Thursday, January 31, 2019
Are School Uniforms Beneficial or Not? Essay -- Argumentative Educati
Are naturalise Uniforms Beneficial or Not?(Quotes closely Uniform Policy 1). Theodore R. Mitchell, UCLA School of Education says, I think its big(p) news for all of us who have advocated schooltime uniforms as a way of building biotic community. A pressing issue, bullying has become a big problem in many school, and to eliminate this problem, school policies should anticipate students to wear uniforms. Many people believe that school uniforms build the community into a safer, more positive environment. School uniforms modify school academics, save gang violence, and assist families, who can not afford expensive clothing. bedevilment more about otherwises, rather than themselves, students pay more attention to the appearance of their peers instead of their academics. To begin, if school uniforms became apart of the school policy, students academics would improve phenomenally. Hanley noted that The former for the policy was to further improve ascending test scores and leav e behind a safe, comfortable learning environment (A1+). Clearly, school administrators wanted to improve test scores, and they figured if students dressed the same, then they would have no other choice but to focus on their school work. If the students can thin on their school work, then they will have high self- esteem. Furthermore, Valdez believes that school uniforms, positively, will change student academics they decrease self consciousness and sum up self esteem... (14). Reasonable and realistic, students who feel better about themselves will deliver the goods in school rather than those who have poor self-esteem. Not precisely do school uniforms encourage students to have a better bearing about themselves, but they also change the environment in which students learn.... ...Print. Hanley, Kipp. At Middle School, a uniform solution? McClatchy-Tribune Business News. 4 Oct 2009 A1+. Sirs cognition Source. Proquest LLC. Web. 8 Nov 2010.Mitchell, Theodore R. Quotes about Uni form Policy. LBUSD. 2010. Long Beach Unified School District. Web. 15 Nov 2010.Soloman, Louis K. Schools Smarten Up Without Uniforms. Sun Sentinel 30 Jun 2004 A1+. Sirs Knowledge Source. Proquest. Web. 11 Nov 2010.Stephens, Daniel. School Dress Codes are Necessary and Constitutional. Student Rights May 2001 12-16. Gale. northeasterly Caroline Family Policy. Web. 9 Nov 2010.Synder, Susan. Shirts Tucked in, Cell Phones Out School Rules are Changing. Philadelphia Inquirer 24 Sept 2004 A1+. Sirs Knowledge Source. Proquest LLC. Web. 8 Nov 2010.Valdez, Al. How Can annulus Violence be Prevented? San Clemente Law Tech, 2005. Print.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Leadership: An argument for advances in its development
Civilization and its achievements, like the wheel, hinge on the hub of leaders. The ebb off and tide of world empires point to the reins handled or pulled by individuals who exert supply and influence. In this country, and even in the correspondence of the world, the assertions and importance of leaders is re-emphasized in some ways beca theatrical role of the speedyly evolving paradigms that assume a more permeant role in the society. This is the era of organizational revolution.The time is marked with rapid shifts in the demography of our workforce, changing incorporated culture, and changing organizations. Organizational forms welcome become more complex and new forms have been actual (Block, 1981). The watchfulness or leadership of people has never been as important and decisive than ever originally. Today, it is considered a central figure and the key to productivity and fictional character especially in a very competitive society. In the lighthearted of the rapi d shift in todays organization, the skills use upd of clement resource managers, beginners in the profession and even aspiring students in the discipline, rest on the foundation of knowledge on the full-page gamut of pitying resources management, specifically management theories applied in the setting (Kline & Saunders, 1993).The consider for a more efficient, economical and equitable management of the people in the constancy or organization has never been as pronounced as it is today. This need has never been brought about by factors which inevitably affect not single the established structures and ways of doing things within the personnel ara but in addition by the more meaningful and substantial task of managing the organizations most important asset the human capital. Among these factors are stiffer competition in business rapid changes in technological, competitive and economic environments the explosion of expert foul and managerial knowledge spiraling wage and wins cost and so many new(prenominal)s. These factors have no doubt been responsible for the emergence of the personnel office as a vital area in the implementation of corporate strategy (Bruffee, 1993).The arguments set forth in this paper spins around the issue of leadership in that location have been continued major advancements in the developments of fundamental leadership theories in the past 200 years. One of the evidences simply is the guess put forth by Dr. Elliot Jacques, the big(p) Canadian psychologist. Theories abound regarding perspectives of leadership. When Elliot Jacques developed the concept of requisite organization it served as a unified whole system model for what he deemed effective managerial leadership.Some of the core beliefs in Jacques system, for instance, imply that people are supposed to be compensated on the basis of their individual aptitude or skills and foresight and how long it was before their judgment could be verified. Jacques also thought that where leadership gurus or out-of-door consultant like the ODs are concerned, these are only evaluated and equated with alchemy as such(prenominal) these do not involve real concepts or minute or thorough definitions but rather are considered as attack and inauthentic to reckon the least. Jacques persuasion centers on much of what he calls as maximum amount of personal responsibility and encourages on every range of the organization, or team for that matter, to be stakeholders and thus have a say in the problems at hand.In organizational behavior which is basic to the management of human resource, it points to the inquiry and application of learning about how people, individuals, and groups perform, operate, and work in organizations. It accomplishes this by means of adopting a system approach (Demick & Miller, 1993). Explicitly, it infers people-organization affairs in terms of the entire person, group totality, complete organization, and total social structure. Its en deavor is to put up enhance relations by attaining human goals, organizational purposes, and social goals (Kanter, 1999). In such a milieu, the goals to effect change are influenced by several significant factors which are crucial to the overall results. Hence, there are expected leadership behaviors that maintain momentum during the change serve up (Demick & Miller, 1993).This strategic system model put forth by Jacques is a methodical approach to managing the human capital. Those who theme and make use of that data in exclusive contexts are rightly described as professionals in them lies the heart and soul of the profession. Industrial-age institutions play for routine and habit carry through through standardized measures. Complex responsibilities are split into simple step that are assigned to organizational positions to guarantee that employees are both symmetrical and effortlessly replaced. Bureaucratic hierarchies are likely to esteem proven military rating of specifi c aspects of complex managerial tasks. In view of this, the picture of leadership is in reality changing as the image of organizations changes. Analysis ascertains those who require training and what skills or performance improvements are designated. Aims and goals set the restriction for the instructional outline and help attain the appropriate learning outcomes (Kincheloe, 1991).Peter Northouse, author of lead Theory and Practice observed the revival of an all-encompassing skills-based model of leadership distinguished by a map for how to reach efficient leadership in organizations (Northouse, 2004). He recommended that the classification of specific skills which can be better by training has an intuitive appeal When leadership is framed as a set of skills, it becomes a process that people can study and practice to become better at their jobs (Northouse, 2004).He also suggests that although the skills-based approach claims not to be a trait model, it includes individual attribute s that look a great deal like traits. The act of leadership is also an exercise of good reasoning. In their book debunk Administrative Evil, Guy Adams and Danny Balfour caution against elevating the scientific-analytical outlook higher than all other forms of rationality. Even as the rise of adept rationality led inevitably to specialized, expert knowledge, the very life fall of the professional, it also spawned unintended consequences in the areas of morals and ethics as the science-based technical rationality undermined normative judgments and relegated ethical considerations to afterthoughts (Adams & Balfour, 2004).Distinguished scholar Ronald Heifetz on the other hand, developed a definition of leadership that takes values into account. He maintains that we should look at leadership as more than a means to organizational effectiveness. Efficiency means getting achievable decisions that execute the goals of the organization. This definition has the benefit of being genera lly applicable, but it provides no real guide to learn the nature or formation of those goals. (Heifetz, 1994). Heifetz went on to say that values such as liberty, equality, human welfare, justice, and community are inculcated with first-rate leaders (Heifetz, 1994). It is a necessity then, the infusion of these principles into the leader and from the leader into the organization.Reference1. Adams, Guy B. & Danny L. Balfour, 2004. Unmasking Administrative Evil (Armonk, N.Y. M. E. Sharpe, pp. 31-36.Beckhard, R. 1969. Organization Development Strategies and Models, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Permissions Department, 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ07030 USA. Block, Peter, perfect Consulting A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used, University Associates, San Diego, CA 1981. Bruffee, Kenneth A. Collaborative tuition Higher Education, Interdependence, and the Authority of Knowledge. Baltimore Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1993. Demick, J. and Miller, P., Deve lopment in the Workplace, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, New Jersey, 1993. Heifetz, Ronald A., 1994. Leadership Without comfy Answers (Cambridge, Mass. Harvard Univ. Press, pp. 21-22. Northouse, Peter G. 2004. Leadership Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks, Calif. Sage, pp. 35-52.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Change Speech -Kite Runner, Poem, Article Essay
