Wednesday, October 30, 2019
International Study-1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
International Study-1 - Assignment Example In this regard, it can be stated that Japan as well as the United States have become the world’s largest net international borrower during this stage. Moreover, it has also been revealed that the trend of foreign direct investment have also rapidly increased among the emerging European countries. With regards to determining the positive impacts of foreign direct investment on an economy, it is highly essential to identify the favorable factors, which may affect the political and financial conditions and growth of the economy in terms of encouraging more investments (Drezner 53-78; Markey and Ravenswood 1-26). However, the trend of foreign direct investment has completely changed during the early 21st century. In this regard, it can be asserted that foreign direct investment has improved the opportunities for larger organizations as well as multinational enterprises in terms of its scale and scope. At the same time, it can also be claimed that increased tendency of foreign direct investment has initiated competitive advantage among the global players. Moreover, it has also assisted multinational enterprises to perform their extensive and cross border business operations effectively in the global market (Drezner 53-78; Markey and Ravenswood 1-26). In this assignment, the objective is to identify the impact of the foreign direct investment on receiving countries in terms of positive and negative aspect. At the same time, the study will try to identify the effect of the foreign direct investment on the global multinational enterprises. Moreover, the study will also help in recognizing the performance of the economy in terms of micro as well as macroeconomics. Foreign direct investment has assisted developing countries’ to improve their economic performance in the global market context by improving trade. In this regard, it has been perceived that foreign direct investment has influenced the performance of the multinational
Monday, October 28, 2019
Canadian Economy, Labor, And The Global World Essay Example for Free
Canadian Economy, Labor, And The Global World Essay The Federal Open Market Committee report indicates a decline in output and employment. Household spending has been increasing gradually though there have been several constraints such as high unemployment rates, tight credit, and slight income growth. The United States is the biggest trading partner to Canada and economic slumps within the American economy affect the Canadian economy negatively as well. Such a decline in output will affect the Canadian economy since a decline in goods that Canada obtains from the United States will mean the country will lack them and have to find other countries to trade with. In addition, the low output will result in American businesses importing less goods from Canada that they use in the process of producing their goods. The high unemployment will affect Canadian labor based on the large number of Canadians who work in the United States. During an economic recession as this one most foreign workers lack unemployment in other countries as governments give first priority to their domestic workers first. As such, American nationals would be considered first during employment exercises while the Canadians will be left out and stay unemployed until the economy is seen to have recovered. The role of the state in a global world The worlds today is a global one with people from different countries, social backgrounds and cultures interacting on a daily basis. States are part of these interactions as well as they encompass the geographical boundaries that divide our continents into smaller units. States exist as a result of a host of reasons such as political, historical, economic, social, cultural and militaristic. States form different corners of the world are carrying out trade with one another as a result of the growth of the idea of competitive advantage that allows countries to export what they have in abundance and import what they lack. Apart from trade, there are numerous organizations and agreements around the world that have brought numerous countries together in pursuit of common goals so as to create a modern world that is safe and productive to live in. As such, a state has to find a way to effectively take part in such a global world despite having its own independent political, social, cultural, and corporate way of doing things. This requires states to come up with policies that will enable them to actively take part within the global world without compromising their independence (Plattner, 2002). This creates the need for due attention to the theoretical rationales of the state’s formation that ensure that the state remains pertinent in the global world. This is in line with the fact that domestic policies can not be made to treat the economy as a closed entity but need to consider the implications and counterbalancing effects that arise from globalization. The state has a role in the global world that is aimed at legislating its policies that protect its domestic market as well as give opportunity for its country’s participation in globalization. Labor unions in a global world Globalization has grown over the years and has now become an important part of our corporate and social lives. Labor is one of the institutions that have been greatly affected by globalization as businesses and institutions are now able to employ individuals from anywhere in the world as far as they have the required skills and knowledge needed for the job. With the growth of capitalism and international trade, most companies realized the only way to stay in business and continue making huge profits was to cut down on overall expenses and labor costs were one of the expenses cut. The growth of globalization has also lead to the development of outsourcing where businesses have some of the operations carried out by other institutions that are specialized in that field and therefore do not have to employ people to carry out those jobs internally. Most businesses are opening factories in foreign markets that have cheaper labor such as China and Indonesia. As such, labor unions have responded in order to protect their domestic workers from the increasing amount of unemployment that could result from the employment of foreign workers who could be asking for lower wages and salaries as compared to the domestic workers. Labor unions have responded to globalization by engaging in several strategies that limit the negative effects of globalization on labor. One such strategy has been the opposition towards free trade initiatives and agreements involving several countries. One such agreement has been the North American Free Trade Agreement by asking for there to be provisions within the agreement for the inclusion of a charter that would entail a number of labor principles that would be put into effect and enforced by both domestic and international courts. Secondly, labor unions have began to organize regional as well as international organizations that seek to harmonize the labor needs of their members. This is the case especially for multinational companies that operate in several countries where unions facilitate workers from the different factories in the various countries to be able to have collective bargaining of their needs (Herod, 2002). Thirdly, labor unions have been involved in the process of developing labor regulations that are incorporated in most business codes of conduct. Due to the possibility of business including legally correct phrases that could be detrimental to workers when effected and which would affect workers negatively. By have access to the policy formulation stage, unions are able to prevent the inclusion of such codes and policies that would end up leaving workers at a disadvantaged position. How the federal government responded to growing labor militancy The onset of the depression found the provincial as well as municipal governments in debt following expansion in infrastructure. This was at a time when Mackenzie was the prime minister and he held the belief that the crisis would pass thus failed to provide aid to the provinces. The federal government was reluctant in making efforts of reviving the economy that followed the depression (Robert, 2009). After the depression the government started a relief plan faced with mounting pressure from World War 1 veterans who demanded to be protected from poverty that was known as the New Deal The federal government under R. B Bennett campaigned on high tariffs as well as large scale spending. The federal government also increased welfare and assistance programs as well as programs intended to increase work opportunities. This was a move that led the federal government to more deficit (Neatby, 1963). This worsened the situation based on the fact that it caused a great number of government employees to loose their jobs as well as the cancelation of many public works projects that were underway. The federal government had a burden of the Canadian National Railway that had been highly affected by the depression. The government has as well taken over a number of railways that were bankrupt and out-of-date over the period of the world war. This increased the debt that the government had to a massive sum that was hard to be repaid at the time based on the hard financial time that the nation faced. The decrease in trade had made the Canadian National Railway to loose substantial amounts of funds a crisis that had been worsened by the depression. This created a burden for the federal government on the basis that it had to bail out the CNR baring in mind that the government was as well facing other debts. The failure of the federal government to revive the economy led to its defeat by the liberal party. The future for Keynesian economics Keynesian economics is struggling as it seems to have a dimming future. Since the 1970s when Keynesian economics faced a significant decline due to its failure as a result of the resultant high inflation rates and economic recessions, there has been an emergence of monetarism. In the 1980s, classical as well as supply-side economics have increasingly challenged the appropriateness of Keynesian economics further (Rousseas, 1986). As a result, Keynesian economists have responded to this decline and have created new schools of thought based on early Keynesian economics. These are †¢ The neoclassical Keynesianism †¢ The post-Keynesianism †¢ The new Keynesianism All these school of thoughts have emerged mainly as a response to the criticisms that new classical economists have raised against Keynesian economics (Gordon, 1990). Due to the focus on the demand side, Keynesian economics has proved to be important especially during economic revival after recessions as was witnessed after the recent 2008-2009 global recession where most affected countries engaged in Keynesian economics by providing economic stimulus packages aimed at reviving the economy again. This is based on the Keynesian view that markets usually lack a mechanism to self correct themselves and therefore government interventions are required to restore the economy once again. References Gordon, R. J. (1990). â€Å"What Is New-Keynesian Economics? †Journal of Economic Literature 28, no. 3 1115–1171. Herod, A. (2002). â€Å"Organizing globally, organizing locally: union spatial strategy in a global economy. †In Harrod, J. Robert, O. Global Unions? Theory and Strategies of organized labor in the global political economy. London: Routledge. Neatby, H. B. (1963). William Lyon Mackenzie King, 1924-1932: The Lonely Heights. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Plattner, M. (2002). â€Å"Globalization and Self-Government†, Journal of Democracy 13(3): 54-67. Robert, L. (2009). The Workplace and Economic Crisis: Canadian Textile Firms, 1929-1935, Enterprise and Society, Vol. 10 Issue 3, pp 498-528. Rousseas, S. (1986). Post-Keynesian Monetary Economics. London: Macmillan.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Thomas Paine and Common Sense :: essays research papers
Common Sense Published anonymously by Thomas Paine in January of 1776, Common Sense was an instant best-seller, both in the colonies and in Europe. It went through several editions in Philadelphia, and was republished in all parts of United America. Because of it, Paine became internationally famous. "A Covenanted People" called Common Sense "by far the most influential tract of the American remains one of the most brilliant pamphlets ever written in the English language." Paine's political pamphlet brought the rising revolutionary feeling into sharp focus by placing blame for the suffering of the colonies directly on the reigning British monarch, George III. First and foremost, Common Sense advocated an immediate declaration of independence, putting forward a special moral duty of America to the rest of the world. Not long after publication, the spirit of Paine's argument found importance in the American Declaration of Independence. Written at t he beginning of the Revolution, Common Sense became the leaven for the ferment of the times. It stirred the colonists to strengthen their resolve, resulting in the first successful anticolonial action in modern history. Little did Paine realize that his writings would set fire to a movement that had seldom if ever been worked out in the Old World: sovereignty of the people and written constitutions, together with effective checks and balances in government. Paine has been described as a professional radical and a revolutionary propagandist without peer. Born in England, he was dismissed as an excise officer while lobbying for higher wages. Impressed by Paine, Benjamin Franklin sponsored Paine's emigration to America in 1774. In Philadelphia Paine became a journalist and essayist, contributing articles on all subjects to The Pennsylvania Magazine.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Defying Male Power in John Websters The Duchess of Malfi Essay
  John Webster's play The Duchess of Malfi is an illustration of the unequal power relations between the sexes during the sixteenth century. In the play the brothers Ferdinand and the Cardinal are shown as men who want to control their sister the Duchess by not letting her remarry. Out of this situation emerges the Duchess who, in spite of her promise not to marry again (p. 1298), will do the complete opposite, thus defying male power. Her conversation with Antonio (lines 317-61, pp. 1292-3) is an example of this because in her speech the Duchess intends to make Antonio realize that she is against both the conventions of marriage codes and men's assumptions of women's sexuality. The Duchess, after she puts her wedding-ring upon Antonio's finger, sets out to convince him that they have the right to become husband and wife. She tells him that his lower status should not stop her from marrying him. Being a Duchess, she argues, she has the power to "raise [him] higher" (line 319). When Antonio objects to such an "ambition" she even offers him her riches. Thus the Duc... Defying Male Power in John Webster's The Duchess of Malfi Essay   John Webster's play The Duchess of Malfi is an illustration of the unequal power relations between the sexes during the sixteenth century. In the play the brothers Ferdinand and the Cardinal are shown as men who want to control their sister the Duchess by not letting her remarry. Out of this situation emerges the Duchess who, in spite of her promise not to marry again (p. 1298), will do the complete opposite, thus defying male power. Her conversation with Antonio (lines 317-61, pp. 1292-3) is an example of this because in her speech the Duchess intends to make Antonio realize that she is against both the conventions of marriage codes and men's assumptions of women's sexuality. The Duchess, after she puts her wedding-ring upon Antonio's finger, sets out to convince him that they have the right to become husband and wife. She tells him that his lower status should not stop her from marrying him. Being a Duchess, she argues, she has the power to "raise [him] higher" (line 319). When Antonio objects to such an "ambition" she even offers him her riches. Thus the Duc...
