Wednesday, May 27, 2020
15 Skills You Need For College
Transitioning from the comfort of your home and the protection of your family to living essentially on your own can be exciting and confusing, which is why it helps to be prepared. Here are some skills you definitely need for college.1. How to read and write at grade level. College classes often demand a great deal of reading and writing - even math courses.2. How to do basic arithmetic without a calculator. Some math and science professors don’t allow calculators on tests and quizzes, so sharpen up this skill now.3. How to find a book in a library. College papers often require a lot of research, so chances are you’ll be spending time in the library (or at least you should be). Save yourself time by learning the basics of the Dewey Decimal or Library of Congress system.4. How to study properly for a test. If you’re like many high school students, you may have never learned how to do this. Instead, you crammed the period before and then dumped out the information, never to recall it again. But you can’t afford to do this in college! Ask a college student you know for tips.5. How to mooch Internet. Internet service can be expensive, and your college may not provide it, so get familiar with the area businesses, such as cafà ©s, that offer free Wi-Fi.6. How to do laundry. Your parents probably have told you not to mix reds with whites, but you never listened. Well, now’s the time to ask Mom and Dad for a lesson in Laundry 101 - they won’t be around to help you when you live away from home!7. How to keep a budget. Even if your parents help you pay for everything, you still need to understand how to spend wisely because their funds are not limitless. Decide how much you’ll spend each month on books, food, entertainment, etc.8. How to pack a suitcase. If you live on campus, chances are you’re going to move to and from home at least for the summer and holidays, if not more often, so learn how to pack quickly and effectively.9. How to cook. You can’t live on cafeteria food alone (unless you’re blessed with dining halls that serve a wide variety of options), and eating out all the time can be expensive.10. How to maintain a balanced diet. It’s tempting to survive on just corn dogs and ice cream, but you can get sick easily if you don’t eat right. It’s also difficult to concentrate in class and study if your brain isn’t well nourished.11. How to drive a car. It’s important to know how to drive, even if you live in a big city where it’s impractical to have a car. You may need to drive home during breaks or to an internship that your college arranges for you.12. How to read bus and train schedules. This is imperative when you travel home to see your family or get an internship that requires you to take the bus or train.13. How to dress for a formal event. You’ll no longer have Mom nagging you to dress up for special occasions like pa rties and job interviews, so learn how to tie a tie, select proper clothes, etc.14. How to write a thoughtful thank-you note. You’ll probably have many guest speakers and terrific professors in college whom you’ll want to thank, and writing a nice note is a great way to express your appreciation.15. How to read the newspaper and watch the news in an educated way. If you haven’t already developed your own political ideas, it’s time to begin thinking about the world and analyzing how the media presents global news. Remember that the world is always changing, so your thoughts shouldn’t remain stagnant.You’ll survive if you forget to pack your favorite CD, but these are some things you definitely don’t want to leave home without!
Sunday, May 17, 2020
compare and contrast aphra Bhens Oroonoko the royal slave...
WRITE AN ESSAY OF 1,500 WORDS IN WHICH YOU COMPARE AND CONTRAST THE TWO PASSAGES BELOW, TAKEN FROM BEHNS _OROONOKO_ OR THE ROYAL SLAVE AND VOLTAIRES _CANDIDE_, OR OPTIMISM. IN YOUR DISCUSSION PAY PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO THE WAYS IN WHICH THE CONTEXTS OF EUROPEAN COLONISATION AND EXPLORATION INFORM THE TWO PASSAGES. Aphra Bhen was a prolific female playwright and author during the restoration period of English history. Bhen herself stood by the power of the monarchy. Her book _Oroonoko_ has hints within the text that royalty is seen as set apart from the rest of society; and that rank is the natural order of things. Though little is really known about Behns early years, evidence suggests that she may have had a Catholic†¦show more content†¦When the Governor cannot make the trip to see them, the natives conclude that he must be dead. When this it is seen that this is not the case, the natives call the Governor a liar and guilty of that infamy. On one level, this could be seen as native justice as she calls it. However, it also implies that the natives are limited in their understanding, and possibly suggesting that colonisation is acceptable, moreover necessary for their development. The second texts is seen on Pages 40 to 42 of Voltaires Candide or Optimism and are contained in chapter 16 of the main text. The scene depicts Candide and Cacambo entering the Jungle of Orillion, Their entrapment by the Orillians; Cacambos discourse with the Orillians, who then release Candide and Cacambo from captivity, and ends with Candides exclamation as to how nice the Orillians are. Its a Jesuit its a Jesuit we will be avenged! And well eat the Jesuit! say the Orillians after capturing Candide. Here Voltaire is seeing the native as very savage. But he is also viscously satirical and ironic, as Voltaire himself was taught by the Jesuit order. The omniscient narrator here gives us insight into what the natives are saying, and this adds to the viscous humour and the irony. Candide then considers the philosophy of optimism which is the underpinning continuing theme within the text All is for the best, no doubt, but I must say that its a cruel thing to have lost Mademoiselle