One can perceive vary at bottom themselves in various rooms and finished various mediums. Today I stand before you, ladies and gentleman to discuss with you three significant changing Self texts I believe, strongly connect in their own ways with the Re pointations of changing Self expo. Change can be an immediate do work or it can be a series of points over a prolonged period of magazine like it is in Hosseinis overbold The kite smuggler, print in 2003. How constantly, using different texts The Kite Runner and perhaps a numbers, like The Door, by Miroslar Holub for example, can represent budge of self not further in a different format, scarcely also connecting ideas that kind can be triggered by a authoritative event or sustain in history which can make a lasting impact on the present and future. At measure we need to be coached or pushed into change, however in other instances we be called to embrace the opportunity as it arises.Sometimes we come across change unknowingly, by innocence or fear of circumstances as of a true story of an Indian boy named Saroo who unknowingly was driven through the process of change. changing Self can be a in truth difficult process to acknowledge and to accept. This idea is significant in The Kite Runner a deeply moving novel demonstrates how a dreadful experience of superstar unforeseen event can change the present and future of a unseasoned liveness. amir slowly develops realisation with eon that another change is required to bring near a cutting beginning or a way to be better once more, as Rahim Khan said presented as a one time opportunity . As discussed in the beginning of the novel we are revealed with a component of the past which reflects the choice of future ameer is faced with.The terminus of Amirs dreadful experience of watching his servant friend, or not-so-much friend, Hassan being raped and the fact that he didnt do any(prenominal)thing about it, or step in and fight Asef before any folie began fills Amir with unsound guilt and remorse which he proved ineffectual to hide away from, it was my past of untatoned sins as quoted. This guilt is too tendinous for him to acknowledge, so much so that he takes the course of trying to change the way things ran around his home, by getting rid of Hassan from his life. Amir runs away, metaphorically and literally from the environment and surrounds in hope to seek a let on mind and reality. Using the literal running from Afghanistan to America to seek safety, he does this metaphorically as he tries to run away from the guilt he cannot let go of.The symbolic drug abuse of the cleft sassing is a significant detail in the novel used to classify that a soulfulness can be identified through specific events and choices, optimistic or negative. By this whereas Hassan had a cleft lip as a pip-squeak, this same scenario is changed around as Amir embraces the opportunity to become good again and save Sohrab, Hassans son, an d Amirs own nephew, from Asef. Amir changes his old cowardice to courage, stepping fourth to fight a losing battle with Asef, a noted, cathartic experience, relieving himself from pain, with pain from the blows of Asef, leaving Amir with a cleft lip also. Only to be saved by Sohrab with the repeated symbolic use of the slingshot, this was also used to save Amir from Asef by Hassan years before. Amir feels as though he has coercively changed for the better by comprehend opportunity and new attri unlesse of courage, filling in the gaps of his stained past. Changing self may be presented as a adit of opportunity or experience we may be called to open.The Door, an influential, insofar daring poem by Miroslar Holub emphasises in an imperative tone of crusadency and pushiness that any change is better than no change at all. Therefore, one must(prenominal)iness embrace any change as the opportunity presents itself. The symbol of the door is an indicator of opportunities, and the nee d for them to be open, just as Rahim Khan was a door of opportunity for Amir to open and experience the drought or movement of change pass oning to take practice, good or bad. The words, if at that place is a fog, it will clear demonstrates how this presented opportunity for Amir to relieve his life of guilt with be finally removed with action of opening the door.The repeating of go and open the door is not entirely encouraging but coaching and emphasising that if all doors are undecided and even if so numerous are negative, there will still be a positive movement because the door was opened and at least there will be a draught, or rather, at least you will require tried to do something about an awful event or experience with an unseen future and not remain in the same position, transaction with the guilt and regret, which cannot escape. As long as the door remains shut, the send off will remain stuffy and uncomfortable to breathe in, so approach path fourth and opening th e door will let fresh circularise and new opportunities to evolve.The writer explains the positives of change which is used to entice or urge the reader to want to experience a new change of air. Changing circumstances in ones life can unpredictably change and impact ones life within a series of events contained by a short span of time. This concept is equal in the deeply touching true story of an Indian boy, named Saroo which was published in the Sydney Morning Herald back in March this year. passim 25 years, young Saroo went through an array of unforseen events which track down him away from lifelong poverty and his mother to where he is today, amongst the rich living in Australia. ripe as the Herald Sun writes, Australias very own, slum wiener millionaire Why was this so? Many say it occurred because of fate. When Saroo, whom at the time was only five years old- awoke alone and very frightened at one of Indias very many find out stations very recent in the evening after he had fallen asleep time lag for his brother to return.At this part of Saroos life, he had very gnomish and was uneducated. Was it fear or was it God or a mixed bag of the both who persuaded young Saroo to pursue looking for his brother in the closest train simply because, he might be in there. This simple childs thought shunted and altered his life away from anything he ever knew one unforseen event, encouraged by fear, taking the opportunity to open the doors which lead to a train, almost leaving to go to Australia. The Sydney Morning Herald describes this event as the night his young lifes course was altered forever. This change of self is represented by the innocence of a young boy. This concept is characterised by Saroo explaining how the reality of trying to get home became a dead end, just like, all the trains he road, to try and reach home, only to meet with another dead end.Various aspects of Saroos life were in fact dead ends but when it came to his life depending on it, just as Amir depended on the opportunity from Rahim Khan, as unforseen at the time as it was both boys embraced their opportunities to find something, whether a brother or second chance. They opened the door. Saroos door opened eventually to a family from Australia whom adopted him, perfectly and strangely out of his life course, he landed himself in Hobart. In conclusion, we can gather that changing self can be a difficult process, yet also an unforseen process which may take place over a series of events.These three researched texts have shown connecting and similar views that we must make use of experience and opportunity of change as it arises. by dint of these views, we are challenged that ultimately it is up to ourselves via thoughts or actions or a mixture of both to decide the course of change we are willing to take. In the Kite Runner, it is up to Amir to choose to put himself in risk of exposure to make up for his guilty past, The Door commands us to take opportunit ies, and yet in the Sydney Morning Heralds feature Story illustrates that with somatogenic experience change is forever impacting. Each of these demonstrates in their own way how change can somewhat be forced upon a person and ultimately deliver them into a new direction.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Luna Pen Case Writeup
Report on Luna Pen fact PA major 0420830 Lee Joo-Hyun Q1. If you were in Erikas position, what steps great power give you the best chance of achieving your goals? First of all, I think its rather dangerous to get to negotiation intention solely based on stereotype of specific race/nationality. unless still its foolish to ignore cultural difference. Since negotiation similitude Feng is non from mainland China but from Taiwan, I believe there would be little or no disadvantage of Erika being female.But in case DGG is planning a bigger picture (for example, sharing diffusion placement of worldwide Service in Asia region) than just resolving brand effective issue, I think it is better to consider the fact Taiwanese debate Guan-Xi (relationship) as important aspect in terms of long term, palsy-walsy relationship. Therefore it would probably be a safe idea to prepare a male represent with similar position to Erika along with her. second Erika needs to gather more information more or less the counterpart Feng and Global Service.After all, negotiation process is to find compromise or creative selection between my constraint conditions/needs and their constraint conditions/needs. Ill discuss astir(predicate) it more in following Question 2. Thirdly, Erika needs to build up negotiation plan. She need to determine what DGG intend to/should earn and how far DGG fucking back down. After defining goals & constraints (or setting Maginot Line), assuming the crush case scenario is also important step.In this case, the worst case possible could be something like this Feng & Global Service refuses to negotiate, pointing out that DGG abandoned and assay making product under the name of Luna. Thus DGG is left with no some other choice but to consign an uncertain vitrine which would be both time consuming and wooly. To prevent this from happening, it would be unwise to number 1 the first contact with firm stand like writing Feng that his social club must cease its unauthorized use of he Luna name, and that DGG is prepared to file movement if necessary. Instead, I think its better to mention that DGG is apprised of the fact that Luna pen is selling well under the marketing and distribution power of Feng and Global Service and DGG is more than willing to negotiate about the usage of Luna name. Q2. What further information might you need before contacting Feng and how might you realistically obtain it? First of all, DGG need to figure out marking value (or brand power) of Luna by doing brief market research.By doing so, DGG croupe signalize how much the brand power affected the total sale of Fengs Luna pen and use it as a sharable standard in negotiation. I believe this data can be obtained rather simply. All DGG welcome to do is to run series of survey to group of customers, asking their willingness to invent for given pen with/without brand name Luna. Secondly, it would be a good idea to find potential buyers that are wi lling to buy the trademark Luna. The information of potential buyers could later be used as a mean to pressure Feng and Global Service if necessary.Since selling Luna brand would not harm DGG, by contacting company in pen making business, DGG can obtain information of potential buyers while spreading news that DGG is nerve-racking to sell Luna name as well. And as a last resort, DGG should inquire the legal position of DGG in this case. (Especially in terms of Taiwanese court) If DGG files a lawsuit, what are the odd of winning the case, how long will it take, and how much is the estimated cost of lawsuit?The answers to these questions are key factors to decide whether to file a lawsuit or not. If odds are against DGG, it will be more bonny to approach this negotiation in more cooperative, soft stand. On the other hand, if the odds are in favor of DGG, DGG can use lawsuit both as leverage to pressure Feng and last resort to harmonise this matter. Such data can be obtained via cor porate legal department.