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Importance of Career Planning in Industry
the importance of Career Planning in industry. Career planning involves efforts on the part of the organizations to provide avenues for growth to its employees. Certainly this growth should be accompanied by development. The other side of the coin is the role of employees in career planning. It involves effort on the part of employees to clearly think through and decided areas in which they would like to make a career for themselves. When employees have assessed their career needs and have become aware of organizational career opportunities, the problem is one of alignment. The crucial role has to be played by HRD in ensuring this alignment to build up morale in the organization. A systematic choice of development techniques like training, special assignment, counseling and rotational assignments should be made to ensure this alignment. Employees are often uncertain as to the type of work that would suit them best. There are a number of evaluation instruments available to determine basic aptitudes. Human Resource Development Managers should be able to guide employees by administering these instruments on them. Employees should also find out whether they are loners or socially active. These exercises with some assistance from HRD Managers should help in career need assessment. At certain stage the upward mobility stops for many employees. This is inescapable in view of pyramid organizations structure. This phenomenon is called plateauing. It takes place around the age f 40. Some suggested measures to deal with such employees are: ? Mentors should be assigned measures to deal with such employees. Depending on the maturity of such mentors, good results can be achieved in assuaging the hurt feelings of plateaued employees ? Additional career ladders could be established to retain some valuable resource. Giving them importance by assigning them to some important task force or committee. ? Assisting them to choose a new career. Some organizations assist their plateau executives to start their own business. Career path models developed by a large public sector undertaking: This organization has developed career paths models for the major discipline †¢ Sales †¢ Technical services †¢ Operations †¢ Engineering †¢ Aviation †¢ LPG †¢ Finance †¢ Personnel Career path models have not been drawn for the disciplines like materials, public relations, training, etc. areer path models have been evolved to provide direction to career progression of officers. It forms the basis for placement, transfer, rotation etc. so that the officers are prepared for higher responsibilities progressively and the experience they gain becomes cumulative rather than respective. The most distinguishing feature of these career path model are the stress on jib rotation and testing the incumbent in a different environment to enhance his coping capability before giving him a higher position in the hierarchy.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Characteristic Downfall Essays - Chapbooks, Free Essays, Term Papers
Characteristic Downfall Essays - Chapbooks, Free Essays, Term Papers Characteristic Downfall In T.S. Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," the author is establishing the trouble the narrator is having dealing with middle age. Prufrock(the narrator) believes that age is a burden and is deeply troubled by it.. His love of some women cannot be because he feels the prime of his life is over. His preoccupation with the passing of time characterizes the fear of aging he has. The poemdeals with the aging and fears associated with it of the narrator. Prufrock is not confident with himself mentally or his appearance. He is terrified of what will occur when people see his balding head or his slim and aging body. He believes everyone will think he is old and useless. They will talk about him behind his back. (They will say "How is hair is growing thin!") My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin, My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin [They will say: "But how his arms and legs are thin!"] This insecurity is definitely a hindrance for him. It holds him back from doing the things he wishes to do. This is the sort of characteristic that makes Alfred into a tragic, doomed character. He will not find happiness until he finds self-assurance within himself. The repetition of words like vision and revision, show his feelings of inadequacy in communicating with the people around him. J. Alfred Prufrock's self esteem affects his love life greatly. The woman he is in love with is younger than he is and this distresses him. He does not believe that some younger women could possibly accept him or find him attractive. Expressing any kind of affection to her is awkward and difficult. Prufrock knows what he must say but cannot bring himself to say it. "Should I, after tea and cakes and ices, Have the strength to force the moment to it's crisis?"(79-80) His apprehensiveness in his love life, is very troublesome for him indeed. He wishes greatly to express his affection but it becomes suppressed within him. He compares himself to Lazarus who was an aged man restored to life by Jesus. He feels that it will take a miracle to make him feel young again. Prufrock sees his age as the end of his romantic zeal. He assumes the response to his love will be snappy and heartless. Prufrock believes that women do not find older men attractive or see a possibility of romance in them. The rhyme scheme Elliot uses in this poem depicts the disenchanted and confused mind of the narrator. The poem is written using a non-uniform meter and rhyme. Various stanzas are not of uniform length. This method is used to represent the mood and feelings in the verse. Prufrock is feeling confused and overwhelmed by the adversities of life so it is logical that his thought will have the same types of characteristics. His thoughts lead to ambiguity such as at the start of the poem. "There you go then, you and I"(1) This could be referring to Prufrock and himself, or Prufrock and his lover. Elliot wrote this poem in a time when social customs were still considered an issue. Everyone had their place and did not vary from that. Stereotypes of groups were lived up to and nobody tried to change it. Elliot uses blatant images of different classes in order to show these dissimilarities. The lower class lived a meager, dull and predictable life. They spend "restless nights in one-night cheap hotels."(6) The rich on the other hand are educated and enjoy life every day. They are busy and bustle around joyfully in order to get things done. In the room the women come and go Talking of Michelangelo.(13-14) Unfortunately, because of his age Prufrock feels that he does not belong to any of these classes. He has similarities pertaining to each of them but as a whole feels that he simply exists in his own classification. The debate in Prufrock's mind finally comes to a close when he compares himself to Prince Hamlet from William Shakespear's masterpiece Hamlet. Hamlet was able to express his love and J. Alfred was envious of that. "No! I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was it meant
Monday, October 21, 2019
How To Build Influence In Any Industry With Chris Dessi
How To Build Influence In Any Industry With Chris Dessi Influence: It pertains to every industry, and it’s a hot topic in marketing right now. If you want to be one of the major players in your niche, you need to have influence. As you build- and market- your business, you’re probably reaching out to the influencers in your field. But why not become an influencer yourself? Today’s guest, Chris Dessi, is the founder of Silverback Social, a digital marketing agency specializing in social media. The company manages the social media ecosystem and provides consulting for many different brands. He offers our listeners a lot of great insight on being an entrepreneur, being relevant, and becoming an influencer. Powered by PodcastMotor Actionable Content Marketing powered by By 00:00/00:00 1x 100 > Download file Subscribe on iTunes Leave Review Share Some of the topics you’ll hear discussed in today’s episode include: Chris’s background before he launched Silverback Social, and how he’s gotten to the point of having developed a successful personal brand. Advice for people who want to begin publishing content and getting people to relate to them. Why it’s important to combine work and personal life within your content. How marketers can stay relevant if they work in drab industries. Where Chris sees himself going in the future. Links: Silverback Social Chris on Chris book: Remarkable You: Build a Personal Brand and Take Charge of Your Career If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Chris: â€Å"Being an entrepreneur, it creeps into every inch of your organism.†â€Å"People that are generating really great content within social media and doing really great things within digital, they don’t wait for permission, they just go and create.†â€Å"Talk about things outside of the office. What are you into? What are the things that youre interested in? That’s gonna help you get a sale.â€
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Most Beautiful University Libraries In The USA
The Most Beautiful University Libraries In The USA If you are looking for a fantastic library to study in, youre in the right place. There is no need to look further because we explored and evaluated hundreds of libraries around the US and after a careful study have come up with our list of top 7 Amazing College Libraries. These libraries offer great on-campus experiences, house remarkable and unique book collections, as well as please the eye with monumental architecture. 1. Cook Legal Research Library (University of Michigan) The Cook Legal Research Library is impressive and grandiose, having spires, stained glass windows, and metal works. Being the best of his time, Samuel Yellin did the metalwork. This magnificent library was originally built in 1931 to hold around 350,000 books and then in the 1950s there were 4 floors. You can also find the Reading Room and Study Group Rooms here, which can place hundreds of students. This awesome library not only has the worlds best collections of research materials but also houses the Cooks Library from his Manhattan townhouse. 2. William Oxley Thompson Memorial Library (The Ohio State University) This library is the central one at the Ohio State University, built in 1912. A significant long-term renovation started in July 2006 and the library reopened in August 2009. The buildings architectural style is Neo-Classical. This impressive building provides a variety of study and research places, a large collection of various book editions. The friendly and professional staff is always ready to help you. In William Oxley Thompson Memorial Library you can find books on social sciences and humanities including university archives, special collections, rare books, manuscripts, journals, general interest periodicals. Besides, there are sections related to literature, linguistics, regional foreign language, theater, philosophy, religion, history, anthropology, sociology, and political science. 3. Linderman Library (Lehigh University) The Victorian rotunda of 1878 and the grand reading room of 1929 were held in all their beauty. Linderman Library offers 4 seminar rooms, 5 group studies, computer classrooms, a quiet study space, a cafà ©, and wireless network throughout. The Library possesses volumes and journals in the humanities and Lehighs remarkable collection (over 40,000 books) of rare and limited editions. It has Darwins Origin of Species and 4 volume edition of Birds of America by James John Audubon. This awesome library can boast of a collection of over 15,000 photo images. 