Saturday, May 16, 2020
A Process Whereby the Success to Successful Paradigm Could Be Broken Free Essay Example, 1250 words
One of the ways of breaking the loop is improvising devices to break the loop (Meadows, 2009, p. 130). For example, to bridge the gap between the poor and the rich, tax laws can be introduced to reduce the income of the rich. Strict restrictions on how to share the limited resource may also be put in place or revise policies that devise rewards for success so that they do not bias the next round. In this case, although the government puts restrictions on working time, there is no guarantee that the leader would not spend more time on work depending on the reinforcement he is getting for doing so. As such, restricting the time may only cause more problems as the leader may not be able to accomplish his goals within a limited time. It is evidently clear from the discussion that the only sound way thus to strike the work/life balance is to diversify time by introducing flexible time such as flexitime, annualized hours, compressed week, or work at home through the use of technology. Th is requires the restructuring of the work schedule so that the whole organization can function properly during the absence of the leader. We will write a custom essay sample on A Process Whereby the 'Success to Successful' Paradigm Could Be Broken or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Cardiff 6 Point Tool Kit - 1725 Words
Communication is incredibly important, it underpins any professional relationship with a patient. In any given specialty there is a need for good communication and there is an increasing emphasis placed on communication skills during undergraduate training programmes (both medical and nursing) however it is especially important within palliative medicine where patients are going through massive life changing events, often facing frightening times ahead in their not distant futures. Patients will have their own thoughts and agendas when entering a consultation and it is important to illicit what this is and to establish their own ideas, concerns and expectations as well as considering how much information they would like to receive from the professional. The Cardiff 6-point tool kit highlights the following areas to consider during consultations: 1. Comfort 2. Language 3. Listening and Silence 4. Question Style 5. Reflection 6. Summary Throughout the consultation I observed a typical set up with a clinician behind a desk and the patient sat off to their side. There was a table between them however it did not look uncomfortable apart from the times when the patient got distressed and the clinician wanted to move closer but the table was between them, she managed to overcome this by moving towards the patient and putting her hand on his arm as well as offering tissues. I did not hear an introduction as the clinician said â€Å"we’ve met before†but it may have been useful to theShow MoreRelatedAcca F5111177 Words  | 445 Pages....... iv Topic index ..................................................................................................................................................................... vii Using your BPP Learning Media Practice and Revision Kit .......................................................... ix Passing F5 Revising F5 ..................................................................................................................................................................Read MoreThe End of Global Strategy9044 Words  | 37 Pagesclaims, these individuals often point to the fact that foreign sales account for more than European Management Journal Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 333–343, August 2001 THE END OF GLOBAL STRATEGY is not so. MNEs are not monolithic; in fact, the largest 500 multinationals are spread across the triad economies of NAFTA, the EU, and Japan/Asia. Recent research shows that of these 500, there are 198 headquartered in NAFTA countries, 156 in the EU, and 125 in Japan/Asia.6 Additionally, these triad-basedRead MoreMarketing Management130471 Words  | 522 PagesDBA 1652 Marketing Management UNIT -- I Unit No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Unit Title Marketing management – an introduction Marketing environment Marketing with other functional areas of management Market segmentation Market targeting and positioning Product management Brand management Pricing Channel design and management Retailing and Wholesaling Integrated Marketing Communication Advertising management Sales promotion Personal selling PublicRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagesintroduction to the heterogeneous study of organizations, including chapters on phenomenology, critical theory and psychoanalysis. Like all good textbooks, the book is accessible, well researched and readers are encouraged to view chapters as a starting point for getting to grips with the field of organization theory. Dr Martin Brigham, Lancaster University, UK McAuley et al. provide a highly readable account of ideas, perspectives and practices of organization. By thoroughly explaining, analyzing and exploringRead MoreIntangible Asset Accounting and Accounting Policy Selection in the Football Industry85391 Words  | 342 PagesSigning-on Fees 4.5 Stadium Redevelopment 71 5 Accounting Policies in the Football Industry 5.1 Accounting for Player Registrations and Transfer Fees 5.2 Accounting for Signing-on Fees 5.3 Capital Grants 5.4 Depreciation of Stadia 106 6 Theoretical Framework for Studying the Selection of Accounting Policy Choice 6.1 Theories of Accounting Policy Choice 6.2 Explanatory Variables 6.3 Statement of Hypothesis 138 7 Methods of Data Collection and Analysis 7.1 Sampling 7.2Read MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words  | 658 Pagesthe richness and complexity of real-life management situations and we would also encourage readers and tutors to take every possible opportunity to explore the live strategic issues of organisations – both their own and others. The following brief points of guidance should prove useful in selecting and using the case studies provided: ââ€" The summary table that follows indicates the main focus of each of the chosen case studies – together with important subsidiary foci (where appropriate). In general
Eating Disorders Destroy Lives Essay - 777 Words
Title Eating Disorder – a combination of 14 letters that has the power to rock the life of the person who has it. Some of the most common eating conditions are anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder. According to the LA Times, â€Å"In 2009 the government published data that showed that kids under 12 were the fastest-growing population of patients hospitalized for eating disorders.†Not only are eating disorders becoming more popular and not in a positive way, but also the teens who have them getting them at a younger age. Eating disorders are a growing epidemic among teens, and it’s spreading to the younger generation; some of the most common causes of these disorders are social, mental, and familial influences. As eating disorders†¦show more content†¦Not only does the world around these teens influence them to be skinny, their own mental health has been affected. Stress, depression, and low self-esteem have contributed to eating disorders. Accor ding to Huffington Post, â€Å"...feelings of being stressed or overwhelmed can trigger disordered eating behaviors, which are used as a coping mechanism.†Many teens will become stressed because of school and/or family issues and often times the young boy or girl will find a temporary comfort in food. They can binge eat and this type of eating later turns into a disorder called BED, binge-eating disorder. On the other side, some teens feel that their life is out of control and if they can regulate how many calories they take in or how much or little food they eat, they can have control (Huffington Post). There was a study done among the females student in a Michigan college. They found that those who had eating disorders also had high levels of anxiety and depression. According to the Princeton University site about eating disorders, â€Å"The development of anorexia or bulimia is not simply the result of a desire to be thin, but the manifestation of deeper emotional and ps ychological problems†(Eating Disorders). Eating disorders aren’t just a desire to lose weight, but deep mental problems that develop into eating problems. Along with society and mental health affecting eating disorders in teens, genetics play a part in itShow MoreRelatedEating Disorders : Eating Disorder1031 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"The eating disorder is a very jealous and abusive partner. It requires a lot of devotion in the extent that you have to devote yourself to tending to the anorexia. There s not a lot of time left over for adult life,†was stated by Dr. Doug Bunnell, a specialist in eating disorders. Eating disorders effect a variety of people. Age, race, and gender aren’t role playing keys in eating disorders. Not everyone gets an eating disorder, but if they do then, it will more than likely destroy their livesRead MoreEffects Of Anorexia Nervosa On Adolescents958 Words  | 4 Pages(Beck, Myer). With the constant fear of being judged ma ny will develop eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa. Psychology Today reports that â€Å"Eating disorders were reported to be the third most common illness classified as ‘chronic’ for adolescents in 2000†. All of these disorders can be life threatening to adolescents especially since South Carolina Department of Mental Health found that, â€Å"95% of those who have eating disorders are between the ages of 12 and 25†, with anorexia nervosa being extremelyRead MoreEating Disorders Are Abolishing People Day By Day1566 Words  | 7 PagesEating disorders are abolishing people day by day. According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, up to 24 million people of all ages and genders suffer from an eating disorder in the United States. These mental monsters are not physical, but they are mentally destroying a person’s thoughts, which effect their overall actions. Not only are eating disorders caused by unreali stic societal expectations, but the monsters come out through the psychological aspectsRead MoreTypes and Treatments of Eating Disorders Essay907 Words  | 4 PagesWhen people hear the word eating disorder they tend to think of a young middle class white girl. It’s quite rare to hear about older men and women struggling with eating disorders even though it’s fairly common. Unfortunately, eating disorders do not discriminate against race, age, gender, class, or sexual orientation. The only thing that differs is their overall experience and how health professionals chose to treat them. There are three major eating disorders that some people suffer with on a dailyRead MoreDepression And The Middle Ages854 Words  | 4 PagesToday, they learned that both chemicals and electricity make up brain activity, and that different parts of the brain are responsible for different behaviors. (â€Å"History of Depression | The Art of Manliness, n.d.) Major depressive disorder is a serious to severe mood disorder causing a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. â€Å"People with run-of-the-mill depression may feel sad, blue, or â€Å"down in the dumps.