The Economic Impact of Tourism
Social and heathen tinct of tourism As an industry, tourism is a dynamic, evolving, consumer-driven force. It is the worlds largest industry. It is the employer of 183 million people. This represents 10,2% of the global workforce. By employing one out of every the workers, travel and tourism is the worlds largest employer. As an industry, tourism is expected to grow much faster than different sectors. Growing so rapidly, tourism presents tremendous opportunities and challenges.Although a mature industry, tourism is a young profession. The good news is the variety of career prospects for nows hospitality and tourism graduates. Tourism is a leading producer of tax revenues. When a tourist overleaps property to travel, to stay in a hotel, or to eat in a restaurant, that money is recycled by these businesses to obtain more goods, thereby generating further use of the money. In addition, employees of businesses who serve tourists spend a high proportion of their money locally on various goods and services.This chain reaction continues until theres a leakage, meaning that money is used to purchase something from outside their area. This phenomenon is usually called the multiplier effect. Social and cultural impact of tourism From a social and cultural perspective, tourism base have two positive and negative impacts on communities. Even a visit to an new(prenominal) part of your own hoidenish can both socially and culturally stimulating. Undoubtedly, tourism has made significant contributions to international understanding, stillness and prosperity.However, tourism results not only in sociocultural benefits but too in sociocultural problems. Imagine the feelings of an employee in a developing country who earns perhaps $5 per day when he sees wealthy tourists flaunting money. Another voice is nude female tourists sunbathing in a Moslem country. On the other hand, tourism is a clean and green industry, that most of the hotels are make with concern for th e environment and use local crafts people, designers, and materials.Tourism brings new revenue to the area, it in addition creates and maintains higher rate of employment than if there were no tourism. During the past a couple of(prenominal) years, the so-called ecotourism has developed in the countries which try to minimize visitor impact on their natural and cultural environment. In practical terms, ecotourism tour operators acquire participants by educating them about local culture, animals, plants.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Forecasting the Adoption of E-Books Essay
interrogate 1 The size of the commercialize for e-books in the long-run 293. 7 billion x 46. 7% x 8% = 10. 973 million (Total US tribe x percentage of US population leading literature x Percentage of traditional opus books purchased online in 2003) It will take 10 years to reach 95% penetration of the potential market. doubtfulness 2 I predict that the sales event of the e-book when it first became available is 0. 751milion (pm) (Assumption each innovator buy one book. ) challenge 3 The long-run total borrowing of e-books would be 10. 973 million.(Total US population x percentage of US population reading literature x Percentage of traditional paper books purchased online in 2003) Question 4 I do expect the market for e-books tend to be guided by imitators rather than innovators. According to the table above, I found that the weighted medium for e-book of q (0. 0684) is larger than p (0. 2990). In addition, the word of mouth takes an important berth in the betrothal of e- books. The information about the e-book from the innovators contri hardlye often to the adoption of e-books since throng tend to hesitate to change their old reading habit.Question 5S(t)=p+(q/m)N(t-1)m-N(t-1) grade 1 0. 0684+(0. 2990/10. 973) X (0)10. 973-0 = 0. 751 million Year 2 0. 0684+(0. 2990/10. 973) X (0. 751)10. 973-0. 751 = 0. 908 million Year 3 0. 0684+(0. 2990/10. 973) X (1. 659)10. 973-1. 659 = 1. 059 million Year 4 0. 0684+(0. 2990/10. 973) X (2. 717)10. 973-2. 717 = 1. 176 million Year 5 0. 0684+(0. 2990/10. 973) X (3. 893)10. 973-3. 893 = 1. 235 million Question 6 The adoption of e-book will be very conglomerate from digital music obtained online. The adoption of e-books face much(prenominal) challenges when canvass to the adoption of digital music.To most of the listeners, there is not much difference in experience between listening to a song from an iPod and a CD player. Therefore, they have a relatively low switching cost and more(prenominal) than willing to change their habits. On the contrary, to most of the readers, it is definitely very variant from reading an e-book to reading a printed book. The feelings of holding a printed book and flipping oer a physical book atomic number 18 irreplaceable. So readers are leal to printed book and hesitate to switch from traditional books to e-books.Hence, it is reasonable to predict that the one thousand of adopting digital music is faster than the pace of adopting e-books. Question 7 I think both of the military strengths about reading and purchasing e-content have changed a lot in recent years. In the old time, people could read e-content via PC only. Nowadays, people are able to read e-content through various mobile devices. Therefore, they spend more time on reading e-content oddly during leisure time and even commuting time. However, the quality of the reading endeavour is diminishing as the overload of e-content available on Internet.In addition, people tend to rely more on the e-content since it is very agreeable, environmentally friendly, senior high school mobility and high accessibility. For the attitude about purchasing e-content, more people are willing to pay for the e-content in recent years. The advanced online payment dust plays an important role. People feel more secure and also convenient when dealing online ever than before. Moreover, more well-known and large-scale publishers offer more choices of e-content for readers. Besides, in the light of the prevalent of mobile device, people have more time and chances to read the e-content regardless of the time and places.Thus, people are more willing to spend on e-content than before. Question 8 The hardware plays a paramount important role in the adoption of e-books. No upshot how amazing the e-content is, the e-books would not be popularized if the hardware were not user-friendly. However, a goodish hardware is very likely to boost sales of the e-books. It is because the hardware is a fixed c ost while the e-books are the variable cost to the readers. A portable hardware with proper size of monitor and high subject is very attractive to the readers.They no longer need to neither deem the bulky printed books nor spare some places for storage. Moreover, the hardware enables readers to read comfortably when comparing to read via PC or smart phone. It is good for the readers eyes. Last but not least, the hardware contributed to protecting the environment as it saves much paper. but when the hardware preforms better than the tradition printed books, the adoption of e-books will be success. Question 9 I do expect the size and also the formula of diffusion are quite different globally as compared to the joined States.The size and the ruler of diffusion depend on many factors. Population, culture, attitude to new products, technology and even literacy could be one of the variables of the size and pattern of diffusion. Take Africa as an example though the population size of Africa is much larger than The United States, the potential size of the market for e-books must be obviously different from the United States. So it is not difficult to recognize that the size and pattern of diffusion of various places will not be similar to the United States.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Research Notes on Comparison Between Romeo
Research Notes On Comparison Between Romeo + Juliets And benedict + Beatrices Relationships Benedict jests he only takes Beatrice for pity whereas Beatrice claims to only accept him for she is at a lower place the belief that he is in consumption, suggests that their married life years entrust continue to be full of lively conversations and wit so that hopefully neither should engender to sigh away their Sundays or bear the horns of a cuckold. Romeo and Juliets relationship had it been given time to grow and mature to a greater extent steadily, their love may have grown into the most beautiful blossoming of all. A key difference, which sack be noted between Romeo and Juliet and Beatrice and Benedict, is the zip in which their relationship advances. Romeo and Juliets whole relationship takes place in a matter of three days whereas in much splash about nothing the audience gets the impression that Beatrice and Benedict have cognise each other a long time, perhaps having been in volved in a romantic relationship some time before the starting line of the events in the play.In act 1 scene 1 Beatrice says I have it away you of old. To know somebody in Shakespearean times much suggested you knew that person in a sexual context. In contrast, Beatrice and Benedict appear to be in no rush to get married. Both bring out apprehensions about it during the play. Beatrice likens marriage to a five step jig describing the initial part as hot and hasty and full as marvellous.The words hot and hasty suggest that Beatrice sees the introductory part of a relationship as passionate and exciting the words full of wondrous seem to be suggesting that this part of the relationship is almost like a fantasy, an illusion, not real. Beatrice could be suggesting that at first you dont really know somebody and what might seem perfect at first may turn out to be a disappointment. This may have been how Beatrice felt when she first met Benedict. She seems to hint that he has let her down in some way offering only a single tit for her double one , and that he won it with false dice.The illusion of gambling perhaps suggests that Beatrice sees a potential relationship a unassured game and one she might not win. Considering this, one can fall out to Romeo and Juliet and how well they really knew each other when they decided to get married. plainly hours before meeting Juliet, Romeo had been in live over a young woman called Rosaline. His love for Juliet does not appear deeper and more real, yet how confident can the audience be that this love would stand the test of time ??
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
McClelland and Maslow Theory Essay
Americans Psychologist David Clarence McClelland (1917-98) proposed that every mortal have specific shoots that can be classed into have for acquisition (nAch), subscribe to for tie beam (nAff), and need for military force (nPow). Regardless of gender, culture or age, human beings have three motivating drivers that will affect their behavior. race with a lavishly need for getment seek to excel, to accomplish in relation to a set of standards, to struggle to achieve success. High nAch individuals pick work that has a moderate probability of success, ideally a 50% chance.There is a strong need for feedback as to monitor the senesce of their achievements. They prefer either to work al unitary or with other high achievers. High achievers are not interested in rewards or property unless these rewards reflect a measurement of their success. Their trust is to do a childbed ruin than it has been done before. The individuals with high achievement inevitably are highly motivat ed by competing and challenging work. They also look for promotional opportunities in job.Second, the individuals who are motivated by affiliation have an urge for a friendly and supportive environment. They prefer to spend time creating and maintaining well-disposed relationships, revel being a part of groups, and have a desire to find savourd and accepted. Individuals with high nAff strive for friendships, prefer cooperative situations rather than belligerent ones, and desire relationships involving a high degree of mutual understanding. Individuals having high affiliation demand prefer working in an environment providing greater in the flesh(predicate) interaction.Such people have a need to be on the good books of all. They generally cannot be good leaders. A high need for causation may be expressed as ad hominemized power or socialized power. Those with a high need for power work best when theyre in charge. Because they enjoy competition, they do well with goal-oriente d projects or tasks. They may also be very effective in negotiations or in situations in which another party must be convinced of an idea or goal. Those who need personal power fatality to direct others, and this need often is perceived as undesirable.Persons who need institutional power (also known as social power) want to organize the efforts of others to only the goals of the organization. Managers with a high need for institutional power tend to be more effective than those with a high need for personal power. McClellands theory of Needs allows for the shaping of a persons needs training programs can be used to modify ones need profile. The use of this information is to lead, praise, and motivate your team more effectively, and to better structure your teams roles.Maslow guess In 1943 a Psychologist Mr. Abraham Harold Maslow suggested his Theory of Human Motivation. According to him, our actions are motivated in order achieve certain needs. This pecking order suggests that p eople are motivated to fulfill base needs before moving on to other, more advanced needs. The hierarchy of needs includes five motivational needs, often depicted as gradable levels within a pyramid. Maslow identified five types or sets of human need arranged in a hierarchy of their importance and priority.They are physiologic, safety, love, and look upon and growth needs (self-actualization). Physiological needs are the basic needs for sustaining human life. These needs include food, shelter, clothing, rest, air, and water. These needs cannot be postponed for long. Unless and until these basic physiological needs are satisfied to the required extent, other needs do not motivate an employee. Second is safety, these include needs for safety and security. shelter needs are important for survival, but they are not as demanding as the physiological needs.Examples of security needs include a desire for steady employment, health care, safe neighborhoods, and shelter from the environmen t. Next is social needs. An employee is a human being is rightly treated as a social animal. He desires to stay in group. He feels that he should belong to one or the other group and the member of the group should accept him with love and affection. He needs friends and interaction with his friends and superiors of the group such as oath employees or superiors. After the first three needs have been satisfied, think up needs becomes increasingly important.These include the need for things that reflect on self-esteem, personal worth, social recognition, and accomplishment. Lastly is self-actualization. Self-actualization is the desire to become what one is fitted of becoming. It is a growth need. A worker must work efficiently if he is to be ultimately happy. Here, a person feels that he should accomplish something in his life. He wants to utilize his potentials to the maximum extent and desires to become what one is capable of becoming. Though everyone is capable of self-actualiza tion, many do not reach this stage. This need is fully satisfied rarely.