4. Nicholas Murray Butler Library (Columbia University) The construction of the building was finished in 1934 but the library opened its doors in 1935. Architect James Gamble Rogers built this library in Neoclassic style. Previously the library was called the South Hall and then renamed into Nicholas Murray Butler Library in order to commemorate the memory of the prior president of the institution in 1946. The main peculiarity of the library is an arcade of columns where names of great philosophers, writers, and thinkers are inscribed. 5. Doheny Library (University of Southern California) Doheny Library is a historic building opened in 1932. This first freestanding library was built in honor of Edward L. Doheny Jr. – the University of Southern California Trustee and Alumnus. Its still one of the university’s most famous and oldest academic buildings on campus. It incorporates numerous collections, including the Asian Library (there are materials in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean languages), Music Library, and Cinematic Arts Library. 6. William R. Perkins Library (Duke University) Opened in 1839, William R. Perkins Library is one of the 9 buildings that belong to the Library System of Duke University. This library can boast of a vast amount of Confederate Imprints (more than 200,000 photos) that include information on urban communities, rural conditions of the Civil War. The library contains documents and books from other libraries like the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book Manuscript Library. This collection of documents is often proclaimed as the most unique part of the on-campus list. 7. Thompson Memorial Library (Vassar College) This Library was opened in 1865 and represents the main building of 7 libraries on the premises of the Vassar College. The architecture of this marvelous library catches the eye of observers. Not every library can boast of the Perpendicular Gothic style, which is very special for on-campus libraries. It has a valuable collection of historical videos, newspapers and periodicals. The Rare Books Collection shows the influence on the womens history. The oldest historic books can be also found here.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Over consumption has different effects on earth Essay
Over consumption has different effects on earth - Essay Example Another effect of overconsumption on earth is displacement and migration of living things from their normal places of living. Overconsumption leads to climate changes that make it necessary for living things to move from these places in search of more comfortable places. Human beings are the most affected with poor populations and those with low incomes being the most exposed. Consequently, the rate of economic development among these people is greatly reduced (Cohen-Kiener 2009, p122). Overconsumption has negative effects on factory workers as they try to meet the high demand for goods. Manufacturing companies have to meet the required quality and quantity of goods they produce otherwise they will be outcompeted by their rivals. This pressure is passed on to workers who are forced to work for long hours and in some situations under dangerous environments. Accidents in factories have also increased due to increased complexities in production processes thus posing another risk to factory workers. This has led to increased friction between employers and employees as employees seek safer working environments (Cohen-Kiener 2009,
Friday, October 18, 2019
Mine water and mine waste management Assignment
Mine water and mine waste management - Assignment Example ocess of applications: 1) that water is sliced off from a natural resource to become part of the working process in mining operations, and to also provide fresh water to the crew; and 2) that natural water resources must be diverted away from the area in order to continue providing clean and environmentally safe resources to surrounding towns and to the natural habitat (Watson & Furey, 2013). Diversion channels assist above ground to moving stream and lake waters away from mining operations. At the same time, channel infrastructures must also be designed to isolate water at the mine from one process to the next one, whether the water is to be cleaned or else mixed with waste (rock and tailings), or used in another part of the mining process. This chapter reviews the components of mine water and mine waste as part of the waste management infrastructure. The following image shows the management design layout for the separations of solid waste on the one side, and mine water drainage on the other side, particular to a copper mine operation (Mining Profile, 2012). In the mining industry, the term â€Å"waste,†as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976, is based on the specific circumstances of causation and in what part of the management process. In some cases, â€Å"waste†is not really a waste, based on the RCRA, such as when considering mine water or process wastewater, which is controlled by permit through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) (Mining Profile, 2012). Mine water, therefore, does not fall under the RCRA regulations. 1.1.a. Waste Rock refers to both â€Å"overburden†and mine development rock which is removed from underground mines in order to access the bodies of ore located underneath. There is none, or very little of, recoverable mineral value in either type. As waste rock is susceptible to air and water, once hauled to disposal dumps, potentially, there will be oxygen and sulphide minerals
History of German Films and Cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
History of German Films and Cinema - Essay Example Fassbinder's success in German theatre allowed him leverage when it came to ascending the rungs in mainstream cinema which he considered in greater esteem than theatre. But the German bourgeois always valued the older German theatre more highly than the younger cinema (Barnett p.137). He continued to make an impression in German theatre, and this improved his chances of being recognised and accepted in popular cinema which he did with films on a diverse range of prevalent issues. One such film that explored the issue of individuals resisting traditionalism was Ali: Fear Eats the Soul. A storm outside forces a middle-aged cleaning lady named Emmi into a local German bar. The place is filled with Arabic regulars who gaze at her entrance. This bar is one of the select few public spots where foreigners are openly received. It's owner fills the jukeboxes with Arabic music but when Emmi enters, she is no longer a welcome visitor but is looked on as a stranger. The owner prods a former lover, a Moroccan man named Ali, to engage Emmi in a dance. Soon after, they become close companions, sharing common internal conflicts and emotions, along with feelings of loneliness and isolation. As their union develops, they find that society turns harsher towards them more so now than when they were isolated individuals. Emmi's neighbours chitchat continuously about her companion who is living with her and this provokes the landlord to question their living arrangements. Ali fac es further embarrassment when a local grocer refuses to serve him until he improves his German. When Emmi meets her family and divulges her relationship with the Moroccan, she is met with cynicism and ridicule. The quarrel finally ends up with her TV set being destroyed. Later after Emmi's co-worker visits her at her apartment and finds Ali there, the following day she is spurned by her cleaning squad. She is then left to wallow in her predicament. In this film, Fassbinder explores the experiences of people who do not conform to society's norms. His cinematography uses space and framing of the nonconforming individual to mirror his or her isolation and seclusion from the rest of society. When Emmi and Ali dance on the floor, a long shot of them amplifies their isolation. The confined kitchen also highlights the suffocation she feels about her life. At a bistro, the vacant surrounding tables overstated by the staff's distance from the present visitors also reflects her isolation. Fassbinder, referring to use social commentary rather than melodrama, produces a narrative that reveals the depth of exclusion that the two protagonists are faced with. He shows that although they learn to deal with unwelcome pubic scrutiny, the pressures of society continually eats the soul of both Emmi and Ali. This fractures their delicate relationship and the question begs, will the two survive their union. There are no simple answers in the real w orld. In his 1979 film, The Marriage of Maria Braun, Fassbinder crafts a darkly comic and contemptuous portrayal of the revitalization program undertaken by Germany. The story is of Maria Braun whose wedding happened as a result of a swift two week courtship and a hastily conducted marriage ceremony during the last period of the second world war when
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing Research, or Research Paper
Journal of Consumer , the Journal of Marketing , or the Journal of Consumer Psychology - Research Paper Example In this experiment, forty university students were used as the participants. The results demonstrated that the participants viewed the brand more positively when a fee is not charged. In the second experiment, the author aimed at understanding how people react to comparable and non-comparable rewards offered back by the brands. In this study, ninety four undergraduate students from a university in North America took part. The results showed that exchange oriented consumers expect comparable benefits from the brand partners. For communal consumers or partners, benefits that are not necessarily comparable but recognize their efforts are accepted. Finally, the author undertook an experiment to examine how the time taken between seeking help and offering of help affects consumer behavior. Ninety five students took part in the study. Results showed that consumers view brands negatively if there is a delay in the return favor request. Overall, the behavior of the participants in the three scenarios demonstrated that consumers’ behavior and attitudes is greatly influenced by the actions of the brands. The use of human subjects allowed for an actual observation of the attitudes and behavior of the participants towards the brands, thereby providing an insight into consumer behavior. The present research, conducted by Anat Keinan and Ran Kivetz (2008), aimed at evaluating the effect of anticipating long term regret in consumer behavior. The authors argue that anticipating long term regret has an effect on consumer preferences and may motivate them to counteract their virtues or good tendencies and engage in virtues. In order to test this hypothesis, the authors used three sets of participants in three different studies. In the first study, the authors asked participants to examine and judge the regrets of others relating to a past decision and then come up with a choice for themselves. 91 train station travelers participated in the study. The
Social Issues Regarding Digital Media in the Digital Age Research Paper