†They may complain of lack of energy, loss of self-esteem, difficulty concentratingRead MoreEssay on Self-Harm Due to the Media870 Words  | 4 Pagesis detrimental to teens in America today. These messages destroy teens’ body image which sadly leads to self harm. Not only can the media lead to self-harm, it also leads to many teens developing unhealthy habits in order to live up to the perceived perfection that they see throughout the media. Equally important, the growing numbers of teens with insecurities can leave teens and their families with expensive medical bills. The world we live in should not be filled with people of all ages and gendersRead MoreEating Disorders Are Becoming A Serious Problem On High School And College Students944 Words  | 4 PagesToday we live in a world full of ridicule and expectations concerning our body image. The morphed image of a perfect body consists of a skinny and toned waist, perfect hair and makeup, and pearly white straight teeth. Models, actors, singers and other celebrities that everyone idols go to great lengths to make their body perfect. This stressed image of a perfect body has led to an enormous outbreak of mental disorders seen predominately in high school and college students, especially anorexia nervosaRead MoreThink Of A Beautiful, Ten-Year-Old Girl Standing In The1281 Words  | 6 Pageswants to look just like them. At ten years old, she starts running after dinner and not eating as much as she use to eat. That beautiful little girl is just like every woman all over the world; she is pressured to by the media to have a â€Å"perfect body.’ Women all over the world are coerced by society to change the way they look. These women are beautiful just the way God mad e them, but society is trying to destroy that by making teens and women alike think believe they have to have a â€Å"perfect body.†Read MoreEssay about Do Beauty Pageants Do More Harm Than Good For Children?1115 Words  | 5 Pagesthey start developing signs of worthlessness, depression and loneliness. In many of the cases, it takes on severe forms leading to suicide and personality disorders. Such children may also not be able to form strong bonds of relationship and this may lead to broken families and friendships. In some of the cases, such children develop eating disorders. This not only takes their primal innocence away but also makes them likely to develop several mental and emotional imbalances in the life to come. TheRead MorePersuasive Essay On Bullying1010 Words  | 5 Pagesbully attacks the victim their problems fade away because they’re letting their anger out on someone. I strongly agree that bullies should be legally responsible for what they do. I feel this way because bullying causes depression, suicides, and disorders. Stronger bullies have full advantages of their victim because of their inability to fight back. They also elevate their own ego through the degradation of others. Bad parenting can also be a big cause for the issue, if someone in the family is
Public Opinion free essay sample
This paper looks at the effects of public opinion on politics. This paper analyzes and examines the multitude of issues relating to public opinion. It discusses what moves public opinion and the implications for the political process. This paper concludes with recommendations for strengthening the relationship between policy making and public opinion. Public opinion is both essential and vital in our information-fueled democracy. Many factors influence politicians, including constituents, lobbyists, mass media, political parties, and special interest groups. In addition, politicians are directly and indirectly influenced by public opinion, i.e., sentiments expressed by citizens regarding a particular issue. Public opinion is crucial to policymaking because it has the ability to determine or shape policymakers choices. Unlike lobbyists, political parties, and special interest groups, public opinion is less vulnerable to external influences and motivations (i.e., the desire to vote a certain way in the hopes of gaining increased financial support). We will write a custom essay sample on Public Opinion or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Likewise, public opinion creates an opportunity for politicians to get in touch with their constituents and to understand their views. This paper analyzes and examines the multitude of issues relating to public opinion. Part II discusses what moves public opinion. In Part III, the implications for the political process are examined. Lastly, this paper concludes with recommendations for strengthening the relationship between policymaking and public opinion.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Advanced Taxation Ryanair Limited