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Crytography & Computer attack Essay
calculating machine approaching involves operations that deny, disrupt, destroy or attaint learning stored in computers and computer networks. In other words, computer attack is known as electronic attack used against a computer. The attackers of stored randomness in computer atomic number 18 called cyber-terrorists or intruders. A difference occurs mingled with computer attackers in the level of skill and sophistication of the attack ( roman print Peter, 2007). much recently, attackers have developed skills that make it likely for them to access other multitudes tuition by using automated tools.The automated and advanced tools argon cheaply available in the market making it possible to access other peoples computer. The major incidents of computer attacks overwhelm bringing down of eBay, Yahoo and Amazon. com by hackers. The motives for computer attack atomic number 18 to destroy data or information and access individual information for political, social and financial gain. On individual basis a hacker can attack personal computer to destroy information on revenge mission, or out of grudge.Attackers of computers especially in political military position aim at gaining information for their opponent candidates to outperform him or her during campaigns (Rhodes Mary, 2003). In the context of business, hackers go for core variables necessary to compete in worldwide markets such as information related to marketing strategies. Hackers of computer information do so once they have a particular opportunity such as use of high speed digital lector line. It is an opportunity that has been used by hackers to gain access to private information.The net profit is known as an important tool in education or business but whatever offenders find ways of using cyberspace provided in cyber to commit offences. The offenders satisfy their needs musical composition putting their victims at risk. There atomic number 18 a number of cyber crimes popular among net offenders such as credit card fraud, cyber stalking, identity theft, software piracy, cyber terrorism and phonograph. These crimes are very common in the modern society as internet is cheaply available in cybercafes and mobile phones. The children and young generation are exposed to cyber risks such as addiction to phonographic sites.Software piracy is some other common cyber crime in the modern world of advanced technology. Cyber crimes are as dangerous as any other form of crime and require law enforcement officers to be careful when handling cyber criminals. As a complex issue some offenders are prosecuted while others are tag free. Three main reasons that lead to prosecution of some criminals and release of others involve first, there are no defined penal laws relating to cyber crimes (Wible Brent, 2003). This means that some individuals search information from the internet and end up exceeding original legal provisions without their knowledge.Such individuals are cyber criminals but are never arrested especially employees working in a networked office. Second, considering whether an individual has or has not committed a previous horror without computer or an offense similar in nature. Individuals who are convicted of other offences outside the cyber such as bank robbery are prosecuted of cyber crime once they are considered as suspects. Third, children below the advance of eighteen years which is considered as the average age for a person to be prosecuted are set free while they are cyber offenders.The law about cyber crime favors some offenders while others are charged with criminal activities. Children are the major victims in cyber crime and soon enough are protected by the law owing to age factor. References Roman Peter, 2007, Computer Crimes, American Criminal Law Review, Vol. 44. Wible Brent, 2003, A Site Where Hackers atomic number 18 Welcome Using Hack-in Contests to Shape preferences and Deter Computer Crime, Yale Law Journal, Vol. 11 2. Rhodes Mary, 2003, Computer Crimes, American Criminal Law Review, Vol. 40.
Saturday, January 19, 2019
A Hero Within
Everywhere you turn corporation today square upms to be keen on portraying Afri fucking Americans as a scapegoat to color societal issues and inadequacies. Ernest Gaines exemplifies this imagination in the novel A Lesson Before Dying in which a young black man, Jefferson, is sentenced to trial and execution for what can be considered a wrong place and wrong magazine incident. pass on, who is an educator in the connection, plays the role of a cynic and buffer between Jefferson and the rest of the community.He begins this novel as a somewhat worn out ex nonpargonilrate husk of what his climb potential can richly allow. In a society that is dominated by white race in a post slavery pro-racist world very few opportunities present themselves for African Americans, such as Jefferson or duty assign custodyt, that allow for crop and fulfilment of ones existence. As the novel progresses Gaines provides the right elements to allow for self-fulfillment and growth for twain characte rs that lead to life changing epiphanies and ultimately allow for a hero figure to explicate.Although almost opposite in composition twain Jefferson and countenance lack elements that allow them to feel whole and truly live. As item-by-items both struggle to live in a world that seeks to beat causing all(prenominal) to barely live, but through their combined experiences and share struggles, each are able to break the chains of oppression and rise to their ultimate potential. Grant begins the novel feeling distanced from the other members of the black community while at the same time feeling intrinsically butt on to them.He feels pressured to conform to a society in which white people are superior and give little to no privilege to blacks. This psyche is furthered as Dr. Joseph visits Grants school and compliments his students mentioning that they are a good crop, insinuating that the black students are subhuman or objects for a slave type of work. Although Grants inadequaci es leave him feeling conflicted, hollow, and befuddled to do anything but run away, he often remembers the pride and fervency surrounding black heroes such as Jackie Robinson and Joe Louis as they stood up to the white men and society.A hero as seen through Grants eyes is a man who does something that other men do not do or cannot do. Although Grant considers he is not a hero, he believes that Jefferson can embody the base of a hero and that he can stand up to defy the white people proving that African Americans are human too. Grant continues by explaining to Jefferson while crying that he (Grant) necessitate him (Jefferson) more than Jefferson needs him. The crying and showing f helplessness attach the first transition for Grant towards the hero he can decease and shows the characters prescribed growth. This transition in any case marks where the individual struggles between Jefferson and Grant end and unification towards the embodiment of heroism begins Grant continues to embody the idea of a hero and show character overture while drinking at the Rainbow Club by standing up for Jefferson, when it would have been much easier to ignore the situation and derogatory comments.Grants passion and inability to sit corroborate while the mulatto bricklayers demean the idea of Jefferson promotes the hero within, by standing up for the weak and doing something when others would not. Even though a fight breaks out and Grant is knocked unconscious, it is still another confident(p) step towards the inner fulfillment he desperately needs. Grant also embodies a non-traditional hero in the sense that he keeps his loved ones, Vivian, at arms length at all times.This typically is make to protect the loved ones from impending harm however this differs because in this slip it stems from his own inadequacies and lack of conviction in himself. Although Grant lacks the ability to see his true inner potential, others such as Tante Lou have shown positive rise and ultim ately given everything in the belief that Grant can be great. In this instance Tante Lou has kept hidden the fact that she works unbelievably long hours and works her fingers to the bone, just to send Grant to college.These outside positive factors have helped pave the racewayway so that one day Grant can find his inner hero and live up to his full potential. Another strategic transition into Grants heroic path is the belief in himself which stems from an important connection with Jefferson whom he felt provided an idea he lacked, wholeness. Grant explained to Jefferson that he felt lost and needed Jefferson to believe in something so that someday he (Grant) can look to Jefferson as an example and start believing in himself.Through Jefferson, Grant has wise to(p) to stop hiding behind his own fear and inadequacies. This marks the modify in status for both men as Jefferson for the first time exemplifies strength, which is shown in his posture and offer to provide Jefferson food. Grant steps back from a teaching role and exemplifies a student role in which he feels inadequate, realizing that perhaps his opinions and cynic views on life have been wrong. This is an important point in the book because it marks the final transition into the fulfillment of both mens existence. At this point he ref has seen both characters come full circle and grow from empty husks into in depth complex people, both of which can be considered as heroes. On Jeffersons last night Jefferson apologizes to Grant for crying when he cognize that Grant would not be at the execution, stating that nobody had ever been as good to him as Grant had been during his incarceration. This kindness shown by Grant at a time again exemplifies the hero role as doing something that other men do not do in this case it was treating Jefferson as a man, a human, and as an equal.Finally Jeffersons diary shows how Jefferson has grown into his potential and indicates that his opinion is placed not in God but in his knowledge with Grant. His finding of faith is the last part needed by Grant, to fully believe in himself and become the man Tante Lou and everyone else knows he can become. Although both individuals started on a path of isolation, cynicism and were shown as empty husks of their true potential, they each found fulfillment and growth.Even though it was unintentional both Jefferson and Grant grew from the experiences provided by the other and were finally able to break the chains property them back to fulfill their potential as heroes. Upon the epiphanies that each had based on the others actions and conversations, both characters were able to grow and accomplish what individually they could not. Even though in the end Jefferson was still put to death, this book shows that two men who have nothing in common can create something so great that it shakes the very foundation on which they are built. This can devote to present day society as well as to society in the past.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Biblical Worldview Essay
by dint of examining Romans, chapters 1-8, we see capital of Minnesota covers a variety of theological and apologetic knowledge for the Christ followers. In theme to the followers in the church in the city of Rome He makes it clear he wishes he could experience them (Romans 18-17) scarce is writing this garner to clear up the quarrel between an identity element crisis between the Jewish and Gentile members of the church as to whether they were to live by the law or by grace. Through this letter he writes many of the foundations of what it looks like to be a follow of saviour and what that means for our battle with our reputation and understanding our identity.Paul addresses the immanent serviceman, recognizing the unenviable the true about where it is in relation to beau ideal. He describes the opposition the natural sphere will hold in towards theology and His will. He gives clear linguistic communication that God is the Creator of our worldly concern, assigning Him as the cause. Paul states that the creation of the world itself is Gods way of showing His invisible qualities (Romans 118-21). He did this to show Himself to us and there ar race who will favor to neglect giving resplendency to God and/or recognize Him for what they have in thankfulness. Paul recognizes the problem with the natural world is that they have chosen to worship the created things rather than the One who created it (Romans 125). He states the origin of this clear of the natural world saying, just as sin entered the world by means of adept man, and death came through sin, and in this way death came to al ace men, because each(prenominal) have sinned (Romans 512). While Paul makes this clear, this is non his focus. He does not only look at the fact that we do not measure up and are all(prenominal) sinners, rather he ceaselessly points to who we are apart from that because of Gods grace and righteousness.Paul line of credits in our most basic level we are of a fiendish nature and slaves of that identity from our birth in the flesh (Romans 512-14). All of us are sinners (Romans 39). However through Jesus and the work He did on the cross we are detached to live apart from a sin slavery and in Christs redemption for us (Romans 324). We are justified in Him through our faith in Him and do not have to prove ourselves through the law all the law does is prove oursinfulness (Romans 327-28). We are loved by Christ if He would die for us while we were still sinners (Romans 56-8). We are promised eternity with Him through our faith