Social Issues Regarding Digital Media in the Digital Age - Research Paper Example As the paper declares the technological breakthroughs that been evidenced especially in the area of information and communication have had far-reaching consequences not only on the economic lives of individuals but also in the social behavior. Today, it looks like the oxygen people breathe is technologically purified. So much has been done with technology that its advantages remain to be challenged. On the same note, the myriad issues that have come along with this modernism have raised some social and ethical issues. According to the research findings the scholarly/academic meaning of the word ‘digital’ may differ from that which is known in the streets. In the ay today use, the word may be used to refer to social media or millennial technology that is commonly used by teens and youths for purposes of fun. Digital media has also been used to refer to all sorts of media that have visual capabilities. These terms and descriptions may not accurately represent the technical understanding of digital media. There are numerous examples of digital media starting from the most common one, the social media through video games, eBooks, digital audio, websites, digital videos to online newspapers and magazines. Currently, lots of people around the world use these myriad forms of digital media for fun, communication, jobs among others. The resounding transformation has been catastrophically felt everywhere around the globe.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing Research, or Research Paper
Journal of Consumer , the Journal of Marketing , or the Journal of Consumer Psychology - Research Paper Example In this experiment, forty university students were used as the participants. The results demonstrated that the participants viewed the brand more positively when a fee is not charged. In the second experiment, the author aimed at understanding how people react to comparable and non-comparable rewards offered back by the brands. In this study, ninety four undergraduate students from a university in North America took part. The results showed that exchange oriented consumers expect comparable benefits from the brand partners. For communal consumers or partners, benefits that are not necessarily comparable but recognize their efforts are accepted. Finally, the author undertook an experiment to examine how the time taken between seeking help and offering of help affects consumer behavior. Ninety five students took part in the study. Results showed that consumers view brands negatively if there is a delay in the return favor request. Overall, the behavior of the participants in the three scenarios demonstrated that consumers’ behavior and attitudes is greatly influenced by the actions of the brands. The use of human subjects allowed for an actual observation of the attitudes and behavior of the participants towards the brands, thereby providing an insight into consumer behavior. The present research, conducted by Anat Keinan and Ran Kivetz (2008), aimed at evaluating the effect of anticipating long term regret in consumer behavior. The authors argue that anticipating long term regret has an effect on consumer preferences and may motivate them to counteract their virtues or good tendencies and engage in virtues. In order to test this hypothesis, the authors used three sets of participants in three different studies. In the first study, the authors asked participants to examine and judge the regrets of others relating to a past decision and then come up with a choice for themselves. 91 train station travelers participated in the study. The
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Philosophy of Human Person Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Philosophy of Human Person - Essay Example Descartes supports this duality concept using spiritual facts in his conceivability argument in his sixth meditation (Corcoran 135). For example, he says that he sees body and mind as distinct substances because God wants him to see them that way. Since God wants him to view them as two different things, He would be a liar if body and mind were not different. Consequently, he thinks that he is a thinking being because he can do without his extended body. If the two things are different then God has the ability to separate them. Another spiritual factor that motivates Descartes to argue in such a manner is life after death. According to him, souls do not die even when bodies die, it is obvious that body and mind are different and be separated. In addition, Descartes uses his physics knowledge to support his arguments in his second medication (Corcoran 127). For instance, he says that body and mind are distinct because they have different properties. People only study physical substances in physics. If body and mind were the same then people would be studying other things in physics such as sensations or psychological features and not just physical substances. In physics, people study or express things mathematically or mechanically. Since thoughts and sensations cannot be expressed this way, then body which is physical is different from mind can be divided. In addition, all physical substances are made of matter. Since mind unlike body is not made of matter and does not occupy any space, it is clear that they have different property. For this reason, the philosopher decided to eliminate mind from of physics realm. Descartes also believes that mind and body are different according to the theory of Indiscernibility of Ident ical. The theory holds that if things are identical, then they must have precisely the same appearance or properties. Based on this principle Descartes claims are true because body and mind to not have exactly the same properties.
Memory Management Essay Example for Free
Memory Management Essay The difference between Windows and Linux memory management starts with understanding the requirements of memory management in today’s multiprogramming systems. Memory management requirements are relocation, protection, sharing, local organization, and physical organization. These requirements play a vital role in the processing speed response when using the computer. Windows and Linux have several similarities in regards to memory management but also differ especially with Windows being a sophisticate system and Linux being open sourced. â€Å"Linux shares UNIX characteristics but has its own features and is very complex†(Stallings, 2012, p. 384). Linux virtual memory uses a three- level page structure. The first part is the page structure which is an active process having the size of one page. The entry goes to the page directory and the page directory must be in the main memory to be active. Next is the page middle directory which can span multiple pages. Each entry will point to one page of the table. Last is the page table and refers to one virtual page of the process. A virtual address is used consisting of four fields which are the index into the page directory, index into the page middle directory, index into the page table, and the offset in the selected page of memory. The table structure was designed for 64-bit Alpha processor and is independent. Linux uses the buddy system for efficiency of reading in and writing out pages to and from memory. The buddy system splits and merges pages which are allocated and deallocated in the main memory. The page replacement algorithm in Linux deals with a simple clock which gives each page an age variable. The more times the page is accessed, the age variable is increased. A page that is old would be replaced since it has not been accessed in quite a long time. Linux kernel memory allocation manages the main memory page frames which allocates and deallocates frames for the virtual memory management. When the minimum amount of allocation is less than a page, Linux uses a slab allocation for these smaller chunks making the system more efficient. Windows memory manager is designed to use 4 to 64 Kbytes page sizes and controls how memory is allocated. On 32-bit systems, the Windows process shows a 32-bit address which allows 4 Gbytes of virtual memory for each process which half is for the operating system and half is for the virtual address space when running in kernel-mode. With the introduction of 64-bit, systems can run more efficiently with larger memory intensive programs. Windows paging can make use of the entire space which can then be brought into the main memory. The operating system manages the address in three regions; available references the address not currently used, reserved for setting aside the process through the virtual memory manager, and committed address for processes to access virtual memory page. When virtual memory is high, the processes increase, and when they are low, older pages are swapped out. In conclusion, Windows and Linux have a few similarities. Both swaps out older pages that are no longer needed to improve the processes Window memory management is more secure and performance orientated, but is more complex. Linux is simpler and easier to maintain but is not secured due to being open sourced and need improvement. Linux was originated in a hacker’s environment while Windows is in a commercial environment. Windows has more effort through design and Linus was favored for simplicity. Each one has their own positives and negatives and the final decision is what system is he and she more comfortable with. References Stallings, W. (2012). Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles (7th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Information Theory and Thermodynamics
Information Theory and Thermodynamics In order to develop better tools, machines and technology we have had to develop our understanding of the physical world. This has allowed us to construct machines that are more capable than those preceding it. The French scientist Carnot was studying machines and was trying to understand how to make them better and more efficient. As part of his studies he calculated the maximum efficiency of any machine and was able to relate this to temperature. Carnots idea was to simplify the machine to its simplest form (this generality that makes it universal) and analyse that Carnot knew that machines of the time (and of today) work as a result of a temperature difference across the machine. In his time it was obvious, fire produced steam which turned a turbine that did work; today is not too different, all of our machines still need a temperature difference to make them work, however the temperature difference driving the machines may be at some distance, for example a power station producing electricity. Even wind, and solar require temperature differences to work. Analysing these machines further lead to concepts that we, perhaps, take for granted: work, power and energy notable examples. Whilst working on these concepts Boltzmann came up ideas that grew into statistical thermodynamics. It was extended and correctly describes a whole range of phenomena. The idea of thermodynamics is to relate various physical properties of a substance to the bulk behaviour of the constituent parts within. Microstates and Macrostates: Boltzmann realised that by knowing the number of different states that a system could be in and the number of configurations that each state would enable him to work out the probability of a particular state occurring. And that on average when something is observed it is more likely to be found in one of its more probable states. Many systems have lots of moving components and this means that over time a system will have evolved into a more probable state. This may now seem obvious, but it hadnt been pointed out explicitly at the time. A Macrostate is the global state of a system. For example if we consider a box with red, blue and green balls a possible macrostate might be to find all of the red balls are in the bottom left corner, whilst all of the others are randomly distributed in the rest of the box. Another example of a macrostate might be that the total electrical charge of block could be Coulombs. A Microstate is one particular configuration of the