Question: Discuss about the Advanced Taxation for Ryanair Limited. Answer: Introduction The present study incorporates a case summary between Ryanair Limited and The Revenue Commissioners by considering the point of law, background of the case along with the facts. The discussion also covers the concept on revenue position including the discussion on misinterpretation of Rompleman and Centime case laws. The study involves discussion on the eligibility of taxable person as per the regulations under Value Added Tax Act 1972. In addition, the discussion also involves explanation based on CIBO case for considering taxable revenues for the department. Discussion The present case of Ryanair Limited v The Revenue Commissioners (2013) IEHC 195 contains an issue on determination of appellants entitlement for deducting input VAT on the amount of professional fees. It has been noted that the taxpayer was involved in the business of transportation of air passenger and the income derived from the business was not subjected to Irish VAT. However, the taxpayer claimed his entitlement for reclaiming the amount of input VAT on the service cost in relation to the business activities (Strangio and Tamborrino 2016). It has been stated in the case that a taxpayer is entitled to deduct an amount only during the time of chargeability of deductible tax. In the given case, the appellant earned VAT on the professional fees with respect to Bid in which the taxpayer claimed deduction based on the taxable supplies. The court in this connection contended the valuation and inclusion of Value Added Tax for supply of goods and services in accordance with the VAT regulations as per Irish Tax Act. Further, the court considered the concept of taxable person as per the regulation under Article 4 that provides a taxable person is considered as an independent individual who carries economic activity in any place comprising the producers or traders activity ( 2017). Under the rulings in case of Ropelman v Minister van Finance, the court contended that the attainment of right for the future property transfer was an economic activity. The court considered the contents of Article 4(1) on harmonization of law that is related to the turnover tax consists in several commercial transactions. It has been clarified that the asset acquisition, immovable property acquisition and transfer of rights consists as a part of commercial transactions hence, should be considered as economic activity (Pfeif fer 2015). Similarly, in case of Centime Limited v Crawford Inspector of Taxes (2005) IEHC 328, the respondent required repayment of VAT that was charged by the concerned suppliers. However, it was contended under the rulings that the appellant was having taxable interest in the transfer of property before the registration on VAT has been made (Harris 2015). The court held that the appellant had clear purpose to develop the football stadium meant to be used for other activities; hence it was considered as economic activity for the purpose of VAT. The present case contained the proceedings based on the regulations of section 941 under VAT Consolidation Act 2010. The court held that the appellant conducted a formal bid in order to purchase the securities of Aer Lingus with an intention to operate the business of airline through a single group but with different brands. It was further contended that the business will be conducted by using substantial proficiency to enhance Aer Linguss performance. Even though the appellant could not win the entire bid, Ryanair Limited acquired a part of share capital which was not considered as significant acquisition (Webb et al. 2013). On the contrary, court held that the appellant, Ryanair Limited incurred Value Added Tax on the professional fees that was paid with respect to the process of Bid. The respondent that is Revenue Commissioner refused to allow the claim for deducting Value Added Tax based on the condition that the bid was not an economic activity and it was not connected to the ta xpayers general business. However, the court held that the bid was conducted to acquire rights on shares for future transactions hence, it shall consists a part of economic activity and hence the appellant is entitled to claim VAT deduction paid of professional fees (Marcum, Martin and Strickland 2015). Conclusion In view of the above case discussion, it can be said that deduction of Value Added Tax on the taxable supplies can be claimed on the basis of economic activities as per the regulations stated in Irish Tax Act. The given case provided that the appellant was entitled to claim VAT deduction on the professional fees incurred for bid process as the bid was conducted to acquire the acquisition rights for future business transactions. The process was held to be an economic activity as per Article 4(1) hence; Ryanair Limited was entitled to claim VAT deduction. Reference List Harris, D., 2015. International Tax Implications of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Proposal to Neutralize Hybrid Mismatch Arrangements.Cath. UL Rev.,65, p.635. 2017. Irish Statute Book. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Apr. 2017]. Marcum, B., Martin, D.R. and Strickland, D., 2015. Merger waves and corporate inversions: Causes and consequences.Journal of Corporate Accounting Finance,26(5), pp.85-91. Pfeiffer, S., 2015. Current questions of EU VAT grouping.World Journal of VAT/GST Law,4(1), pp.26-40. Strangio, D. and Tamborrino, R.R.M., 2016. Patrimonio urbano e cibo etnico: la Little Italy di New York e la sua immagine per uno studio comparato. Aspetti preliminari di un progetto in itinere.CITTA'E STORIA,11(1), pp.91-121. Webb, J.W., Bruton, G.D., Tihanyi, L. and Ireland, R.D., 2013. Research on entrepreneurship in the informal economy: Framing a research agenda.Journal of Business Venturing,28(5), pp.598-614.
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