in Him (Romans 65-7, Romans 622-23). We are called to live apart from sin as Christ followers (Romans 611-14), living as an instrument for God. He in addition speaks of us now being vessels of the Holy Spirit (Romans 89). Paul speaks of our identity being renewed and justified and sanctified very often but also speaks of our relationships with humans.Paul makes nonpareil thing loud and clear for everyone to und erstand, all are sinners and in equal need of Gods clear gift of grace and salvation. No one is better than another (Romans 39-24). This was a point he belabored so much through his writing so much I believe because this was a source of socio-economic class and problems in the church in Rome. People tried to claim that one might be better than another, but Paul wanted it to be clear to the Romans that they were to understand all are equal no one should be treated as less than yourself. This is because each one of them merited a death that they were saved from undeservedly by Jesus. He also wanted it to be very clear that we are not sufficient to be the judge of anyone else for we are guilty of the same things and will be judged by God for them (Romans 21-3). He also makes it clear that we are to use our lives to serve and help other people, not just ourselves (Romans 26-11). Paul speaks all of these things to a group of people, which will have an stupor on the culture.Paul wrot e to the Romans at a time where Rome was one of the largest cities of its time. In Rome there were far more influences and religions that just Christianity and I believe this is why he so strongly wanted to certify their faith and doctrine and unite them. HE verbalise to the Christians that they are no longer slaves to the law but slaves to righteousness (Romans 615-19). The Roman Christians would be examples to the culture that is so counter to what it means to be alive and free in Christ. For the culture Paul spoke of claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the im virulent God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, andworshiped and served created things rather than the Creator (Romans 122-25). Paul left the Roman Christians wit h an encouragement to stay strong and know the God they serve makes them conquerors in the presence of this culture (Romans 828-35).The things Paul spoke of would greatly affect your worldview. When looking at a worldview I note a few certain questions What was the cause of it all? What is wrong with the world? What is the solution? Is there anything after death? Finally, what is our purpose for existence in light of the prior? Paul builds a sound doctrine and worldview for the people in Rome as he answers each one of those questions clearly. He states the Lord created this earth and all creation. He then says the problem with the world is Sin. The solution is made clear through the free gift of our God and our belief in it through faith. He answers the final question if the introductory four questions are true by saying we then shall go on living freely in a relationship with Him devoting ourselves to Him, know we will spend eternity with Him. This worldview will dramatically cha nge how our lives are spent and what we live for.BibliographyThe Holy Bible, New International Version
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Managerial Accounting Essay
explicate the distinguishing features of managerial report. key out the trinity broad functions of management. Define the three classes of manufacturing costs. Distinguish amidst harvest-feast and period costs. Explain the difference among a merchandising and a manufacturing income statement. Indicate how cost of advantageouslys make is determined. Explain the difference between a merchandising and a manufacturing balance sheet. Identify trends in managerial report.managerial story is a field of accounting that forgets economic and monetary information for managers and opposite inseparable users. (b) Mary is incorrect. Managerial accounting applies to all types of businessesservice, merchandising, and manufacturing. (a) Financial accounting is concerned principally with orthogonal users such as stockholders, creditors, and regulators. In contrast, managerial accounting is concerned primarily with internal users such as officers and managers. Financial statements be the end product of pecuniary accounting. The statements are prepared quarterly and annually.In managerial accounting, internal reports may be prepared as frequently as needed. The conclusion of financial accounting is to provide general- conception information for all users. The purpose of managerial accounting is to provide special-purpose information for specific decisions. 2. (b) (c) 3. Differences in the heart of the reports are as follows Financial Pertains to business as a unhurt and is highly aggregated. Limited to double-entry accounting and cost data. Generally accepted accounting principles. Managerial Pertains to subunits of the business and may be very detailed.Extends beyond double-entry accounting system to any relevant data. Standard is relevance to decisions. In financial accounting, financial statements are verified annually through an sovereign study by certified public accountants. There are no independent audits of internal reports issued by manageria l accountants. 4. Budgets are prepared by companies to provide future direction. Because the budget is also used as an evaluation tool, whatever managers try to game the budgeting mould by underestimating their divisions predicted deed so that it will be easier to meet their performance targets.On the other hand, if the budget is set at unattainable levels, managers whatsoevertimes take wrong actions to meet targets to receive higher compensation or in some cases to keep their jobs. Karen should know that the management of an organization performs three broad functions (1) provision requires management to look ahead and to establish objectives. (2) Directing involves coordinating the diverse activities and benignant resources of a company to produce a smooth-running operation. (3) Controlling is the process of keeping the companys activities on track. Disagree.Decision making is non a separate management function. Rather, decision making involves the exercise of good judgme nt in performing the three management functions explained in the coiffe to question five above. Employees with line positions are like a shot involved in the companys primary revenue generating operating activities. Examples would include demonstrate managers and supervisors, and the vice president of operations. In contrast, employees with staff positions are not directly involved in revenuegenerating operating activities, but rather serve in a support capacity to line employees.Examples include employees in finance, legal, and human resources. 5. 6. 7. 1-4 Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Weygandt, Managerial Accounting, 5/e, Solutions Manual (For instructor Use Only) Questions Chapter 1 (Continued) 8. CEOs and CFOs must now certify that financial statements divide a fair presentation of the companys operating results and its financial condition and that the company maintains an adequate system of internal controls. In addition, the slice of the board of directors and audit committees receives more scrutiny, and penalties for misconduct have increased.The differences between income statements are in the computation of the cost of goods sold as follows Manufacturing company merchandising company 10. Beginning immaculate goods take stock plus cost of goods manufactured minus ending finished goods blood line = cost of goods sold. Beginning mathematical product inventory plus cost of goods purchased minus ending merchandise inventory = cost of goods sold. 9. The difference in balance sheets pertains to the presentation of inventories in the original asset section. In a merchandising company, only merchandise inventory is shown.In a manufacturing company, three inventory accounts are shown finished goods, pretend in process, and raw materials. Manufacturing costs are classified as both direct materials, direct labor, or manufacturing overhead. No, Matt is not correct. The distinction between direct and indirect materials is based on two cri teria (1) physical connectedness and (2) the convenience of making the physical association. Materials which can not be tardily associated with the finished product are considered indirect materials. Product costs, or inventoriable costs, are costs that are a necessary and integral part of producing the finished product.
A Father’s Story
Stories often have a main fibre that is have-to doe with on because he/she fails at some responsibility of theirs or move piffling of their goal. In A Fathers Story written by Andre Dubus, Luke Ripley is a character that succeeds in his responsibilities as a father. Luke shows love, clemency and above all a protective instinct and desire to help his young woman. He emphasizes that he is precise religious although perhaps not very devout. All of these characteristics help him run into his fatherly duties to his daughter during her stay at his house. Luke has had an interesting life preceding the main events of the fable.He has lost his total family, making him alone in a large house with nothing but horses and a tuner to progress him comp each. Despite those trials, Luke has it inside him to continually show love to his family when they do return, e supererogatoryly to his daughter even though she kills a man. Andre Dubus emphasizes this love and compassion Luke has throug h some of the background information he gives leading up to the main events of the story. Dubus shows small expound that Luke a centers his attention on and the efforts that Luke puts forrader to try and love his family after they leave him.There also comes a point in the story where Lukes hearts longing to love as he calls it, makes him bitter with Father Paul. Lukes friendship with Father Paul brings about other very interesting character trait in Luke. This is his religious side. establish on the focal point that Luke recounts the events of his life, religion is a mayor part and center of his life. He seems not to be very devout and strict he says that being a real Catholic is to a fault hard. Still though, he goes to each Sunday Mass and Father Paul is his best, and in right his totally friend.Luke wakes up early each morning and rides his horse to the church. Luke falters only twice as far as his chastity and marriage beliefs be concerned and he describes those two i ncidents as having been in the distant past and not a reoccurring habit. Luke also realizes that he cannot force or mark his children what to believe but he still tries to point them in the oversight that he believes to be right. Luke explains that his religion and Father Paul help to keep him company and keep him strong when his family left him.The main focus of this story however is not about Lukes love and compassion, or his religion it is about and his fatherly instinct and desire to protect and help his daughter. The entire story, up till the climax Top point, is aimed at Lukes ability to sympathize with his daughter and provide her with the comfort and help that she needs. First of all, Jennifer is the youngest child, the baby in the family. This automatically puts her in the position to receive more attention and deal from her father. Jennifer also seems to be the one that visits her father the most often and for the nightlong periods of time.Luke enjoys the time that he gets to spend with his daughter. He relishes in the little details and subtle changes that take place over time. He points out how they be growing up and getting steadily more mature. Luke shows us that he understands and empathizes with his daughter and her transformation into a young adult when he says, it was womanhood they were entering, the deep forest of it, and no matter how many women and men too are saying these days that there is little difference betwixt us, the truth is that men find their way into that forest only on clearly marked trails, while women move about in it like birds.Jennifer then wakes her father in the middle of the night to furcate him that she has just hit a man, and might have killed him. This is enough to test any fathers love, patience, and temper. But Luke rises to the occasion and his character doesnt falter he firsts comforts his daughter and learns the whole story of what has taken place and what has upset her so badly. thence after she has calmed down, and only after she has calmed down, Luke leaves to try and find this man.The result is that Luke finds the man, and watches him function because he is powerless to save him at this point, he does not tell his daughter this, he only says that the man is dead. Then Luke says something interesting, he tells us If one of my sons had come to me that night, I would have phoned the police and told them to meet us with an ambulance at the top of the hill I could bear the pain of ceremonial and knowing my sons pain but never my daughters. This illustrates with perfect clarity Lukes special love for his daughter and desire to protect her in a way that varies greatly from that of his feelings for his sons. Stories often have a main character that is centered on because he/she fails at some responsibility of theirs or falls short of their goal. In A Fathers Story written by Andre Dubus, Luke Ripley is a character that succeeds in his responsibilities as a father.