system that produces a macrostate. In the balls example if the balls are identical apart from colour we can permute the balls with the same colour amongst themselves and end up with different microstates. An example with the charged block might be that we have 4 particles each with charge as one microstate, and another might be to have 1 particle with and another with Below is a figure that represents a hypothetical macrostate of three colours of balls three particular microstates that can be used to achieve it. In the leftmost diagram we have a macrostate with all of the red balls in the bottom left corner, the other diagrams show different permutations of the balls that also achieve the desired macrostate. In order to calculate the probability of this state we would need to know how many combinations of it there are. This is a simple counting argument: we have 1 way of putting the green ball in its spot, two ways of putting the blue balls in their position and ways of arranging (we can pick any of the 5 to go in the corner, then any of the remaining 4 to go next to that, then any of the remaining 3 etc). There are a total of 8 balls and so the In general if there are objects we have possible arrangements; if we also have different types and if of them are of type 1 (say red), are of type 2 and are of type then we can find the total number of permuted arrangements with: We can use these two facts to calculate the number of accessible microstates of type , this is called the weight of the microstate and is denoted by, : The weight of a microstate is proportional to the probability of the system being in it. So one way to calculate the probability of being in the state is via: where the summation is over the weights of all the other possible microstates. A handy way to view a microstate is with a pack of cards (Birks bath), in a pack of playing cards the statistical weight of a club is 13 since there are 13 of then the statistical weight of a queen is 4. The probability of selecting a club card is the chances of picking out a club are times greater than picking out a queen. The statistical weight of the queen of hearts is 1. There is one obvious constraint that can always be imposed and that is that the total number of particles is the sum of the number of particles in each state: We can impose other constraints on the system as they are required later. Because the particles of each type are identical it is natural to assign a probability that a randomly selected particle is of type, , as: We are also able to define an Expectation value for the system. If we were interested in the average occupancy of each of the types we would have: which would represent the average occupancy of each type. If we were interested in the charge (or energy (I shall use for either) we would similarly have: Let us take some examples and compute the statistical weights, average occupancy and average energy (represented by the value of the type index e.g. if , the energy would be two units). I shall consider that the atoms are all identical apart from the energy that they have and that a macrostate is the same for each. For the first case let us assume that we have 5 atoms and the macrostate corresponds to an energy of 5 units. The table below shows that (for example) the microstate 3 has a weight of 20, this means that there are 20 microstates with the occupancy levels given that correspond to the macrostate We can tabulate the various combinations as below: microstate number Occupancy of type i weight probability n0 n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 1 4 0 0 0 0 1 5 0.0397 2 3 1 0 0 1 0 20 0.1587 3 3 0 1 1 0 0 20 0.1587 4 2 2 0 1 0 0 30 0.2381 5 2 1 2 0 0 0 30 0.2381 6 1 3 1 0 0 0 20 0.1587 7 0 5 0 0 0 0 1 0.0079 totals 15 12 4 2 1 1 126 1 Average occupancy 2.222 1.389 0.794 0.397 0.159 0.040 Table 3.1: Table showing occupancy levels for a 5 atom system with a macrostate of 5. This table was generated by finding all of the numbers that sum (in this case) to 5 which is the macrostate. It shows the number of atoms with a particular energy in the columns headed , the statistical weight of each microstate is in the weight column, the probability column next to it shows the probability of randomly selecting this microstate from a given macrostate (in this case 5 atoms and a total energy of 5). The row titled average occupancy shows the expected occupancy of an energy level of type , calculated from the table. Looking at the table there are two equally most likely microstate arrangements. The first of these corresponds to and , both occurring with a probability of 0.238. Another possible macrostate is listed below, this time we have 7 atoms and an energy of 7 units. The headings of the table are the same as in the previous example. We can see that the weight of the most probable microstate is 420 and that we have a probability of 0.245 of randomly selecting one of them. The occupancy levels are: microstate occupancy of type i weight probability n0 n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 0.004 2 5 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 42 0.024 3 5 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 42 0.024 4 5 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 42 0.024 5 4 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 105 0.061 6 4 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 210 0.122 7 4 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 105 0.061 8 4 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 105 0.061 9 3 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 140 0.082 10 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 420 0.245 11 3 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 140 0.082 12 2 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 105 0.061 13 2 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 210 0.122 14 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 42 0.024 15 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.001 totals 51 30 11 6 3 2 1 1 1716 1 Average occupancy 3.231 1.885 1.028 0.514 0.228 0.086 0.024 0.004 Table A3 2: a seven atom system with a total energy of seven A final example consists of a system of 10 atoms and a total energy of 9. As will be readily seen as the number of atoms and the energy increases the number of microstates corresponding to a given macrostate increases so does the size of the table. It was quite difficult to work out the number of combinations of energy that could occur and I wouldnt want to do it again for larger tables. In the next part we shall use the method of Lagrange multipliers to massively simplify the calculations for the probabilities and expectations. For the case of 10 atoms and an energy of 9 units. We see that the most probable microstates have the following occupancy levels: The most probable microstate has a probability of 0.1555, but there is another microstate that is only slightly less probable (a probability of 0.1300) and this has occupancy levels of: The two least likely microstates are the following: Both have a probability of 0.0002 which is very small indeed. Table 3 is below: d occupancy of each type i weight probability n0 n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 0.000205677 2 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 90 0.00185109 3 8 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 90 0.00185109 4 8 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 90 0.00185109 5 8 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 90 0.00185109 6 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 360 0.00740436 7 7 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 720 0.014808721 8 7 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 720 0.014808721 9 7 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 360 0.00740436 10 7 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 360 0.00740436 11 7 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 720 0.014808721 12 7 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 0.00246812 13 6 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 840 0.017276841 14 6 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2520 0.051830522 15 6 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2520 0.051830522 16 6 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2520 0.051830522 17 6 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2520 0.051830522 18 6 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 840 0.017276841 19 5 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1260 0.025915261 20 5 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5040 0.103661045 21 5 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2520 0.051830522 22 5 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 7560 0.155491567 23 5 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1260 0.025915261 24 4 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1260 0.025915261 25 4 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6300 0.129576306 26 4 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4200 0.086384204 27 3 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 840 0.017276841 28 3 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2520 0.051830522 29 2 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 360 0.00740436 30
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Billy Collins Essay -- Literary Analysis
Billy Collins: the Poet of Continuity and Change From controversial events to ordinary life stories, Billy Collins writes about various topics in different perspectives just like a chameleon, changing its colors to fit with its surrounding. Collins talks in a gentle, yet humorous way; he illustrates a profound understanding through a clear observation. His writing style blends humor and solemnity in one entity. Throughout his poetry, Collins demonstrates, in a witty and satirical voice, his insightfulness towards the objects, using numerous poetic devices, especially allusions and metaphors to effectively convey his messages, most of which revolves around the theme of death. Humor and Irony are a unique combinations Collins displays in many of his poems, challenging the readers to interpret his work in different perspectives. In â€Å"Introduction to Poetry,†Collins offers a witty comparison between the definition of poetry and various other experiments. He asks the reader to â€Å"hold [the poem] up to the light/ like a color slide†(1-3), â€Å"press an ear against its hive†(4), â€Å"drop a mouse into a poem†(5), â€Å"walk inside the poem's room†(7), and â€Å"waterski across the surface of a poem†(9-10). Rather than stiffly explaining the definition of a poem, he finds creative and humorous approaches to explain his methods of enjoying the poems, and promote the readers’ interest towards discovering the true meaning of poetry. Just as the surrounding would seem different through color slides, he asks the readers to see the world in diverse viewpoints while reading and writing poems. Moreover, by listening to poem’s hive, dropping a mouse, and walking inside its room, Collins encourages readers to discover the concealed depth of poetry. He comments ... ...r corset as the last page of a book he is reading. The poetry eventually reaches an end, and he states Dickinson’s poetry lines to remember her words and leave the implication of her death. Collins usage of words, even though he does not directly states â€Å"death†in the poems, contains the nostalgia of old days and feeling of sadness which naturally leads to his central poetry theme, death. Billy Collins is a poet who takes the change, but keeps his own focus. Throughout his poetry career, his voice varies according to the topic he selects, while his unique poetic devices and consistent theme represent who he is as a poet. Collins knows how to express humor and irony to illustrate his bright insights towards the objects, uses particular poetic terms, for instance allusions and metaphors, to deliver his idea efficiently that focuses many times on the theme of death.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Who do you think is more successful leader Ralph or Jack? :: Free Essay Writer
