilities for providing effective retail banking and financial services to customers (Jones-Evans, Klofsten, 2016). The organization is able to create a huge brand presence all over the world. In this way, both of the components play an important role in life of Commonwealth Bank. Thus, it can be concluded that business model plays an important role in the growth and success of an organization. It supports the company to become successful in competitive environment. By the use of this, Commonwealth Bank can enhance its services delivery process in the future. Identification of key resources and capabilities will assist the bank to meet the expectations of targeted customers. In the future, the company can enhance its business model by adopting disruptive innovation and technology. It can practice the opportunities to overcome the threats posed by smart-connected products. References Applegate, L. M. (2007). Jumpstarting Innovation: Using Disruption to Your Advantage.Boston: HBS working. Chesbrough, H. (2010). Business model innovation: opportunities and barriers.Long range planning,43(2-3), 354-363. Commonwealth Bank. (2018). CommBank: Personal banking including accounts, credit cards. Retrieved from de Jong, M., van Dijk, M. (2015). Disrupting beliefs: A new approach to business-model innovation. McKinsey Quarterly. Drucker, P. (2014).Innovation and entrepreneurship. UK: Routledge. Eckhardt, J.T. (2013). Opportunities in business model research. Sage Journals, 11 (4). Jones-Evans, D., Klofsten, M. (2016).Technology, innovation and enterprise: The European experience. Germany: Springer. Meltzer, D. (2017). Disruption vs. Innovation: Defining Success. Retrieved from Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business Model Generation?: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. Hoboken: Wiley. Paetz, P. (2014). Disruption by Design:How to Create Products that Disrupt and then Dominate Markets. NY: Apress. Rajasingham, D. (2018). Welcome to the machine-to-machine economy. Retrieved from Zott, C., Amit, R., Massa, L. (2011). The business model: recent developments and future research.Journal of management,37(4), 1019-1042.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Analyse in detail scene 6 from the play Kicking Out Essay Example For Students
Analyse in detail scene 6 from the play Kicking Out Essay In my essay I will analyse in detail scene 6 from a play called Kicking Out. This play was written by Clifford Oliver in 1994 and was first performed on the 6th of November 1994. The play was commissioned by the football in the community scheme at Leyton Orient. The play was written for young people to remove racism in football and in society in general. The Kicking out play is about five young adults building a team for a five a side football competition. The trouble is they need a team of mixed race. During the play Eddie the coach of the team, lies about playing for West Ham and through out the play he make racist comments. The team are not sure if they can have Eddie as the coach of the team. Scene six is set on the terrace, as in scene one. In this scene there are three characters Tanya, Kelvin on one side and Eddie on the other. They are watching a football match. Kelvin and Tanya are going out. Tanya is fifteen and white, she has an attitude problem with Eddie. Kelvin is fifteen too and is black; he has not mentioned any thing to his parents about his relationship with Tanya. Eddie is in his early forties. The writer shows the action takes place at a football match by his use of stage directions. This tells the stage director and actors what to do and where to stand. The first stage direction is found at the begging of scene six; it says that the scene is set on a terrace. This is a word that you will associate with football because it is where the crowd stands. The second stage direction is found at the middle of scene six. It says that Kelvin and Tanya are ducking under the railings you probably would see these railings at a football match to separate fans. The third stage direction is found at the end of scene six. The writer shows that the action is clearly set at a football match by the characters language one of the first thing we hear is come on you Os, this is written using capital letters; it also has an abbreviation and an exclamation mark. This shows that the characters is saying this loudly or is shouting it also the name of the team is easier to shout out and enthusiastically encores the team to play better. Just like a real football supporter will do. The second phrase that is spoken is come on brooksie. This is written using capital letters it has an abbreviation and an exclamation mark. This show that the character is shouting this to encourage the player so when he hears his name shouted he plays at the best of his ability. The third phrase that is spoken is Orient reject. This is written in capital letters and has an exclamation mark. This show that the character is shouting to the team that he dose not support that they are a reject. In this scene Eddie is very aggressive I know this because he says, Get into him son and this shows that Eddie is encouraging the player to make a very physical move and some how get the ball or hurt the other player. We also learn that he is opinionated.
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