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Should PSLE be scrapped off? What is PSLE? The Primary drillhouse Leaving mental test (PSLE) is basically an examination taken by Primary 6 students earlier they go onto their Secondary School education. As different Secondary Schools defy different cut-off points based on the previous intake, teachs with higher cut-off points are ordinarily regarded as the fail ones. Naturally, parents would prefer their child to demand into a better school, as they cogitate that these schools will offer their children a better education.Other than PSLE, thither is also other ways a student can bond into their desired Secondary School such as the Direct School Admission (DSA). Students who are able to choose the DSA approach are usually more sports or art inclined. The Ongoing Debate Recently, m any(prenominal) capital of Singaporeans make believe considered PSLE as the do or die examination. The rea watchword is because parents are mental picture too much bosom on account of the PSLE . Many parents demand their children to start out into brand name schools, causing them to feel punctuateed and worried. plurality take secondary school admission so very seriously. If I dont get into that school, then my kid has no chance in life, state Prime government minister Mr Lee Hsien Loong. Mr Lee also mentioned that every school is a computable school so that they can get the press off the parents. However, not every parent in Singapore is pressurized by the fact that his or her children may not be able to get into a good Secondary School. Housewife Sandy Lee, 40, said she enrolled her son Zong Wei in Townsville Primary as she felt up that the principal and teachers cared for the pupils. She is also not too worried about her sons PSLE results.She said I dont unavoidableness to pressure him too much, as long as he can get into a secondary school. And with this in mind, there is an ongoing debate on whether the PSLE should be abolished as it is causing too much st ress on Singaporean students and parents as well. One of the The Straits Times current affairs website readers asked if Singapore could reduce the reliance on exams, and even do away with the PSLE. This emerged among the overhaul 10 most pressing questions that people wanted the Prime Minister to answer, according to a week-long poll on the website that drew over 21,000 votes.The stress that comes with PSLE is something that needs to be looked at, besides scrapping the exam or tweaking the assessment criteria may not be the solution, said Senior Minister of State Lawrence Wong. My individualised Experience Ive taken PSLE in the year 2007 and I swallow to admit that PSLE was pretty stressful for me. Every twenty-four hour result after school, I had to go for supplementary lessons conducted by teachers till 5 to 6pm every day and then head home for dinner before revising again. During the weekends, I had to attend tuition and there was no playtime for me.I did that continuously for 4 to 5 months before PSLE. My parents have always supported me throughout that period of time and were always cheering me on. They have never given me any stress. Instead, they asked me to set a goal for myself and to ask myself, What do I want in life? After knowing what I want in life, everything felt like it was worth it and after PSLE ended I had 2 months of holiday just purely relaxing and enjoying myself as I felt like I gave my best and had no regrets.So, should PSLE be scrapped off? My personal opinion In my opinion, I think that PSLE is a very good way of gauging a students cultivation pace. A school with a lower cut-off point doesnt mean that it is a speculative school its just a school for students with a long-playing learning pace. The main problem with PSLE is the stress that its causing for students and I believe that it is because many students are just like the me I was back then, learning what it feels like to be stressed for the first time.In life, everythi ng has its first time and if a student is not able to deal with the stress from PSLE, he or she will never be able to deal with the stress in Secondary School. Hence, I strongly believe that PSLE should not be scrapped off. result Let the students taking PSLE work towards a goal set by themselves and not their parents. This way, students will drive themselves towards it. And after all of it, itll be worthwhile. theatrical role Chia, S & Toh, K. (2012, September 22).Scrapping PSLE Not The Solution Lawrence Wong. Ministry of educational activity, Singapore Education in the News. Retrieved on November 18, 2012 from http//www. moe. gov. sg/media/news/2012/09/scrapping-psle-not-the-solutio. php Au Yong, J. (2012, 27 September). PSLE stays but needs relook PM. The Straits Times. Retrieved November 18, 2012 from Factiva Database. Goh, C. L. (2012, 17 November). PSLE not the be-all and end-all PM. The Straits Times. Retrieved November 18, 2012, from Factiva Database.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Am Certain and It Is Certain
Two very specific different messages atomic come up 18 conveyed when maven says l am certain versus it is certain. When oneness says l am certain, it is understood by the recipient to mean that the individual is in the highest moral state of being without a doubt. However, this differs from It Is certain because the word It Implies a consensus genteel, an agreement, without a doubt, between many humans In making a companionship claim. In both cases a friendship claim Is being do with confidence, but one persons conclusion Is based on the Individuals perception, Intuition. Season or emotion, whereas a whole group of mankind making a knowledge claim depends on many different peoples perceptions, reasons, and emotions. Since a great number of people consists of many individuals and their unique perceptions, reasons, and emotions, when a knowledge claim is make by all, the claim is transferred from simply a belief to a justify belief. However, even though the number of people wh itethorn vary from one to many, we must take into servant the fact that there are confused degrees of certainty.How would one quantify amount of certainty one holds, or be able to create a universal scale for measuring degrees of certainty? Certainty within a people or an individual support have been rooted from many efferent factors, of which one is lusty time. The question, addressing passionate conviction, Inquires whether It Is ever sufficient for Justifying knowledge claim. The question Is Implying whether passionate conviction alone, non Including reason, is sufficient for justifying knowledge claims.Passionate conviction that does non take root in reason must be coming from solely the emotional state, which is not sufficient for Justifying knowledge in most cases because further evidence should be presented and should be able to be agreed upon from ones perception (if possible ND reason. l am passionately convinced that daffodils bloom in the give is a knowledge claim that is based on reason and perception, which arouse the passionate conviction.However, passionate conviction that isnt based on other ways of knowing is usually not sufficient for Justifying claims. However, there are a few instances where passionate convictions may be sufficient for Justifying knowledge. Since passionate conviction Is rooted In emotion, an emotion can dictate your passionate conviction. If I feel empathy for someone being treated abusively, my passionate invention may be enough to Justify my knowledge that the other person desires to not De put tongue ten solution.However, tender are, again many preventative levels AT passionate conviction. How would you measure the degree of passionate conviction? Furthermore, is one arse for passionate conviction more valuable than another basis for passionate conviction, and does that change the strength of ones passionate conviction? These are a few knowledge issues that need to be identified and taken into consideration when deciding whether passionate conviction is sufficient for justifying knowledge.
Adversary vs. Civil Law Essay
The ii legal systems in question are the obstructionist system, most commonly practiced in the join States, and the civil integrity system, also referred to as the inquisitorial system, most commonly practiced in European countries. Both systems have the same goal to find the truth. However, distributively system has a very different path to justice. The adversarial system implies that two parties assume opposite positions in debating the guilt or innocence of an individual. In this scenario, the value is required to be neutral at the contest blossoming before him or her. The post of the umpire in this arrangement is to go through the trial proceeds according to the procedural rules of trial or out-of-pocket process of law and that turn out entered is done so accordingly. The basis of this access code in criminal matters in which two sides engage in cope and battle about the guilt or innocence of an charge and since from each one side wants to win, then the debate will foster a vital look at the issues and the indorse to be examined by both parties. intoxicate more Masters of Satire John Dryden and Jonathan Swift EssayBy engaging in this discourse, the truth should emerge as the seek watches on. This path that the roles played on both sides are very distinct. The defense direction as one adversarial political party gather the arguments to defend the client and attacks the credibleness and worthiness of the evidence presented. The prosecutor puts forth the arguments on behalf of the state and gathers and presents the evidence pointing that the acc affaird has committed an offense. The pretend is the referee and arbitrator on issues cogitate to clarifying what the law is. The judge does not intervene on every side except where procedural fairness is jeopardized by either party as dictated by the Sixth Amendment. In an inquisitorial system, a judge is tangled in the preparation of evidence along with the law of nature and in how the v arious parties are to present their case at the trial. The judge questions witnesses in depth and can even call witnesses to appear turn prosecution and defense parties can ask follow up questions. The judge plays the central role in finding the truth and all the evidence that either proves the innocence or guilt of the accused before the court. The judge takes on the role of prosecutor and judge in the inquisitorial system. well-nigh other major distinctions is that there are no instrument panel trials in an inquisitorial system and a judge can force an accused to get ahead statements and answer questions. This differs dramatically from the common law and adversarial right not to take the stand in ones own defense. In my opinion, I prefer an adversarial system. I think it does a better chore of protecting the rights of those accused of crime than does the inquisitorial system. One of the key reasons for this is the use of juries in an adversarial system. In an inquisitorial sy stem, judges determine the facts, and then make their decision. Often a small number of judges would make that decision, and perchance even just one man. In contrast, a jury is make up of 12 people, not always which allows for a broader range of experiences and opinions, which ought to cover more consideration of what has been proved. Another weakness of the inquisitorial system is the role that the judges play. Not only do they act as the judge and the jury, they will often act as prosecutors.This is a huge fight of interest, and is extremely harmful to the accused. A judge who is also acting as a prosecutor is not going to be unbiased, and will not act as a neutral decision maker. In an adversarial system, however, the prosecutor is separate from the judge, and appears before the judge like any other lawyer. The United State could never use the civil law system because of integral problems. For instance, to avoid putting responsibility for the search of truth in the detention of judicial agents of the state the Sixth Amendment guarantees the right to trial by jury but of course civil law countries generally do not use juries except for certain countries in capital cases. Other rights intromit the right to effective council to testify on his/her behalf to compel the affidavit of others to exhibit accusers and the right to cross examination. The Fifth Amendment privilege of self-incrimination further limits the powers of the states. Good hire out identifying multiple constitutional problems and pointing out where the protections are found in the Constitution. issue in Point State of New Mexico v Valdez, 95 N.M 70 (Supreme Ct. of N.M., 1980) underline or italicize case name The defendant in this case, Richard Valdez, had been convicted of armed robbery in a district court. He appealed since a fellow inmate, Richard Garcia, had confessed to the crime in front of his former lawyer, Alice Hector, who was a state-supported shielder. Also present during the confession was Garcias attorney, a public defender under Hector, the district public defender. This attorney warned Garcia that Hector was not his attorney and any statement Garcia made would be used at the defendants trial and could be detrimental to his own interests. Garcia repeated his confession to Hector and indicated his willingness to testify on defendants behalf. Garcia later changed his school principal and exercised his Fifth Amendment right refusing to testify. The court upheld an objection to Hectors testimony of the confession based on attorney-client privilege. Although Ms. Hector was not directly involved in the representation of Garcia, her staff was, and all information obtained by them was thereby imputed to her.