Who do you think is more successful leader Ralph or Jack? Ralph'sElected the leader of the boys at the beginning of the novel, Ralph is the primary representative of order, civilization, and productive leadership in the novel. While most of the other boys are concerned with playing, having fun, and avoiding work at the beginning of the novel, Ralph sets about building huts and thinking of ways to maximize their chances of being rescued. For this reason, Ralph's power and influence over the other boys are extremely secure at the beginning of the novel. However, as the book progresses and the group succumbs to savage instincts, Ralph's position declines precipitously as Jack's station rises. Eventually, all the boys leave Ralph's group for Jack's, and Ralph is left alone to be hunted by Jack's tribe. Ralph never seriously considers joining Jack's tribe in order to save himself. Ralph's commitment to civilization and morality is very strong, and his main wish is to be rescued and returned to the society of adults. In a sense, this strength gives Ralph a moral victory at the end of the nova, leadership qualities were to inspire confidence by providing hope for the rest of the group (we will get food hunt. Catch things until they fetch us), or example; the fire was used to signal and to attract only attentions he said (you rub two sticks. you rub), to any passing ships or planes. We see many events through Ralph's eyes, and are given many insights into the way he feels about events and people. Ralph was liked thus he was chosen as leader, he was fair, by him giving the group the right to speak whenever they are holding the conch. As always a successful leader needs some courage to face enemies and others who try to intrude, against his followers with his superiority of mind control and not physically has a set of rules; and by definition of LEADER is a person who rules or guides or inspires others. Ralph's character does not only lead the group, but he also attracts us the readers too, to the novel and also makes us, the readers want to know what would happen and if he is going to be successful doing his job as a leader or not. When the little ones do not help out Ralph does not react in a violent way he is calm and relaxed about them building sand castles, because he does not expect them to help. yet because they have had less time learning about the ways of society. By the end of the book, Ralph's position changes and shows that his
Love Triangles and Betrayal in Carmen Essay
The creation of operas from pre-existing literary texts is a complex process implicating the original author, the librettists, the opera directors, the publishers, and the composer. In the process of transformation, the involved parties consider prevailing cultural values as well as their own artistic ideals. These considerations weigh all the more heavily on the process when the literary text involves complex romantic relationships. Georges Bizet’s Carmen (1875), Giuseppe Verdi’s Otello (1887), and Claude Debussy’s Pelleas et Melisande (1902) provide examples of this transformation process. In all three of these works, love triangles figure prominently. These love triangles, though they share some superficial similarities, are extraordinarily different in terms of their composition and the ultimate fate of the characters. Carmen When the directors of the Opera-Comique, a venue with repertoire typically geared towards an extremely conservative, family-oriented, bourgeois audience (McClary, 1992, p. 15-16), commissioned Bizet to write an opera in 1872, Bizet suggested Prosper Merimee’s novel Carmen as a possible subject (Macdonald, 2010). The directors of the Opera-Comique were divided in their support of this work as a subject for an opera. De Leuven, in particular, was against this choice, citing the scandalous nature of the story and the conservative nature of the venue’s target audience as reasons behind his disapproval: â€Å"Carmen! The Carmen of Merimee? Wasn’t she murdered by her lover?†¦ At the Opera-Comique, the theatre of families, of wedding parties? You would put the public to flight. No, no, impossible. †(as cited in Jenkins, 2003). Indeed, it appears that the on-stage death was of particular consternation for the director: â€Å"Death on the stage of the Opera-Comique! Such a thing has never been seen! Never! †(as cited in Nowinski, 1970, p. 895). The choice of Carmen ultimately played a role in de Leuven’s resignation from his post in 1874 (McClary, 1992, p. 23). The source text for Carmen is a novella by Prosper Merimee. The author originally published this work in 1845 in the Revue des deux mondes, a non-fiction journal. The author had previously published travelogues in the same journal, and this work contained no indication that it was a work of fiction (Boynton, 2003). Instead, the work reads as a â€Å"true†story of Merimee’s voyage to Spain in 1830. In the midst of his travels, the author-narrator encounters Don Jose, the man who, after succumbing to Carmen’s seductive powers, kills her in a jealous rage following her confession of a love affair with Lucas. The librettists for Carmen, Henri Meilhac and Ludovic Halevy, at the time that they were commissioned to write this work for the Opera-Comique had already successfully worked together as a team on a number of works (including Offenbach’s La Belle Helene and La Vie parisienne) for the Parisian boulevard theatres (McClary, 1992, p. 18). In their previous librettos, the team had split the work: Meilhac wrote the prose dialogue, and Halevy supplied the verse (McClary, 1992, p. 18). In operatic settings, the prose would typically be left as spoken dialogue (for the Opera-Comique) or set as recitative. In transforming Merimee’s novella into a libretto, Meilhac and Halevy made numerous changes. Unfortunately, there is a lack of primary source evidence detailing the minutiae of the collaborative process which would shed further light upon the reasons behind these changes (Jenkins, 2003). These changes include minimizing Carmen’s criminal activities, adding the character of Micaela, and eliminating Merimee’s framing device. The removal of Merimee’s framing device (accomplished by not including a narrator) and the introduction of Don Jose before his downfall make Carmen, and not Don Jose, the focus of the story (Jenkins, 2003). Indeed, the Carmen of the libretto, with her voice not being interrupted by the narrator’s commentary, speaks directly to the audience (McClary, 1992, p. 21). Carmen was composed as a four-act opera comique, originally with spoken dialogue (as opposed to recitative). The dialogue was transformed into recitative by Guiraud for a production in Vienna, and it was performed this way for many years before producers reverted to Bizet’s original spoken text (Macdonald, 2010). Further changes to Merimee’s original resulted from Guiraud’s involvement. Meilhac’s original dialogues at times quoted directly from Merimee’s Carmen, and these instances of direct quotation were largely eliminated in Guiraud’s version (McClary, 1992, p. 45). With the addition of Micaela, the librettists created a moralizing character, the polar opposite of Carmen, with whom the Opera-Comique audiences could readily identify (McClary, 1992, p. 21). The addition of Micaela complicates the love triangle. In Merimee’s original, the love triangle included the characters of Carmen, Don Jose, and Lucas. In the operatic version, both Don Jose and Escamillo are in love with Carmen, and both Carmen and Micaela are in love with Don Jose. The librettists also substantially changed Carmen’s character. Though they downplayed Carmen’s involvement in criminal activities (she is no longer the leader of the smugglers as Merimee portrayed her) arguably in order to make her more sympathetic, they focus almost exclusively on her sexuality (to the exclusion of her healing powers and intelligence as presented in the original) (McClary, 1992, p. 22). Bizet’s music underlines the differences in characters and underlines the complex nature of the interlocking love triangles in the opera. Micaela is presented as a sweet, pure, innocent woman. Her entrance is conventional, and her music is marked by neither intense chromaticism nor indications of exoticism (McClary, 1997, p. 120). Carmen’s entrance, in contrast, disrupts the formal procedures Bizet set up from the beginning of the opera, and her music is largely chromatic and marked with features typically associated with the exotic (McClary, 1997, p. 120). Her music, like her body and personality, is irresistible to any man she sets her sights on. Don Jose’s music is different from that of both of his female admirers. His melodic lines are long, irregularly phrased, and lacking in regular cadences (McClary, 1997, p. 124). Additionally, he, unlike Escamillo, lacks a signature melodic line (McClary, 1997, p. 127). McClary points to the incompatibility of Carmen’s and Don Jose’s musical styles as evidence of the ultimate failure of their relationship. In contrast, Carmen’s brief duet with Escamillo in act four seems sincere because their musical styles are compatible (McClary, 1997, p. 125). Ultimately, Don Jose kills Carmen in a fit of jealousy over her relationship with Escamillo, and Micaela is deprived of her true love as he gives himself up to the police following his murder of Carmen. Otello Though the two Shakespeare aficionados Giuseppe Verdi and Arrigo Boito met as early as 1862, it was not until 1879 that the events leading to the composition of Otello were set in motion (Aycock, 1972, p. 594). The four-act Otello received its premiere on February 5, 1887 in Milan. In transforming the play into opera libretto, Boito eliminated six of the fourteen characters and cut the entire first act (Aycock, 1972, p. 595). Boito also cut Othello’s statement of self-defence following his murder of Desdemona from the end of the play (Aycock, 1972, p. 596). This last cut serves to keep the opera’s focus on the tragic love story. This love story principally revolves around the actions of Othello, Desdemona, and Iago. When the opera opens, Desdemona and Othello are newly married. However, Roderigo (Iago’s friend) still loves Desdemona. Iago, upset with Cassio who has been promoted over him, fabricates proof of Desdemona’s infidelity with Cassio in order to play on Othello’s jealous nature. The proof of this infidelity, in both the play and the opera, is a handkerchief. Othello murders Desdemona, and when he learns that his belief in his wife’s infidelity was mistaken, he kills himself. In this story, both Roderigo and Othello are in love with Desdemona. Given Roderigo’s minimal role in the opera, however, Iago takes his place in the dramatic situation of the love triangle. It is his betrayal and deception that leads to the demise of the two main characters. The end of the first act contains a conventional love duet between Othello and Desdemona. As Aycock (1972, p. 595) remarks, the love between these two principal characters is mature and predicated on confidence in each other’s fidelity. The climax of this love duet, on the words â€Å"un bacio†¦Otello!†¦ un bacio,†features a new melody in the orchestra. This melody reappears only in the last act, most notably when Othello commits suicide (Lawton, 1978, p. 211). The character of Iago in the opera is much more the creation of Verdi and Boito than of Shakespeare. Iago’s Credo, where he proclaims his devotion to a cruel God and admits that he is unquestionably evil, was entirely the invention of Boito (Aycock, 1972, p. 600). For Verdi, the emphasis on this character allowed him to confirm to Italian operatic tradition, which called for a baritone villain role (Aycock, 1972, p. 601). Pelleas et Melisande Maurice Maeterlinck’s play Pelleas et Melisande received its Parisian premiere at the Theatre des Bouffes-Parisiens on May 17, 1893, and Claude Debussy was in attendance (Grayson, 1985, p. 35, 37). By the fall of the same year, he had already begun composing what would later become Act IV scene 4 (Grayson, 1985, p. 37). In the case of this operatic transformation, there was no librettist acting as a middle-man. Instead, Debussy constructed the libretto himself, from Maeterlinck’s original text. The composer remained true to the original play, changing nary a word. He did, however, cut some scenes, and these cuts were made with the Maeterlinck’s authorization. In November 1893, the composer travelled to Ghent to meet with the author, and the two men discussed several possible cuts. Debussy reported to Ernest Chausson that Maeterlinck had given him â€Å"complete authorization to make cuts and even indicated some which were very important, even very useful†(as cited in Grayson, 1985, p. 37). From Maeterlinck’s original play, there were only four scenes that Debussy did not set: Act I scene 1, Act II scene 4, Act III scene 1, and Act V scene 1 (Grayson, 1985, p. 38). These scenes appear to have been cut because they are unrelated to the central narrative, leading to the demise of both Pelleas and Melisande. While Debussy used Maeterlinck’s original text, he did, in some instances, cut some of the text to make the libretto more concise. Act III scene 3, for example, was cut so heavily so that only one third of the original text remained (Grayson, 1985, p. 40). Two further cuts came in 1902. During Pelleas et Melisande’s first season at the Opera-Comique, Debussy was forced to cut one scene from the performances: Act IV scene 3 (Grayson, 1985, p. 39). This almost purely symbolic scene features Yniold (Golaud’s son from a previous marriage). At the end of the scene, Yniold, wishing to share his experiences with Melisande, unwittingly reveals to Golaud that she is not in her room (Grayson, 2003, p. 76) – in essence, he signals her disloyalty to her husband. The scene was reinserted in its second season. Also, at the dress rehearsal, the Director of Fine Arts, censored the work, calling for the suppression of Act III scene 4, a scene where Yniold is forced, by his violent father, to spy on the suspected lovers (Grayson, 2003, p. 80). Pelleas et Melisande begins with Golaud discovering Melisande by a fountain in a forest. She seems to be lost and confused, and she follows Golaud on his wanderings. The two get married in secret and return to the castle of Golaud’s father. There, Melisande meets Golaud’s brother Pelleas, and these two fall in love. In one scene, Golaud happens upon Pelleas caressing Melisande’s hair streaming out from a tower window, and he realizes that his brother has betrayed him. Golaud, blind with jealousy, kills his brother in Act III. At the end of the opera, Melisande also dies, but not before giving birth to a daughter. The plot, then, revolves around the love triangle of Melisande, Golaud, and Pelleas. The unquestioning inclusion of on-stage deaths demonstrates how much the Opera-Comique had changed since the 1875 premiere of Carmen. From the time of Debussy’s first draft of Act IV scene 4 in the fall of 1893, it took almost a decade for the opera to reach the stage of the Opera-Comique. Debussy worked intensely on the opera in 1895 and completed a short score of the opera in August of that year (Grayson, 2003, p. 78). Though he had a completed opera, he had major difficulties finding a suitable venue for the performance of the work. Albert Carre, the director of the Opera-Comique, accepted Pelleas â€Å"in principal†in 1898, but he did not give Debussy written confirmation of the deal until 1901 (Grayson, 2003, p. 79). Though Debussy was ambivalent about Wagnerian leitmotive techniques, he does employ leitmotivs in Pelleas. While most of these leitmotivs are connected to ideas, each major character has his or her own leitmotiv (Nichols and Smith, 1989, p. 81). Melisande’s motive, for example, is comparatively lyrical, wandering, and typically played by oboes or flutes while Golaud’s motive consists of two notes in alteration with a more pronounced rhythmic emphasis. These motives are typically associated with different harmonic fields. Melisande’s melody is pentatonic but is typically harmonized with a half diminished seventh chord (Nichold and Smith, 1989, p. 91). Golaud’s motive, because of its sparse melodic line consisting of only two notes, is more harmonically flexible. Debussy uses it in a variety of harmonic contexts including whole-tone, dorian, and minor. Comparison of Works These three works present a widely diverse picture of operatic life in late nineteenth century France and Italy. In terms of source texts, there is a novella (Carmen), a play in verse (Otello), and a play in prose (Pelleas et Melisande). In two of the cases (Carmen and Otello), neither the composer nor the librettist knew the author of the original literary work. In the case of Pelleas, the composer had direct contact with the original author and constructed the libretto himself. These three operas were then composed in different forms: an opera comique in versions with both spoken dialogue and sung recitative (Carmen), a hybrid of continuous action with set pieces (Otello), and a largely through-composed work with one aria (Pelleas). In each instance, the transformation process reveals that it was not only the librettist and composer who were involved in the opera’s ultimate form: opera directors, publishers, and censors also had some hand in the final product. One shared trait amongst these three works was the need for the librettist to cut considerable amounts of literary material from the original text. This phenomenon is understandable given that it takes a considerably longer period of time to sing a text rather than say it. In choosing sections of texts to cut, the librettists were faced with the challenge of leaving enough of the narrative design so that it would remain comprehensible to the audience. The composer could then use musical devices to fill in some of the gaps that this missing text created. For example, Bizet could use different musical styles to highlight differences in race and class (McClary, 1997). Similarly, Debussy could use different harmonic languages (whole tone, pentatonic, modal) to indicate subtly differences in the quality of light (Nichols and Smith, 1989). A second shared trait is that two of the composers appear to have made decisions based on operatic convention in their composition of the opera. Bizet’s concession to operatic convention takes the form of the introduction of the character of Micaela, a character absent from Merimee’s original but whose presence, as mentioned above, was deemed necessary to make the work suitable for the conservative Opera-Comique audience. Verdi’s concessions are evident in the finale to Act 3, where he asked Boito to alter the libretto to make room for a traditional grand concertato finale (Parker, 2010) as well as in the changes to Iago’s character mentioned above. A third shared trait is that these three works focus on love triangles, with an act of betrayal or jealousy leading to the deaths of one or more of the principal characters. In Carmen, the primary love triangle revolves around Carmen, Don Jose, and Escamillo. In the end, Carmen dies. In Otello, the love triangle of Othello, Desdemona, and Roderigo has a tragic ending with the death of both Othello and Desdemona. Similarly, the Pelleas-Melisande-Golaud triangle results in the death of two of the characters: Pelleas and Melisande. In each case, the composer highlights one of the romantic relationships as being more viable or more sincere than the others. Bizet, as noted, employs different musical styles for each of the characters, with only Escamillo’s language being compatible with Carmen’s. Verdi wrote a traditional love duet for Othello and Desdemona, the sincerity of which is highlighted with its aforementioned reappearance in the final act. Debussy employs a technique similar to that of Bizet: he has Pelleas and Melisande sing together in octaves in Act IV scene 4). The similarities between the presentations of the love triangles stops with this characteristic, for the relationship dynamics within the central triangles are quite different in these works. In Carmen, the title character is both the primary female love interest and the character responsible for the betrayal. She betrays Don Jose’s love for her, however ill-founded it may be, by confessing her love for Escamillo. In contrast to the other operatic heroines studied here, Carmen is a femme-fatale. In Verdi’s Otello, the love between Othello and Desdemona is sincere, and neither one carries on an affair with someone else. The primary reason behind their deaths is Iago’s treachery. However, Othello does, in a sense, betray Desdemona by believing Iago’s lies. His acknowledgment of this betrayal can be seen in his committing suicide. In Debussy’s Pelleas, the guilty party is less clearly identified. Melisande, though she betrays her marriage by falling in love with Pelleas, is not depicted as a femme fatale. Instead, she is presented as an innocent, idealized woman (Smith, 1981, p. 105). Pelleas betrays his brother by having an affair with his wife. Though Debussy, as mentioned above, sympathizes with their love and highlights the love Pelleas and Melisande have for each other by having them sing together in octaves. It appears that these characters are not to be held accountable for their actions because their love was inevitable, foretold in advance by fate. ? References Aycock, R. E. (1972). Shakespeare, Boito, and Verdi. The Musical Quarterly, 58 (4), 588-604. Boynton, S. (2003) Prosper Merimee’s novella Carmen. New York City Opera Project: Carmen. Retrieved from http://www. columbia. edu/itc/music/NYCO/carmen/merimee. html Grayson, D. (1985). The Libretto of Debussy’s Pelleas et Melisande. Music and Letters, 66 (1), 35-50. Grayson, D. (2003). Debussy on stage. In The Cambridge Companion to Debussy. Ed. Simon Trezise. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 61-83. Jenkins, C. (2003). Carmen: The Librettists. New York City Opera Project: Carmen. Retrieved from http://www. columbia. edu/itc/music/NYCO/carmen/librettists. html Lawton, D. (1978). On the ‘Bacio’ theme in Otello. 19th-Century Music, 1 (3), 211-220. Macdonald, H. (2010). Carmen (ii). Grove Online. Retrieved from http://www. oxfordmusiconline. com/subscriber/article/grove/music/O008315? q=carmen&search=quick&pos=22&_start=1#firsthit McClary, S. (1992). Georges Bizet, Carmen. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. McClary, S. (1997). Structures of identity and difference in Bizet’s Carmen. In The Work of Opera: Genre, Nationhood, and Sexual Difference. Ed. Richard Dellamora and Daniel Fischlin. New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 115-130. Nichols, R. & Smith, R. L. (1989). Claude Debussy, Pelleas et Melisande. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Nowinski, J. (1970). Sense and sound in George Bizet’s Carmen. The French Review, 43 (6), 891-900. Parker, R. (2010). Otello (ii). Grove Music Online. Retrieved from http://www. oxfordmusiconline. com/subscriber/article/grove/music/O003882>. Smith, R. L. (1981).