Friday, January 11, 2019
Branded by Alissa Quart
Alissa quarts novel should piss had a admonition label on the front stating, Would you same(p) to crawl in whats re solelyy expiry on nigh you or clean keep living your life. While construe this novel I felt homogeneous I was being led by Morpheus, showing me the military personnel after ingesting the exclusivelyton pill. quart justifying the different pressures that order of magnitude forces on younker teens was in truth eye opening. dry quart sparked a striation of childhood memories when explaining pock identification and the pressures peers put in on individu e reallyy(prenominal) different. One memory that in truth sticks aside is walking through the m al together with my mum and buying c component parthes for the start of ordinal grade.I insisted on sole(prenominal) dismission to Abercrombie and assureing her that I wasnt shop at Old Navy or Gap any much(prenominal). Looking plump for do me realize how nonsensical I was, further I understa nd wherefore I felt this agency. Quart explains how marketers bombarde magazines, commercials, billboards, etc with their advertisements. bum in seventh grade, Abercrombie was cool. Everyone graded to be one of those sexy models in their ads. Quart did make me whole step a minuscule brainwashed I didnt hire the c mete turn protrude(p)hes because I resemblingd them scarce scarcely because advertisements told me too.So much of our casual lives has media exposure that its steadfastly non to look, curiously at young ages when your open to around any subject. moving-picture show OF THE IN-CROWD This chapter was one of my favorites because going to the pictorial matters is both(prenominal) intimacy Ive al euphonyal modes enjoyed. However, Ive neer intellection ab come out how they were affecting me afterwards and the return integration that was taking place. Honestly what Quart describes re exclusivelyy works. When you watch a flick your not guessing, Oh this essential be an advertisement, or There just trying to bulge me to buy that. The products and the people using them ar apart of the pic and its very threatening to decipher any told of this when all you wanted was to watch a story. It did make me a little disheartened that more or lessthing I in truth enjoy is getting provoked by marketers alone straightway I get hold a lot more certain and provide try to not let them get to me. FACTS Shes entirely That, conduct It On, Clueless, de jure Blonde,Varsity Blues and recollect Girls. Mean Girls came out after this phonograph record was scripted but it perfectly fits into the mold these movies break developd and further shows the power this genre holds.What has make these movies so popular and why were they all a must see when they came out? First, for each one of these movies has a popular collection and one of these popular people has a problem. This doesnt sound the like a plot that would grab a lot of tending, but thats exclusively because its not closely the plot. These movies bring galactic crowds because its the people in it. With out Alicia Silverstones smile in Clueless or Reese Witherspoons long blonde cop the movies would pee definitely been different. So I am convinced that the first thing you subscribe to make a smash hit movie is attractive people.Second you necessitate them to wear revealing or creator clothes. This is showcased in Bring It On when essentially all they wear throughout the movie is revealing cheering outfits and workout wear. The ternary aspect is particularly showcased within these films because of The breakfast Club and the infamous Ally Sheedy switch at the end. This aspect is the make all bothplace. I neer caught on to this until knowledge this chapter. Each of these movies has the briny image go through just close to choose of transport and of course the change only makes them offend look and more popular.The third aspect isnt pert ly but the film always tries to disguise it as whatsoeverthing that you wouldnt expect. I smell out that this is arrogatee so people, particularly young people, dont catch on. value These movies also has the ring of a journal entry, of what life is really like when our p atomic number 18nts or teachers leave the room (Quart 78). This is the key gene when trying to decipher what the value is amongst these movies. What is really going on here when you stripteaser the stars of their war paint, clothes, and posh attitudes? Sadly, its popularity, only because these teens provide do anything to be popular.This is what motivates them throughout the inherent movie and in accompaniment is what gets them into well-nigh of their trouble. Also popularity is the one thing that they will throw international everything for. If your not popular, your postal code is the message young teens atomic number 18 advance away with. These movies get away with a value like this because there i s so much covering it up. Amongst the comedy, drama, and violence its hard to figure out what all of this is means. I dont opinion like popularity is a good value for a movie to flummox.Before variation this chapter I pictured these movies as great, some even as a must see. But now Im disgusted and look at them as shallow. Popularity is meaningless however if I was committal to writing this paper in middle prepare or racy prepare I wouldnt be agreeing with myself. This leads me to the question, Do you only see the stupidity of it all when its over? Right now I would bemuse to regularise yes, because when these movies came out I was at the age they were targeting and this is very silly to say but, I admired all of the briny characters in these movies.I in one case thought process Elle Woods in Legally Blonde was braveryous, it make me want to be a practice of lawyer. But now I realize that I only looked at her this way because she was popular and she affected to adduce her popularity by going to law indoctrinate. PRINCIPLES These movies need to be applied to Kants categorial imperative. What these movies realise are good flavour people. However, because their attractive people dont look at what they are doing as much as just looking at them. In turn because their sweltering they get away with a lot more. When you apply Kants philosophy it tares belt d knowledge these movies even more.This is because Kant states that its not whose doing it but what the process is in itself. So take away Alicia Silverstone, Reese Witherspoon, Lindsay lohan, Kirsten Dunst, Rachael Leigh Cook, and James Van Der Beek. Now all you have are their actions trying to exert their value. Since their value is popularity most of their actions are aimed towards how to deform more popular. This is the most ap promote in Mean Girls and the lead Lindsay Lohan. Taking Lindsay Lohan out of the picture and only education the script it is very apparent that the main character Cady Heron is a liar.All of these lies are aimed towards trying to make herself more popular than Regina George. At the end Cady gets form of a wake up deal but everything still comes together for her. When this movie came out it was huge it was all over TV, the internet, and in trail. For this movie to have such(prenominal) a fully gr proclaim opening I know it impacted alot of teenagers and I know it influenced them to do what ever it takes to be popular. specially when there was a string of movies right wing before it that glorifies popularity its nearly im accomplishable to tell teenagers that popularity doesnt matter.These movies have created a society of young adults that only care what others look at of them and completely twisting their line upings regarding themselves. If a schoolchild isnt viewed as popular among their peers they are going to dislike their body, their clothes, or some(prenominal) it is that they get hold is holding them back from being well like d. LOYALTIES Each main character has one main commitment, this is themselves. All of them throughout the movie try to bettor themselves, some clocks through buying designer clothes, wearable makeup, or the extreme of going to law school.The conceited nature in all of these characters makes the viewers very sure that this is acceptable. none of these movies attend to others in a way that is selfless. Yes, Cher in Clueless tries to make over Ty, Brittany Murphys character, but Cher trains that its only for her own enjoyment, she even goes far comme il faut to call Ty her project. The characters loyalties also extends to their discolouration label they use, but I live that this loyalty is only to uphold their loyalty to themselves because the brand names make them cooler. I discover that these movies have been a catalyst for shaping surgery.When someone gets plastic surgery it is to breach themselves. These movies showcase that its acceptable to do this through the charact ers actions. Most of the characters go to the promenade to make themself feel better or they start putting on makeup so their peers like them more. The characters even backstab each other to make themself more popular. I feel that these story lines not only increase plastic surgery but also fights in school. I feel like students pay more attention to what each other are doing than the school work.Young minds are easily influenced and its specially hard to erase the well put together images that these movies create. Although teenagers wouldnt openly admit that their using these characters as role models its hard to argue their not. Most teenagers actions are completely mimicking the main characters of these movies and honestly I feel like its not their fault, especially because I used to do the same thing. CINEMA OF THE IN-CROWD CONCLUSION Overall not every movie is like this but the drop deadful that are do a lot more damage than the society realizes.Although, of course, if these movies were withdraw from theaters teenagers will always act sort of like this but I strongly feel that these movies dont help the situation. These movies also glorify the actions that teenagers are hypothetical to be learning not to do. Since these movies are teaching kids to be popular no matter what and to only compute of yourself Im not surprised or so the reports of what happens in todays middle and high schools. The underside line is teenagers need to be amend on what is right and wrong. If they are sure that you should lways try to be themselves and to help others altruistically these movies messages wont be persuade them as badly as they could. unbranded/ DIY KIDS This section of the give-and-take was particularly evoke because I wasnt aware of all of the ways kids are rebelling. I thought this section was a nice ratiocination to the first half because it gave me hope that some students do reckon for themselves. It rattling made me really proud that some had t he bravery to stand up to their own principles and faculties. I know that I wouldnt have had the guts to do something like that, especially alone.I thought it was really barbarous the way they were teased by their peers. When did alignist start to be cool? I also has no idea active students going to schools with no grading system. I think this is great and I really liked the quirky concepts that the inhabitation schooled students had. It was a very relieving section, the lineages between the way the kids align to other nonconformists could be its own book. FACTS An estimated 850,000 American kids or 1. 7 part of U. S. students from five to seventeen (Quart 203) are theme schooled. Or as John Holt calls it unschooling. These untutored kids are not a big part of the population and most of them never go to mainstream schools. I thought that the contrast between their outlook on schools and the logo U chapter was very appealing. Both sides were extremes and I being in the mid dle recognize how silly they both were being. I dont think its healthy to be either of them. I think kids should be enrolled in school because they get fundamental interaction with other kids their own age. On the other side, when you are enrolled in a mainstream school the child needs to be aware of whats going on around them and not get stressed out like the Logo U kids.I especially feel this way about unschoolers because Ive met home schooled kids and their usually out there. You can easily tell that these unschoolers arent the normal. Now this isnt bad now when their young but will an employer high them. Since these unschoolers need to go out into the world eventually they will have to conform one way or another. Also, these days, you need a college degree so never going to college just because youve never kaput(p) to a regular school has its set backs when trying to find a career. Quart also explains the tinny scene.I have never been into yobo but Ive always liked the way they rebelled. I think that doing your own thing. if thats how you feel, is very healthy and schools should be more evaluate to this. Especially when this rebelliousness only lasts during the spring chicken years. Theres no resolve to stifle something like ripped jeans, flannel, and loud music it doesnt hurt anyone. VALUES The middle value that both of these unschoolers and bum kids have is to be yourself. Which is the complete opposite of the smash hit movie value, popularity.I have to go on both the unschoolers and punks credit because in a world where mostly everyone wants to be Alicia Silverstone or Freddie Prince Jr. its takes a lot of courage to do your own thing. I feel that in alot of ways its easier to just conform and not go against the grain. Quart authorise this chapter do it yourself kids because thats what these two aggroups have in common. When everyone else goes off to school the unschoolers stay home and do it themselves. On the other hand the punks may go to school but they do their own look, their own music, their own lifestyle which completely contradicts the mainstream preppy is cool mantra.In a lot of ways these kids are going to turn out as better adults. This is because they will be better parents. I feel strongly about this because my parents were punk like in a lot of ways when they were young. When they were teenagers in the 70s it wasnt called punk, it was hippie. Hippie and punk are basically the same thing except two different generations denominate it with different names. My parents were always telling me to be myself, and as a public school student I feel this took some pressure off of growing up.I knew that they would back me no matter what. Also, when it came time for college they told me straight out you dont have to go if you dont want to. This was completely contradicting what my friends parents were saying and it took a lot of anxiety off of my shoulders when bridal letters came in. LOYALTIES The loyalty that e ach group has is to their own circles that they have created. I think this because unschooled kids look at schooled kids as different and by them not absent to be in a clique they have created their own.Through the home schooled kids i have known, they told me how they would meet other unschoolers and would create their own groups within that. So actually they are forming what they tried to avoid. Home schooled kids in some ways can have pompous attitudes, acting like their better because they dont do what everyone else does. Ive even met unschooled kids here, at MU. When I asked him what high school he went to he cockily stated I didnt go to high school, I didnt have to. Its not fair to say that all home schooled kids are like this but its definitely out there.For the punk kids they have their own loyalty to each other. It was very apparent in my high school because they would always walk together in the hallways and smoke cigarettes in large groups on the curb. No one bothered them but they made it very unadorned they were their own group and they all determine with each other. This is something Quart didnt discuss. She made each group sound very independent but in fact they are dependent within each other. PRINCIPLES John Stuart Mills benefit principle can better explain the do it yourself kids perception. The utility principle emphasizes the number.The endpoint that both groups want is to not have a mainstream. Also stated in the utility principle is an acts rightness and how this is determined by its contribution to a desirable end. I feel that both groups have a desirable end in mind. The punk kids, especially just want to do their own thing. Their basement concerts show this because they are just trying to have fun, theirs no marketing involved, no celebrities, just kids in a band. I have done for(p) to a few local shows like this and its a completely different trembling than at a mainstream high visibility band.The local shows shows the joy o f music with out all of the fluff the mainstream music throws in. The outcome is more genuine than anything Ive seen at Madison Square Garden. Unbranded showed me that it is possible to live within this society and not be lured into everything you see. These kids show how you can think for yourself and do what you want. All of my life I have been a basically mainstream person. However, this book as a whole as taught me to open my eyes and realize whats going on around me. it really is a lot more evading than I thought.At times while reading this book I felt like I was completely brainwashed. I think every parent should read this book so that their aware of whats going on around their children. Its a lot different then when my parents grew up and most of the time they dont realize the impact of these changes. I feel that the most important lesson a parent can learn from this book is to be aware and dont be afraid to talk about it. communicating is defiantly what kept me grounded in m y base and I plan on share that with my children as well.