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Ethical problem in psychological research Essay
One very common ethical problem in psychological research is participants falling to answer question which they consider to be very personal (Michell, 1999). When conducting psychological research, the researcher is required to interview the respondents on each and every issue he considers suitable. Some questions posed could be very personal. This makes the respondent feel ashamed of answering the questions or he may feel that his personal life is being interfered with. The researcher needs to be very careful when asking the questions. He should understand the temperament of the respondent before asking the questions. People are normally different. There are some peoples who are hot tempered and others who are not. When approaching some one for an interview, as a researcher I should put on a smiling face. Smile is believed to be the shortest distance between peoples even between enemies. I as a researcher I should understand the mood the respondent is in. By understanding the mood of the researcher I would avoid any unnecessary disagreements, which might make me not get the information I am looking for. If the respondent is in a bad mood, I will try to approach him in a decent manner such that I may make his bad mood capsize. In each and every research, choice of language is very vital. Polite language may make a respondent who is not even willing to give answers to change his attitude and provide answers. Immediately I encounter some potential respondents, I should introduce myself. It defeats equity and common sense reasoning, to go straight to interviewing respondents immediately. As a good researcher I should great them. By so doing I will win their confidence and every doubt they could be having about me is dismissed. Dressing is an important aspect as for as research is concerned. Dressing does not only make one decent but also makes one look genuine in what he is doing. The participants may cease to participate in the research. The participants have the following responsibilities: They should explain to you why they wish to leave, so that you can conduct a debriefing. The participants may wish you to complete the research because you would not again ask personal question. When I am faced with an ethical problem there are some steps I would follow so as to solve it. In the very first I would determine whether there is an ethical issue. I would determine if in one way or another I have infringed one’s rights or values. If so I would ask for forgiveness and a lasting solution is reached at. Secondly I would identify the key values and principles involved. I would typically assess the meanings and limitations apparent to these competing values. Thirdly I would rank the values or ethical principles, which in my professional judgment are relevant to the issues. For example if one is doing a research on the, workers who are getting a monthly salary of $200, a question about salary scales have to be asked. It would sound unethical to ask a person how much he gets. Fourthly I would develop an action plan that is consistent with ethical priorities that have been determined, as crucial to the research. In my mind I will have several alternatives to present to the participant incase they react negatively. In the fifth step, I would implement my plan utilizing the most appropriate practice, skills and competencies. I would employ some tactics like sensitive communication, skillful negotiation and cultural competence. Lastly I would reflect on the outcome of this ethical decision making process. An ethical review committee or ethics team is necessary. These committees will provide counseling to those aggrieved.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
The American Healthcare System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The American Healthcare System - Essay Example This is due to the fact that of all the developed countries in the world, the United States does not have Universal Health Care program for its citizen (Battista and McCabe). Instead of obtaining benefits from funds coming from mandatory taxes for health care purposes, US labor force receives health coverage from employer sponsored means. According to Alliance for Health Reform, in 2005, 159.5 million non-elderly US workers and their dependents were under workplace health coverage. Other means of coverage provides healthcare for the rest of 63.3 Americans (7). The issue on workplace coverage is its escalating cost. Employer-based health insurance premiums rose by 7.7 percent in 2006. Small employers witness an increase of, on average, 8.8 percent on their premiums. Enterprises having less than 24 workers experienced an increase of 10.5 percent (National Coalition on Health Care). In a country spending 16% of its gross domestic product (GDP) on health care (2005 figures) and continuing increase in health care premium cost while, concurrently ranking poorly on vital health statistics, such as infant mortality, life expectancy for women, life expectancy for men, in immunizations, among others, there is a clear evidence of ineffectiveness and inefficiency on health care coverage in the most powerful nation in the world (Battista and McCabe). Looking at it in a broader perspective, the Uni... true that this system provided impetus for innovation and growth in technological breakthroughs in the United States, the same system also jacks up inflation and other inefficiencies. To obtain funding for this universal multi-payer healthcare system, the government should do the following: Impose a tax that would fund universal health care. To soften its impact to American laborers, a portion of taxes of other nature (withholding, income, etc.) that could be sacrificed for this healthcare system should be sliced off. Provide efficient methods, particularly on the use of modern technology, to maximize use of funds in administrative and maintenance use. Results of studies garnered by American Hospital Association pointed out that workers almost 30 minutes on paper works, resulting into less effective use of time for actual healthcare purposes (American Health Association). A task force or a newly formed commission can be formed to oversee this problem. Being a multi-payer system, private insurers for those who can afford can still operate as usual. A new task force or agency should act as a channel of information and communication and will handle issues concerning the collaboration and interaction between the government healthcare insurer and private ones. Possible Issues Issues concerning the fear of socializing the US healthcare service, and thus lowering the quality of US health services by implementing the universal system; the presumed high cost of enforcing and maintaining it; and the possible lack of necessary services will most probably surface out from those opposing the move for its implementation (Battista and McCabe). Democracy and free market rests on the principle of equality and equity. Rising costs of health care in the United States greatly
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Textual analysis about What Every Soldier Should Know Essay
Textual analysis about What Every Soldier Should Know - Essay Example The atmosphere that the reader gets into at first is the ever-present threat of death and the psychologically torturing situations of the American soldiers on their daily life.In this text, Brian Turner uses figurative language, clichà © and other textual strategies to capture the attention of the reader and make the poem more meaningful as well as clear. I will analyze these strategies and the emotions they present to the reader. In the first stanzas, the author narrates about some common practices, which according to the title of this poem is something that every soldier should know about it. In addition, this inspires the reader to feel that these instructions are a way of showing respect to the Arabic culture and that the soldiers must be familiar with this culture as well as the optimum techniques to deal with it. According to the writer â€Å"If you hear gunfire on a Thursday afternoon, it could be for a wedding, or it could be for you.†(Turner, 609).The author mentions some Arabic practices that are present in the Arabic world such as use of gunfire celebration in the wedding, which the foreigners may misunderstand and act in the wrong way, in the process causing serious problems to the American soldiers. This stanza represents the Arab culture in general and every soldier should know about it.The atmosphere that the readers create when they read this stanza, is that there are some common cultu ral practices that the soldiers should know about the Arabic world which normally are not acknowledged. Since they are so close to the Arabic cultural practices daily, the American soldiers must know that they are strangers to this world and they ought to deal with these practices in a proper way to avoid any severe consequences. My take here is that the American soldiers ought to learn this atmosphere and respect others. The author uses some words to represent a common phrase, which help the soldiers to be in the safe side in the Arabic world. Furthermore, this
Monday, October 7, 2019
Analytical Summaries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Analytical Summaries - Essay Example However, author Carey, reduces the intensity of his convincing the readers. The author admits that playing a violent video game may not the exclusive reason for the violent crimes. Other factors may have triggered the violent game players to commit felonies and possibly heinous crimes. It just happened that the youth criminals were violent video game enthusiasts. In some areas, statistics show that an increase in the sale of violent video games showed a decline in the actual crime statistics. To avoid committing crimes, the youth vented their anger or grievances on the video game characters, not on real persons. Author Carey uses several evidences to convincingly support his proposed assertions. Initially, the author uses actual examples to bring his point. The Columbine High School students are purported to act out the fantasy video games’ shooting scenes within the school premises, killing several students and adults. The video gamer acted out the fantasy shooting scenes by killing the Aurora, Colorado Movie audiences. Next, author Carey uses the findings of social research scientists to persuade the readers. One research affirms violent video games can stir up influentially mild aggressive behavior immediately after playing the games. However, the hostile urges are classified as short term consequences of violent video games. The scientists’ researches validly show shooting video games bring out avoidable hostile personalities among the gamers. Finally, author Carey discusses an experiment to convince the skeptics. The experiment focuses on 47 student respondents. They play Mortal Kombat for an estimated 14 minutes. Compared to the non-gamers, the findings proved the students playing the video game were more hostile. However, author Carey insists that the above discussion is not conclusive. Other factors may contribute or aggravate the youths’ engaging in crimes or
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Evaluating UK Cigarette Market Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Evaluating UK Cigarette Market - Case Study Example After all research is an interactive procedure and on occasions will need change of judgment every once in awhile. Some hew information will always try to expand the objectives but this should remain within the confines of the overall intention. B Identifying Markets by Segmentation - This is very important as segmentation or division of consumers by demography (age groups, ethnicity, religion etc) or geography (region, area, location etc) or personal differences (literacy levels, psychographic differences etc) will assist in later analysis which will show the market trends. C Developing Market-Driven Strategies - This will establish the research design through selecting and identifying the types of information to be collected and the sources to be used and finally to determine the instruments of research. The depth of the research (research design) can again be of three varieties namely D Data Types - There are two tpes of data. First is the Primary data that has to be collected by volunteers or professionals, as may be decided, and is to be collected through field work or mailers. Here questions are posed or sent to smokers and data collected as per sample questions given earlier. These methods include telephone surveys, mail surveys, personal interviews or group surveys.This will reveal the pattern and intensity of smoker's likes, preferences and habits. From this data collected over a period of time from all territories of UK a fair idea can be made of the smoker's locations, intensity, usage pattern, and preferences. The parameters can be widened or narrowed depending on the nature and focus of the enquiry to be undertaken. The second type of data called Secondary Data and is collected from Internet and Library resources. This is the information that already exists and can be a bit old. This data is also to be collated with the first type and gives more coverage. In case of differences in any one particular area or demography, it helps to find out why the change has occurred. Both types of research have a number of activities and methods of conducting research associated with them. Secondary research is usually faster and less expensive to obtain than Primary research. Data analysis is needed to give the raw data any meaning. The first step in analyzing the data is cleaning and classifying the data. This is the process of checking the raw data for verification of correct data entries. This data is then coded by assigning numerical
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