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Relative advantages and disadvantages Essay
1. What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of a partnership being committed to achieving power through a program uniform vi Sigma versus encouraging and reinforcing creative thinking and intromission? (Page 10-11) Six Sigma has a customer driven betterment, its emphasis on using three-figure data to make decisions, and priority on saving money. Has evolved into a high work system for executing business strategies. Six sigma is set up so that it substructure be applied to a get down of situations. I think sextuplet sigma mogul lower team moral where as they might not be as open to speak on soulfulness ideas as such.2. How would you key 3Ms energy and creativity problem in impairment of programmed and nonprogrammed decisions? (Page 153-154) Programmed- a simple routine for which a manager has an established decision rule. Nonprogrammed- A new, complex decision that requires a productive solution. Their decision as a company to use methods such as six sigma versus encouraging/ reinforcing ( nonprogrammed) Not really authentic about this question so much.3. How would you describe 3Ms efficiency and creativity conundrum in terms of the rational, bounded rationality, and Z model of decision making? (Page 154-155) rational- a logical, step by step approach to decision making, with a thorough compendium of alternatives and their consequences. The 4 stages of, six sigma. Bounded- a conjecture that suggests that there are limits to how rational a decision maker can in truth be. Z model- capitalizes on strengths of the four bring out preferences4. What role(s) do intuition and creativity walkover in the decision making that is lucid in 3Ms efficiency and creativity conundrum?
Tennessee William’s Battle with Homosexuality Through Brick in “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof”
Tennessee Williams contend With Homosexuality Through Brick Tennessee Williams wrote a gentle art objects gentlemanikin of cheers over the course of his vitality. Although either his characters micturate differences from forge to suffer, thither are many an(prenominal) patterns that put forward easily be know which reflect his struggles in his daily sprightliness. What can be noted in the patterns is not provided the words the actor speaks or what is said on put, unless alike the care Williams gives them. Certain directions seem to be subtle speeches from Williams. Much of the direction is not just a movement unless a literal feeling from Williams.The depic give noticeg of Brick in big spew On A intense derriere Roof reverberates the ablaze struggle Williams had with accepting himself as an openly gay man in a closeted society. Reading Williams plays, you get the vague predilection of what his personal life and family were like. He grew up with an wet fathe r. His mother was distraught. After a childhood illness, Williams didnt grow into the broad shouldered, fast man his father wanted him to be. Although he knew his sister, Rose, was in trouble living with his father, Williams placid left for col branche.Rose was more than knocked out(p)spoken round their fathers insane behavior gived by the inebriant, tho she was forced to defecate a lobotomy in 1937 which left her brain damaged. Williams could incomplete assert himself during family quarrels nor retreat (Hayman 44). After expiration to the University of Columbia for a stint and weakness out of military training, his father pulled him out and put him to work at a shoe pulverisation in St. Louis. His evil for the monotonous work of the shoe factory drove him to fill every his cede time with writing. Williams writing included oftentimes of his ago with his dysfunctional family.After Williams enrolled at chapiter University, his parents separated due(p) to his ragin g alcoholic father. His outlet for being so misinterpret by his family, but withal for runnel away, was his writing. Throughout the 20th century, there were a number of plays written about transsexual(prenominal)ity. Although the way out was either avoided or neer square asked nor answered, Williams characters had an internal battle with themselves. Coping with vices over a big swap(prenominal) as alcohol was common in his writings. The plays were appeals for tolerance, Hornby states, Misunderstood and despisedsometimes blush by himself the homophile(prenominal) had to come to grips with an anguish problem. Brick represent through his physical ailment, alcohol abuse and heartbreak over his passion friend, chieftain, became the prime example of how homosexuality became a metaphor for self-knowl butt, a growing cognizance of the weaknesses and mortality that we all have (278). Williams stage direction paints the picture before the play even begins. In stage directio n prior, we find out that the plantation, which will at some point be genic hopefully by Brick has an odd past. The room hasnt changed much since it was occupied by the original bearers of the place, laborer Straw and Peter Ochello, a equalise of old bachelors who shared this room and all their lives together. An element of suspense through drop On A Hot posterior Roof is that there is no immobile proof of homosexual activity confirmed, only assumed by the audience. He goes on to state that, the room essential reproof some ghosts it is gently and poetically stalk by a human relationship which must have involved a inwardness which was uncommon (880).In Biblers analysis of the structure of plantation life during this time, he discusses the importance of this mythologic have it away, loyalty, and devotion present in the past relationship their life is now make upon. Williams addition of the stage designer notes cause Bricks insecurities to seem as though he is regressin g from the strength of the previous owners unnatural relationship. From the starting signal of Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, Maggie is not appreciated, barely recognized, and demand more out of their relationship, especially children.Going along with the consistence of most of Williams plays, Brick is the self-loathing drunk and Maggie is the tense, mad wife. She puts up with so much due to her goals of family money from Bricks side. Her husband is an attractive man despite his injury and vices as Maggie is also portrayed and beautiful yet Brick has no interest in her. She is on edge because she is lonely yet still in a relationship with the shell of a man she once knew. Brick refuses to make hit the sack to her so they will not have an heir of their own. He has an injury to his leg which is a constant reminder of memories with his decedent friend, Skipper.His literal injury needs his crutch tour his loneliness relies on alcohol. In the prototypical scene, it is brought to the atten tion of the audience that the relationship surrounded by Brick and Skipper was fueled by more than just a common fellowship and was emotionally stronger than something which could be considered so simple. The play opens with Maggie attempting to woo Brick and with no success, in the bite scene, it seems she snaps. Maggie is dramatic trying to get a reaction out of Brick, yet his prolong is for her to just take another man.Simple as that. She then tries to forcefully have him and there is then the comical scene of Brick fending Maggie kill with a chair as if she is a crazed animal. The lack of a fanatic relationship between Brick and Maggie is due to his closeted homosexual trusts. Maggie is the sexually frustrated and figurative cat on a hot tin roof. The man she loves and wants has no interest in her. He is basically handicapped by, not only his sexual desires at that time, but also emotional. This as a mirror of Tennessee Williams actual life.He was commonly, wanted but wom en he quite liked, without feeling any desire for them (Hayman 147). In another way, Williams felt ungodliness for leaving his sister behind much like Brick felt guilty for Skippers exculpation of his love followed by his death. Williams also had his own vices, whether it be alcohol or sedatives, to deal with the crippled aspect of his own life fueled by being misunderstood in a dysfunctional family. By this time of his career writing Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, he had the standing as a wealthy white man. He portrayed himself in Brick as a closeted homosexual regardless of being out.His lifestyle choices could be skated around in daily life yet he would never be accepted in society at that time. Nearing the end of the first act, Brick makes a report of honesty that is close to admission. One man has one great good authorized thing in his life, Brick states, One great good thing which is true I had friendship with Skipper Not love with you, Maggie, but friendship with Skipper (Will iams 45). It is never fully stated through the play the full truth of what happened between Brick and Skipper other than the two of them holding custody as friends across two equate beds.However, his statement addresses the emotional intimacy of their relationship between the men. Disregard physical judgements and the friendship between the them was still stronger than the marriage Brick has with his wife, Maggie. Williams struggled in his own personal life with all the personal issues he presented through Brick. Williams exercised the discretion of a man living in times of intolerance concerning homosexuality, homophobic sentiments which he did not share, explained Canadas, but, rather, challenged, subtle even, covert as his methods may appear with the benefit of hindsight (58).
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